British Columbia


102 Archival description results for British Columbia

33 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

2160 Springer Avenue, Burnaby, BC : tenancy.

File consists of material relating to the office space at 2160 Springer Avenue in Burnaby, BC, leased by Electrohome from Norwood Industries Inc. (Burnaby, BC). Includes correspondence, a memorandum, invoices, six photographs of the space, a portfolio ... »


An Indian View of Missions and Missionaries.

A copy of Past & Present (December 1983), a periodical published by the University of Waterloo. This issue of Past & Present contains an article titled, “An Indian View of Missions and Missionaries,” written by E Palmer Patterson. The periodical ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Andrew Paull (1892-1959) : finding a voice for the "new Indian."

Two offprints of an article titled, "Andrew Paull (1892-1959) : Finding a Voice for the “New Indian,” written by E Palmer Patterson. The article was published in The Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology 6, no. 2 (1976), p. 63-82. The offprints were ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Betty Forbes's diary.

A diary containing daily entries written by Betty Forbes in 1948. Several entries describe Betty’s work in British Columbia, family events, dances, a trip to Alaska, holidays, and Peg Forbes’s wedding to Colin Andrew (Joe) Wilson. The diary contains ... »

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's diary.

A diary containing daily entries written by Betty Forbes in 1947. Several entries describe family events, parties, dances, trips to Buffalo, Sudbury and British Columbia, and Betty’s work at Claremont Nursery School. The diary includes letters, telegrams,... »

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's photograph album.

An album containing photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including Betty Forbes, Millicent Lyall Forbes, Peg Forbes, George Alexander Forbes, Bill Land, Janet Land, Jennifer Land, Thomas Land, Pamela Wilson, Ross Wilson, members of the ... »

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's photograph album.

An album containing photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including Millicent Lyall Forbes, George Alexander Forbes, Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Pamela Wilson, Ross Wilson, Margaret Neilson, Jean Lyttle, Isabel Taylor, Jane Drope, Betty Hall, ... »

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's photograph album.

An album containing photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Millicent Lyall Forbes, Robert Forbes, Grace Forbes (nee Bickford), Judy Forbes, George Alexander Forbes, Jim Johnson, Bill Stuart, Bob O’Connor, ... »

Forbes, Betty

Book : table of contents.

Two manuscript leaves outlining the table of contents for a proposed book likely written by E Palmer Patterson. The manuscript outline was originally housed in a package titled, Tongass Tlingit: Tongass at Ft. Simpson. The term Tongass is an anglicized ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Book, Chapter 3 : The "missionary period" among the Nishga : Kincolith, Lakkalzap, Aiyansh, B.C.

Three copies of a typescript draft book chapter (thirty leaves, photocopy) about the Nisga'a (formerly spelled Nishga) in Ging̱olx (also Kincolith), Lax̱g̱altsʼap (formerly spelled Lakkalzap), and Gitlaxt'aamiks (or New Aiyansh) in British Columbia ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Book, Chapter 4 : The Nishga Wolf crest and the coming of missionaries, 1860-1887.

Three copies of a typescript draft book chapter (twenty-three leaves, computer output) written by E Palmer Patterson. One copy includes corrections. One copy features the variant title, "The role of Nishga chiefs in the coming of missionaries to the Nass.... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Book, Chapter 5 : Early Anglican missionary adaptation on the Nass River, British Columbia.

Two copies of a typescript draft book chapter. One copy contains twenty-three leaves, computer output and the other copy contains twenty-nine leaves, computer output. One copy features the variant title, "Anglican missionary adaptation on the Nass River, ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Book, Chapter 6 : Kincolith, B.C. : leadership and continuity in a native Christian village, 1867-1997.

A typescript draft book chapter (thirty-four leaves) about Ging̱olx (or Kincolith), British Columbia written by E Palmer Patterson. Also includes an offprint of the published version of the book chapter which appeared in the Canadian Journal of ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Book, Chapter 7 : Church, state, and school in Lakkalsap/Greenville, B.C., 1907-1924.

Two copies of a typescript draft book chapter (twenty-seven leaves) written by E Palmer Patterson. One copy features the variant title, "Keeping school for the Nishga : Lakkalsap/Greenville, B.C., 1907-1924." Also includes two leaves of manuscript notes ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Book, Chapter 8 : A decade of change : origins of the Nishga and Tsimshian land protests in the 1880s.

