
6226 Archival description results for Canada

31 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Yvonne Crnko fonds.

  • SCA135-GA108
  • Fonds
  • 1934-1970

Two scrapbooks containing newspaper and magazine clippings which trace the lives of the Dionne quintuplets from 1934-1970.

Crnko, Yvonne

YWCA floor plans.

File consists of four architectural drawings by Rieder, Hymmen and Lobban Architects, showing floor plans for the basement, ground floor, second floor and third floor of proposed renovations at the YWCA building.

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo

YWCA floor plans.

File consists of four architectural drawings by Knechtel and Shmalz Architects, showing floor plans for the ground floor, second floor, third floor and basement of a proposed addition to the YWCA building.

Young Women's Christian Association of Kitchener-Waterloo

Zeller, Walter.

Studio portrait of Walter Zeller seen looking off camera, dressed in suit and tie.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Zion church and Sunday school events.

File consists of mounted photographs relating to Martha Rieder's involvement at her church. Includes a group portrait of the first officers of the Junior Young People's Alliance (including Rev. J.G. Litt, and Martha as secretary), a snapshot of Martha's ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Results 6201 to 6226 of 6226