Graphic Services fonds Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
94-03-35 Black, Catherine: French. File March 24, 1994
94-03-36 Environmental Studies: sustainable farms display. File March 25, 1994
94-04-03 Science students - group photo for admissions brochure. File April 7, 1994
94-04-04 Booth, Brian: Arts student for admissions brochure. File March 22, 1994
94-04-20 Outgoing Federation of Students Executive in front of Student Life Centre construction. File April 14, 1994
94-04-23 St. Jerome's College donor: Ron Hagler. File April 22, 1994
94-04-26 Ron Turner, Chef, St. Paul's University College. File April 19, 1994
94-04-30 Renison College: Installation of New Chancellor. File April 24, 1994
94-05-01 Neglia, Bonnie: Civil Engineering. File May 2, 1994
94-05-06 Watt, Roger: Department of Computing Services (DCS). File May 4, 1994
94-05-08 Simpson, Ann: Campus Centre Manager. File May 3, 1994
94-05-10 Moul, William: Political Science. File May 5, 1994
94-05-12 Linda Chaput (Registrar's Office) showing off her son - future University of Waterloo grad. File May 5, 1994
94-05-13 Michael Higgins Library lecture and reception. File May 9, 1994
94-05-16 Mineral van at Village 2. File May 11, 1994
94-05-21 Dianne Keller (Graphics) presents President Jim Downey with Matthews Golf Classic tee shirt. File May 16, 1994
94-05-23 Darlene Ryan, International Student Office. File May 16, 1994
94-05-25 Earth Sciences's Deanna Waterdroplet at GAC trade show. File May 17, 1994
94-05-28 Dean of Arts Office: Muriel Shepherd's retirement reception. File May 18, 1994
94-05-29 Chemistry: George Atkinson's retirement reception. File May 19, 1994
94-05-30 University of Waterloo Community Campaign: dunk tank. File May 24, 1994
94-05-35 Counselling Services display. File May 16, 1994
94-05-37 Convocation: Applied Health Sciences, Environmental Studies, and Independent Studies. File May 25, 1994
94-05-46 Applied Health Sciences highest academic achievement awards. File May 25, 1994
94-05-48 Overview shots of stage during convocation. File May 28, 1994
94-05-55 Kevin Bater, student, grad portrait. File May 26, 1994
94-05-58 Sanford Flemming Award Presentation. File May 27, 1994
94-06-01 Schellenberg, Paul: Math. File June 2, 1994
94-06-03 P. Zhang - first PhD defence in the School of Accountancy. File June 3, 1994
94-06-04 Eco-research open house. File June 2, 1994
94-06-09 Descartes Awards winners. File June 11, 1994
94-06-10 Correspondence reception staff. File June 13, 1994
94-06-12 Fowler, Bob: Classical Studies. File June 14, 1994
94-06-18 Canadian Math Competition banquet. File June 16, 1994
94-06-22 Dr. William (Bill) Klassen's retirement dinner, St. Paul's University College. File June 20, 1994
94-06-27 Brent Hall, School of Urban & Regional Planning (SURP). File June 22, 1994
94-06-30 Bachher, Jagdeep: Management Science. File June 27, 1994
94-06-31 Guise, Cai: Integrated Studies student. File June 26, 1994
94-06-32 Art's staff barbecue group photo. File June 16, 1994
94-06-37 Kunz, Thomas: Computer Science. File June 22, 1994
94-07-12 Retirement luncheon in Graphic Services bindery for Mike Rowe. File July 8, 1994
94-07-14 Gilbert, Adrienne: Recreation and Leisure Studies. File July 13, 1994
94-07-17 Dunnington, Jack: Student Housing. File July 14, 1994
94-07-18 Jones, Manina: English. File July 14, 1994
94-07-22 Florence Thomlinson, Disabled Student Services. File July 18, 1994
94-07-25 Retirement reception for Wes Graham and John Vellinga. File July 19, 1994
94-07-33 Rhonda Bell, Health Studies. File July 27, 1994
94-07-35 Jim Warren, Earth Sciences. File July 28, 1994
94-07-37 School of Planning - Oxford Exchange student group photo. File July 14, 1994
94-08-05 Site photos of the new Accessibility Centre in Dana Porter Library. File August 8, 1994
