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5824 Archival description results for Canada

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Homecoming parade.

Includes images of the Warriors band with Waterloo Square behind, King Street, and Uptown Waterloo. Seagram's Distillery visible in background.

Home movie / Guy family.

One film reel, a home movie showing members of the Guy family and friends. Film shows family activities in New York, Waterloo and Bermuda including children, winter activities, fishing, vacationing and more. A scene list by Jim Guy is included.

Guy, James Rutherford and George Harrington

Home movie / Guy family.

One film reel, a home movie showing members of the Guy family and friends. The film shows family activities at Big Bay and in Waterloo including babies, a boat regatta, hydro place races, playing hockey, and more. A scene list by Jim Guy is included.

Guy, James Rutherford and George Harrington

Home movie / Guy family.

One film reel, a home movie showing members of the Guy family and friends. The film shows family activities in Waterloo and Algonquin including swimming, sports, boating, fishing, a soap-box derby, and more. A scene list by Jim Guy is included.

Guy, James Rutherford and George Harrington

Home movie / Guy family.

One film reel, a home movie showing members of the Guy family and friends. The film shows family activities in Waterloo and Big Bay including hockey, skiing, camps, swimming, fishing, sailing, and more. A scene list by Jim Guy is included.

Guy, James Rutherford and George Harrington

Home movie / Guy family.

One film reel, a home movie showing members of the Guy family and friends. The film shows family activities in Waterloo including sledding, bicycling, golfing, skiing, fishing, the St. Andrew's cadet core, and more. A scene list by Jim Guy is included.

Guy, James Rutherford and George Harrington

Home movie / Guy family.

One film reel, a home movie showing members of the Guy family and friends. Film shows family activities in Big Bay and Waterloo including children, rafting, boating, a golf tournament, and more. A scene list by Jim Guy is included.

Guy, James Rutherford and George Harrington

Home movie / Guy family.

One film reel, a home movie showing members of the Guy family and friends. Film shows family activities in Big Bay, Lake Rosseau, Cressmans woods and Waterloo including fishing, swimming and diving, sailing, skiing, vacationing, and more. A scene list by Jim Guy is included.

Guy, James Rutherford and George Harrington

Hoffman, Leona.

Studio portrait of Leona Hoffman seen looking at the camera and seated in a wicker chair. She is wearing a hat and a high-collar dress with slight leg of mutton sleeves.

Rieder and Anthes family

Hoffman family.

File consists of a family portrait of the [Hoffman] family. The old gentleman in the portrait closely resembles a known portrait of John Hoffman (1808-1878), but given the family connection it would more likely be his brother Jacob Hoffman (1809-1864), father of Isaac and grandfather of Caroline Barnes. Also in the photograph are a woman, a young man and five children.

Bowlby, Davison, Hoffman Family

Hockey, 1930's : Kaufman Rubber Co. Industrial "Y" Senior Champions, 1936-1937.

One formal group portrait of the Kaufman Rubber Co. hockey club.

Back row, left to right: C. Guenthen (right defence), C. Schlote (left wing), W. Plomske (right wing), J. Hummel (right defence), M. Kowalski (right wing), E. Rockel (left wing).

Front row, left to right: E. Wildfong (goal), J. Vrooman (centre), J. Loth (manager & coach), C. Schmidt (left defence), H. Voll (goal).

Kaufman Footwear

Hockey, 1930's : Kaufman Rubber Co. Industrial 'Y' Hockey Champions, 1934-1935.

Three copies of a group portraits of the Kaufman hockey team, seen in uniform.

Back row, left to right: A. Shaefer, M. Kowalski, H. Schaefer, M. Wannamaker, C. Schlote, W. Plomski, E. Wannamaker, J. Frank, C. Steppler, J. Loth.

Middle row, left to right: E. Good, A. Bernhardt, H. Current.

Front row, left to right: I. Weber.

Kaufman Footwear

Hockey team.

Contains a newspaper clipping of a picture of the Kaufman Footwear hockey team for 1935 under the headline "Kaufman's Team Reaches Playoffs". Caption below photo reads: "Reaching the play-offs in the Kitchener Industrial Hockey League, Kaufman's team are show above. Back row - Alf Schaefer, coach; M. Kowalski, H. Schaefer, M. Wannamaker, C. Schlote, W. Plomski, E. Wannamaker, J. Frank, C. Steppler and J. Loth, manager. Front row - E. Good, A. Bernhardt and H. Current; I. Weber, mascot. - (Photo by Denton, Kitchener.)

Kaufman Footwear

Hochelaga launch.

File consists of two photographs related to the launch of the Hochelaga in Collingwood Ontario. One shows the Hochelaga in port, and the other shows on-lookers watching it launch. Information from verso indicates that it was the first ship launched sideways.

Clement Bowlby Family

Hill, Cameron : Wings Parade.

Snapshots of Cameron Hill and fellow aircrew taken during their British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP) Wings Parade on June 7, 1941 in Toronto, Ontario.

Also includes a book titled, Canada's air heritage, that was likely distributed to all aircrew during the Wings Parade. The book was issued under authority of the Minister of National Defence for Air and describes the military careers and achievements of four Canadians who served with distinction in the Royal Air Force during the First World War including William Avery Bishop, William George Barker, Raymond Collishaw, and Alan Arnett McLeod.

Hill, Cameron Clare

Hill TV and Appliances.

File consists of two photographs of a group of young men visiting an Electrohome dealer in Hamilton, Hill TV and appliances. File also includes a business card.


High technology industry.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the development of the high technology industry and infrastructure in Waterloo, Ontario. The material documents the opinions of some constituents as well as Telegdi’s political involvement in the matter. Records include correspondence, invitations, schedules, news releases, reports, notes, meeting agendas and minutes, press clippings, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

High technology industry.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the development of the high technology industry and infrastructure in Kitchener and Waterloo, Ontario. Records include correspondence and notes as well as invitations, agendas, programs, and other textual material created during the planning of Peter Harder and Allan Rock's separate visits to Waterloo in 2002. At the time, Peter Harder was Deputy Minister of Industry Canada and Allan Rock was Minister of Industry. Andrew Telegdi hosted both visits.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

H.G. Acres Correspondence : labour and progress (file 1 of 2).

File consists of correspondence from H.G. Acres, chief engineer, mainly to secretary-treasurer F.P. Adams and his successors P.A. Ballachey (1941-1942) and E.F. Roberts (from 1942), regarding the contracts for the construction of the Shand dam and related work. Letters are carbon copies sent to Marcel Pequegnat. File also includes a blueprint relating to repairs to the Shand dam.

Pequegnat, Marcel

Hespeler, William.

Studio portrait possibly of William Hespeler seen looking off camera standing with right hand on a side table and dressed for cold weather.

Seagram Family

[Hespeler, Sophie Taylor].

Full length studio portrait of Sophie Taylor Hespeler seen in profile seated next to a writing table and dressed for cool weather. Of note are the fur hat and handwarmer.

Seagram Family

[Hespeler, Laura or Ethel].

Three quarter length studio portrait of [Laura or Ethel Hespeler] seen standing with left hand on the side of an arm chair and looking off camera. Of note is her loose hair and velvet jacket with lace collar.

Seagram Family

[Hespeler, Alfred].

Head and shoulders studio portrait of [Alfred Hespeler] seen in profile.

Seagram Family

Results 3401 to 3500 of 5824