Georgian Bay



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Hierarchical terms

Georgian Bay

BT Ontario

Georgian Bay

Equivalent terms

Georgian Bay

  • UF Honey Harbour
  • UF Beausoleil Island

Associated terms

Georgian Bay

53 Archival description results for Georgian Bay

53 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

White, Dorothy : Beausoleil Island.

Seven negatives showing images of Beausoliel Island. Four are landscapes showing the windblown trees, one shows a sailboat, another two women stand next to a pleasure boat "The Wabanaki" and the final is a group portrait. Enclosure included in file.

Schantz Russell Family


File consists of photographs relating to subsidiaries of Electrohome, including Flexsteel, Fry & Blackhall, and Central Ontario Television Limited. Includes photographs from CKCO-TV: on sets, on location, Carl A. Pollock opening Channel 2 (Georgian Bay), and 1972 federal election coverage. Includes photographs of Flexsteel furniture and the showroom, a photograph of the Fry & Blackhall building, and a photograph of Carl A. Pollock meeting with other men.


Shorewood Cottage, Honey Harbour, Ont.

Snapshots of children and adults boating and fishing. Includes one enlargement of a photograph of a group seated in a boat.

Left to right: Unidentified girl, Gran Lapsley, Brita Schneider[?], Herbert Schneider with dog, Howard Schneider in cap, Ethel Schneider (knitting), Unidentified girl.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Shorewood Cottage, Honey Harbour, Ont.

One photograph of the Schneider family seated in a cottage interior with lamps lit.

Left to right: Norman C. Schneider, Ethel Schneider with Howard, Herbert Schneider, Frederick P. Schneider, Jean May Schneider.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Shorewood Cottage.

Snapshot of Norman C. and Ethel Schneider (at right) with their friends the Bergs and the Murrays. The men at centre are seen holding a string of fish.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Schneider, Herbert J. family.

Snapshots of Herb and Betty: skiing, fishing, hiking and sailing in New Zealand, Alaska, Austria, Switzerland and Georgian Bay. Includes two postcards, one to Herb from Carl Holman, head brewer for Carlsberg Beer.

Schneider family


Image of an unidentified man sailing on a body of water with a rocky, tree lined shoreline visible in background.

Schantz Russell Family

Rieder, Martha family.

File consists of miscellaneous snapshots, most of which were probably accumulated by Martha Rieder. Includes snapshots of Martha Rieder, her children, and grandchildren, as well as other family members and friends. Talmon Henry Rieder is present in some snapshots. Many photographs include members of the families of John C. and Carrie Breithaupt, Albert and Louisa Breithaupt, and H. Milton and Ella Anthes Cook; Alma and Eva Rieder are also present in some photographs.

Photographs were taken at Penetanguishene, Georgian Bay, on Lake Huron, Port Dalhousie and other travel destinations; at various cottages; at the Rieder home at 58 Roy Street in Kitchener; and other locations. File also includes a colour print-out of a photograph Margaret Paisley [?] and an unidentified woman.

Rieder and Anthes family

Photographs : Carl A. Pollock at CKCO-TV channel launches.

File consists of twelve photographs taken at the launches of CKCO-TV Channel 2 (Georgian Bay), Channel 42 (Chatham-Sarnia), and Channel 11 (Huntsville). Photographs depict Carl A. Pollock speaking and shaking hands with people. File contains duplicate photographs.


Old Georgian Bay.

Photographs related to the Breithaupt family. Also contains two developing envelopes that contained the negatives when they arrived in archives and included annotations indicating the photographs were taken in Old Georgian Bay and the Muskoka area.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Jackson, Geneva.

Snapshot portrait of Geneva Jackson shown holding a spray of leaves, with right hand at head, standing at the edge of a body of water, possibly Georgian Bay.

Clement Bowlby Family

Jackson, A.Y.

Re-print photograph of A.Y. Jackson looking at the camera while seated in a row boat on Georgian Bay.

Clement Bowlby Family

Houseboat "Dixie," party in Moon River Channel.

Photograph of a houseboat with a Dixie sign at top surrounded by several smaller boats and people relaxing, fishing, etc. John S. Anthes is seated at far left on the deck of the houseboat. Martha Rieder is standing next to him and Ella Anthes is seated on the deck railing, looking toward camera. John Edward Breithaupt may be the child seated on the end of the row boat with a blurry face from moving when the photo was taken.

