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BT Ontario


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18 Archival description results for Fergus

18 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Shand dam slides.

File consists of three lantern slides depicting the construction of the Shand dam, taken during October and November of 1941.

Pequegnat, Marcel

Shand dam and area.

File consists of four 1943 photographs of the Shand dam upon completion, a 1945 photograph of a body of water (either the Grand River or Lake Belwood, or possibly a flooded area), and 13 photographs of the area surrounding the Shand dam that was flooded by the reservoir before the dam was built. Some photographs include indentifcation on verso.

Pequegnat, Marcel

Shand dam : construction.

Consists of six photographs of the Shand Dam site on the Grand River above Fergus, Ontario, during the construction phase. The following identifications are provided on verso:

  • Shand : widening and deepening river diversion.
  • Shand : looking west across dam showing forms for east wing wall;
  • Shand : commencing concrete operations on east wing wall; Shand: pouring concrete by means of pumpcrete machine;
  • Shand : east wing wall completed for winter, showing backfill; Shand : floor of spillway prepared for winter.

Grand River Conservation Authority

H.G. Acres Correspondence : labour and progress (file 1 of 2).

File consists of correspondence from H.G. Acres, chief engineer, mainly to secretary-treasurer F.P. Adams and his successors P.A. Ballachey (1941-1942) and E.F. Roberts (from 1942), regarding the contracts for the construction of the Shand dam and related work. Letters are carbon copies sent to Marcel Pequegnat. File also includes a blueprint relating to repairs to the Shand dam.

Pequegnat, Marcel

Grand River Conservation Commission : Shand dam, Fergus, Ont. : Sept. 19, 1939.

File consists of a photograph of members of the Grand River Conservation Commission inspecting the construction of the Shand dam near Fergus, Ontario. Identification beneath photograph: Udney Richardson (commissioner), W. Phillips (president), K. Fellows (resident engineer, in charge of construction), M. Pequegnat (vice-president), G.W. Waring (general superintendent, Rayner Construction Ltd.), and Hugh Templin (commissioner).

Pequegnat, Marcel

Grand River : glass plate negatives.

File consists of seven glass plate negatives showing scenes of the Grand River and of the Kitchener-Waterloo region. Includes scenes of the Shand Dam construction, river fortification, houses and businesses along the river and of a Scout troupe.

Grand River Conservation Authority