- SCA299-GA335-7-535
- File
- 1963
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
File consists of photographs of tire stores in Edmonton.
Dominion Rubber Company
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Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
File consists of photographs of tire stores in Edmonton.
Dominion Rubber Company
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Dominion Rubber Company
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of eight slides of the Sunwapta Broadcasting building in Edmonton, AB. Duplicates may be present.
Scott tire sales and service, Edmonton.
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Dominion Rubber Company
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Dominion Rubber Company
Part of Schneider family collection.
Photographs from training undertaken by Eric Schneider at CFB Edmonton as a member of the Canadian Air Force including a photos of Schneider posing with an award and as part of a group portrait.
Schneider family
Photographs : Sunwapta hearing.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of 51 photographs taken on February 16, 1988, at Chateau Lacombe (Edmonton, AB) at the hearing by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regarding the transfer of full ownership of Sunwapta Broadcasting Limited to Electrohome. Each photograph contains identification on verso.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of three photographs, a transparency, and three copies of a postcard all picturing the CFRN broadcasting studio in Edmonton, AB. Transparency has been mounted in cardboard and paper.
Part of Emily Murphy fonds.
Three quarter length portrait of Emily Murphy seen standing in partial profile and looking off camera. A medal is visible pinned to her chest.
Murphy, Emily Ferguson
Part of Emily Murphy fonds.
Three quarter length portrait of Emily Murphy seen standing with left arm resting on the back of a wooden armchair and looking at camera with a slight smile on face.
Murphy, Emily Ferguson
Part of Emily Murphy fonds.
Two head and shoulders portraits (one original, on copy) of Emily Murphy looking at camera with a flower and two medals pinned to chest.
Murphy, Emily Ferguson
Part of Emily Murphy fonds.
Photograph of Emily Murphy seated at a desk, surrounded by books, while in court. Murphy is seen looking toward camera and to her left is clerk P. [Moray?] looking down and taking notes.
Murphy, Emily Ferguson
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Dominion Rubber Company
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Dominion Rubber Company
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Dominion Rubber Company
Electrohome presentation to the University of Alberta.
Part of Electrohome fonds.
File consists of material relating to a presentation to the University of Alberta by John A. Pollock on behalf of Electrohome of an ECP 2000 data/graphics and video projection system. Includes a letter, an edited typed cutline, and seven photographs of Pollock with the university president and another man.
Edmonton Women's Press Club: Fancy-Dress Dinner
Mounted photograph by McDermid Studios Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta of costumed members of the Edmonton Women's Press Club at a fancy dress at a dinner at the MacDonald Hotel in the mid-1920's. It is accompanied by a letter from Lotta Dempsey Ham to Kay Rex, April 15, 1988, and an identification list.
Left to Right: Mrs Howe, Evelyn Murphy, Ann Donnelly, Dr. Donalda Dickie, Unidentified, Zoe Trotter, Mrs Alexander, Judge Emily Murphy in Oriental Costume, Edna Kells, Mrs. Acheson, Lotta Dempsey, Gwen Morisson, Helen Boyle, Edna Baker, Miriam Elston.
Women's Press Club of Toronto
Edmonton tire company ltd., Edmonton.
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Dominion Rubber Company
Edmonton tire co. ltd., Edmonton.
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Dominion Rubber Company
Clement, Charles Bowlby and family.
Part of Clement Bowlby Family fonds.
Snapshot of (left to right) Charles Bowlby Clement, grandson Michael Clement, holding great-granddaughter Leigh Clement, and son Carlton Clement. Group is seen standing outdoors, on a roadway, with an automobile visible in the background. Charles and Carlton are looking toward Leigh, who is being held in Michael's arms.
Clement Bowlby Family
Civic tire and battery exchange ltd., Edmonton.
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Dominion Rubber Company
Alberta tire and retreading, Edmonton.
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Dominion Rubber Company
Airway tire service ltd., Edmonton.
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
Dominion Rubber Company