Rieder and Anthes family

Group photograph at Felsheim.

Photograph of a group of nineteen people (eight adults and eleven children) posing for the photograph in front of the side of a house. Some of the adults and children hold books or magazines in their hands and some are reading. House is possibly Felsheim (also known as Woods Bay), John Christian Breithaupt's summer home in Georgian Bay.

People in photograph are: Laurine Catherine Augustine standing and fourth from the left, Carrie Breithaupt seated in the middle row on the left, and Louise Catherine Geil seated in the middle row on the right.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Georgian Bay : Augustine family group posed on dock of J.C. Breithaupt cottage.

A snapshot featuring members of the Augustine, Ham, Kaufman families standing on a dock at John C. Breithaupt's cottage in Georgian Bay, Ontario.

Back row, left to right: Ruth Mary Hagmeier, Mrs. T.H. Reiger, Elspeth (Mrs. J.E.) Breithaupt, Emma R. Kaufman, Edna (Mrs. A.W.) Augustine, Albert Jacob Augustine.

Front row, left to right: Mary Ham, John Ross Augustine.

Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family

Georgian Bay.

File consists of two identical snapshots showing members of the extended Clement family doing the "Portage Point Farewell" at Georgian Bay. These snapshots show the family holding hands and jumping into the air. Included in the photographs are: William Pope Clement, A.Y. Jackson, David Ward Clement, Florence Grace Clement, Ed Whtye, Esther Williams, Elinor Williams and Marial Birnie.

Clement Bowlby Family

Georgian Bay.

File consists of one re-print photograph showing members of the extended Clement family sailing on Georgian Bay. Included in the image are: David Ward Clement, Elinor Williams, John Birnie and an unidentified man.

Clement Bowlby Family

Georgian Bay.

File consists of three photographs showing life at Portage Point, Georgian Bay. Two identical photographs show the "Portage Point Farewell", a snapshot of extended Clement family members holding hands and jumping in the air. The third photograph is on the verso side of a page to which one farewell photograph is glued. This shows a sailboat on Georgian Bay. Family members shown in the image include: A.Y. Jackson, David Ward Clement, Florence Grace Clement, Ed Whyte, Esther Williams, Elinor Williams, Marial Birnie.

Clement Bowlby Family

Georgian Bay.

File consists of snapshots taken by, and showing, extended family members and friends of the Clement family at locations in Georgian Bay. Edwin Perry Clement and his brother-in-law John Birnie both had cottages in Georgian Bay. The photographs show the cottages and camps as well as family and friends swimming, boating, picnicking and enjoying the outdoors. Family and friends shown include: John Birnie, Florence Grace Clement, Muriel Alberta Kerr Clement, David Ward Clement, Charles Bowlby Clement, Blanche Mildred Clement Kelly, Edwin Oliver Clement, William Pope Clement, Alice Lyons Clement Birnie, Esther Williams, Edwin Perry Clement, Mosson Boyd.

Clement Bowlby Family

Felsheim party.

Three copies of a photograph of a group of fifteen people (six adults and nine children) posing for the photograph by a lake, taken at Felsheim (also known as Woods Bay), John Christian Breithaupt's summer home in Georgian Bay.

People in photograph are: Carrie Breithaupt standing on the far right and Louise Catherine Geil standing fourth from right.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Felsheim party.

Three copies of a photograph of a group of fourteen people (five adults and nine children) posing for the photograph on a rocky area with vegetation in the background, taken at Felsheim (also known as Woods Bay), John Christian Breithaupt's summer home in Georgian Bay.

People in photograph are: Louise Catherine Geil seated in the middle of the group at left with a child on her lap and Carrie Breithaupt seated in the middle of the group at right with a child on her lap.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Felsheim party.

Photograph of a group of six adults and six children standing or sitting down by a lake with vegetation in the background, possibly taken in Georgian Bay (Ontario).

People in photograph are: Lydia Louisa Breithaupt standing second from left, Ella Elmina Cook standing near her, Carrie Breithaupt sitting down at the far right, and possibly Irene Locke seated the second from the left.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Felsheim party.

Photograph of a group of fourteen people (five adults and nine children) posing for the photograph on a rocky area with vegetation in the background, taken at Felsheim (also known as Woods Bay), John Christian Breithaupt's summer home in Georgian Bay.

