- SCA367-GA423-64
- File
- 1151-1154
Silver penny from Ireland showing on the obverse the head of Henry III in a triangle and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.
Pyke, Edgar William
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Silver penny from Ireland showing on the obverse the head of Henry III in a triangle and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.
Pyke, Edgar William
Copper halfcrown from Ireland showing on the obverse the head of James II and on the reverse a crown over crossed sceptres with the date 1689 Aug. This so-called gunmoney (called such because of the belief that it was made from melted down guns) was ... »
Copper halfcrown from Ireland showing on the obverse the head of James II and on the reverse a crown over crossed sceptres with the date 1689 Aug. This so-called gunmoney (called such because of the belief that it was made from melted down guns) was issued during the Williamite War in Ireland and was intended to be traded in for silver coinage after James II won the war (which he did not). The fiscal year was changed in March of 1689 and the August date on the coin indicates the date for redemption.
«Pyke, Edgar William