94-08-08 Staff Association prize presentation - Iris Strickler and winner Nancy Mattas, Alumni Affairs. File August 11, 1994
94-08-13 Barbara Yeaman, Dean of Environmental Studies office. File August 17, 1994
94-08-25 Chemistry: molecular beam and laser group - T. Leung, J. Hepburn, P. Bernath, J. Sloan and H. Hergott. File August 16, 1994
94-08-30 Tim Horton's outlet in Davis Centre and May Chung, Food Services and Lonann Sabourin, Tim Horton's rep. File August 30, 1994
94-08-33 Jennifer McCormick, Athletics. File August 23, 1994
94-09-03 St. Jerome's College - Annual Fund Appeal - leadership portraits of donors. File September 6, 1994
94-09-06 Dana Porter Library. File September 7, 1994
94-09-09 Tony Munro, Co-op Education. File September 1, 1994
94-09-13 John Cherry: Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research (WCGR), Earth Sciences. File September 8, 1994
94-09-15 Athlete of the Week: Adrian Thorne. File September 13, 1994
94-09-17 Loretta Bresolin, Athletics. File September 8, 1994
94-09-18 Kathy Keats, Athletics. File September 8, 1994
94-09-19 Wong, Grant: Department of Computing Services (DCS). File September 8, 1994
94-09-28 Athlete of the Week: Marc Blake. File September 19, 1994
94-09-35 Michael Ridley, Library. File September 23, 1994
94-09-37 McGregor, Janyce: Student Career Advisor (SCA). File September 16, 1994
94-09-42 Burke, Christine: Student Career Advisor (SCA). File September 22, 1994
94-09-45 All-Canadian athlete: Mark Williams - football. File September 22, 1994
94-09-47 Pat Moore, School of Accountancy. File September 26, 1994
94-10-19 Jobs Ontario - Premier Bob Rae unveils Environmental Science and Engineering Building (CEIT) commitment. File October 13, 1994
92-10-04 Athlete of the Week: Steve Bennet. File October 6, 1992
92-10-06 Science faculty group photo. File October 2, 1992
92-10-10 Qualter, Terence: Political Science. File October 5, 1992
92-10-13 Road construction at Hagey Hall. File October 8, 1992
92-10-15 Christmas glasses and holly. File October 9, 1992
92-10-19 Chemistry Lab groups. File October 8, 1992
92-10-24 Athlete of the Week: Giselle Chaisson. File October 14, 1992
92-10-26 Renison College installation of new Principal. File Oct 18, 1992
92-10-28 Athlete of the Week: Nicole Wight. File October 20, 1992
92-10-29 McLellan, Sandi: Geography. File October 21, 1992
92-10-35 Vissar, Mike - Athletics Hall of Fame. File October 17, 1992
92-10-55 Optometry: alumni equipment donation. File October 22, 1992
92-10-58 Michael Berry, visiting professor at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences. File October 24, 1992
92-10-60 Lucas-Johnson, Shirley: Graduate. File October 24, 1992
92-10-65 Miscellaneous convocation shots. File October 24, 1992
92-11-03 Norton, Linda: Computer Science. File November 3, 1992
92-11-05 Athlete of the Week: John Wynne. File November 3, 1992
92-11-09 James Downey, President. File November 5, 1992
92-11-17 Athlete of the Week: Pete Denison. File November 9, 1992
92-11-18 McDonald, Cameron: Data Processing. File November 10, 1992
92-11-23 Kallwitz, Tara: Student Spotlight. File November 11, 1992
92-11-24 Miller, Mairanne: Omsbudperson. File November 12, 1992
92-11-31 Snieckus, Victor: Chemistry. File November 5, 1992
92-11-34 Alumni Magazine cover : transparencies. File November 5, 1992
92-11-38 Athlete of the Week - Sean Van Koughnett. File November 17, 1992
92-11-42 Bishop, Pat: Kinesiology. File November 16, 1992
92-11-43 Dick Van Heeswijk's retirement reception. File November 17, 1992
92-11-48 Engineering Awards Banquet. File November 19, 1992
92-11-50 Fine Arts studios. File November 16, 1992
92-11-51 Athlete of the Week: Sheryl Slater. File November 24, 1992
Results 8901 to 9000 of 11662