People in photograph are: Louise Catherine Geil seated in the middle of the group at left with a child on her lap and Carrie Breithaupt seated in the middle of the group at right with a child on her lap.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family


Photograph of a two-story house with vegetation and hung clothes by a lakeshore with a small wooden dock and a canoe, taken at Felsheim (also known as Woods Bay), John Christian Breithaupt's summer home in Georgian Bay. There is one person by the canoe.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Clement, Florence Grace.

File consists of one snapshot of Florence Grace Clement taken outside. She is shown standing in front of a body of water, possibly Georgian Bay [?].

Clement Bowlby Family

Clement, Edwin Perry.

File consists of two photographs of the exterior of Edwin Perry Clement's cottage "Portage Point" in Georgian Bay.

Clement Bowlby Family

Clement family.

File consists of one snapshot of the extended Clement family and friends standing in front of the water at Portage Point, Georgian Bay. Left to right: A.Y. Jackson, Esther Williams, unknown, Florence Clement, unknown, Mr. Williams.

Clement Bowlby Family

Clement family.

Two copies of a photograph of the members of the extended Clement family celebrating on the day of the declaration of Britain joining World War I (August 4, 1914). The photographs show Harry (Hal) Scruton, David Ward Clement, Jim McIntosh, Paul Hayward, and John Birnie. The men are shown grouped around a cannon and holding an unidentifiable flag.

Clement Bowlby Family

Camp on board scow.

Photograph of a camp on a board scow on a body of water by a shore with trees in the background and foreground and a Union Jack flag by the camp. There is a person on a canoe leaving the camp.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius : family.

File consists of snapshots of the Albert Liborius Breithaupt family and friends, taken at or near Georgian Bay. Includes one image of a family group at 'Felsheim', J.C. Breithaupt's summer home, several snaps of a cottage before, during and after addition, one image of a small child with a fish, five images (3 supplied?) of a boat, images of family groups at a rapids, in a boat, on docks, on picnics, etc.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Album #3.

83 photographs. Photograph album, not entirely filled, with material inserted in the front.
p. 1. Kesselring's Woods.
p. 2. CKCR, May 13, 1955.
p. 3. Norman C. Schneider with Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, John Wintermeyer.
p. 4. Schneiders 1944 Girls Softball Team.
p. 5. Ladies of J.M. Schneider Ltd. staff, Aug. 31, 1944.
p. 6. Oskar Radke, Dutxh festival, Market Building, Nov. 23, 1948.
p. 8-19. Norman C. Schneider family snapshots and portraits.
p. 20. Norman and Ethel Schneider with Alberta, Edith, Walter Ahrens and an unidentified couple, Tulsa, Okla., ca. 1948.
p. 21. O.A.C. 1948: Herbert Schneider's graduating class. The photo is dated in pencil on the back as 1946.
p. 22-24. Church of the Good Shepherd, including small portrait of "Don" in uniform, dated England, Jan. 1945.
p. 25. 2 photographs of groups skiing : a) Frederick, Herbert, Howard, Babe Millar, Winston Muschette; b) Herbert, Frederick, Don Daub, Dr. Roy Hemmerich, Howard.
p. 26. Herbert and [?] in a boat in a field.
p. 27: Siegner family weddings : Katherine to Les Faichney, John to Mary Shafer.
p. 28. Rotary flag raising, Chicopee, May 24, 1939.
p. 29-31. Norman C. Schneider family snapshots. Includes cottaging at Honey Harbour, "Shorewood" interior, Freeport cottage and pool, and one snapshot labelled "Oct. 10, 1920", 4 young people with their heads in a wagon wheel, shed and old building in background.
p. 33. Norman C. Schneider's snapshots of a stormy ocean, taken from the bow of a ship (1938) and one postcard.
p. 36. Norman C. Schneider with wood carvings.
p. 38-41: Norman C. Schneider trip snapshots and postcards : Sweden, Poland, Moscow.
p. 43: Tuerk engines: one original, one modern snapshot of the "little Tuerk".
p. 44. certificate of appreciation from St. Mary's General Hospital Building Fund Campaign dated May 12, 1964.
p. 45. Snapshot of child in tub, labelled "The End".

Schneider, Norman Christoph