A typescript draft book chapter (twenty-five leaves) about the Nisga'a (formerly spelled Nishga) and Tsimshian written by E Palmer Patterson. Also includes an offprint (photocopy) of the published version of the book chapter which appeared in the Journal ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Branch offices.

File consists of photographs and snapshots taken at Electrohome branch offices and showrooms, including those in Vancouver, Calgary, and Winnipeg; and portraits of branch office managers. Includes a photograph of Carl A. Pollock at a ribbon-cutting ... »


Canadian Indian Administration.

Two copies of Past & Present (April 1983), a periodical published by the University of Waterloo. This issue of Past & Present includes an article titled, “Canadian Indian Administration,” written by E Palmer Patterson. Also contains an offprint ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Capilano Canyon.

File consists of a set of 12 black and white photographs in a folded paper covering containg views of the Capilano Canyon (Vancouver, BC).

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Church, State, and School in Lakkalsap/Greenville, B.C., 1907-1924.

A typescript draft article (twenty-seven leaves) about church, state, and school in Lax̱g̱altsʼap (formerly Lakkalsap or Greenville), British Columbia written by E Palmer Patterson. Also includes a list of additional references and a form containing ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Doolan as ethnographer : first draft.

A manuscript (approximately one hundred and thirty leaves) for a work about Reverend Robert Richard Arthur Doolan, Methodist missionary to the Nisga'a (formerly spelled Niska) in British Columbia written by E Palmer Patterson.

Patterson, E Palmer

Electrohome dealers and branches.

File consists of a photograph of an Electrohome dealer in New York, the store front of the Hydro Shop (Waterloo, ON?), and the Vancouver branch of Electrohome.


Evangelism in the Nass Valley, by the Venerable John A. (Ian) Mackenzie.

A typescript draft article (nine leaves, photocopy) written by E Palmer Patterson. The typescript draft article was originally housed in a package titled, Tongass Tlingit: Tongass at Ft. Simpson. The term Tongass is an anglicized variant name for the ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Haida at Fort Simpson : notes and texts.

Approximately two hundred and twenty-five leaves of manuscript notes written by E Palmer Patterson about the Haida at Fort Simpson, BC. The notes were originally housed in a package titled, Haida. Fort Simpson, BC is now known as Lax-Kwʼalaams, BC.

Patterson, E Palmer

J.M. Schneider's 100th anniversary.

Photograph album and guest book from a picnic celebrating J.M. Schneider's 100th anniversary in Cates Park, North Vancouver, British Columbia on June 16, 1990. Herb and Betty Schneider attended and the guest book was sent to them as a memento.

Schneider family

Ledger sheets and press clippings.

Original ledger sheets used by the Dare Foods Limited Western Division in Surrey, British Columbia to record petty cash, inventory, accounts receivable, land, buildings, machinery and equipment, office equipment, and banking information. Also includes a ... »

Dare Foods Limited

Letters from Peggy and Betty.

Letters and postcards from Peg and Betty Forbes to their mother, Millicent Lyall Forbes. Letters from Betty Forbes during her time as a nurse in Vancouver are included.

Liberal Party of Canada.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi as a member of the Liberal Party of Canada. Records include items related to the association's activities and events such as the 2003 Leadership and Biennial Convention held between November 12-15, 2003 ... »

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Loose postcards.

File consists of 212 loose postcards, including black and white and sepia-toned photographs, black and white and sepia-toned rotogravures, photochroms, and other colour prints. Postcards contain views of numerous European cities and landforms (including ... »

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone

File consists of one three quarter length studio portrait of Isabel Eccleston Mackay. Isabel is seated wearing a lace dress and holding a magazine.

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone.

File consists of one snapshot of Isabel Mackay with two of her daughters, Phyllis and Margaret. The three are standing outside in a wood in Stanley Park. Verso reads "Taken in Stanley Park about 1912 with Margaret on left, Phyllis on right."

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone

Martin, John Alexander.

Four photographs of John Alexander Martin. Three of the photographs are of John and others in a car at the base of a tree in Vancouver, BC. One photograph (linen-backed) is of John and another man holding up a railway inspection car.

Martin, John Gartshore

Millicent Lyall Forbes's photograph album.

An album containing photographs of Forbes, Land, and Wilson family members including Millicent Lyall Forbes, George Alexander Forbes, Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Bill Land, Janet Land, Jennifer Land, Thomas Land, Ross Wilson, Pamela Wilson, and others. ... »

Forbes, Millicent Lyall

Nass River, B.C. : Fishery Bay.

A copy of Past & Present (February 1983), a periodical published by the University of Waterloo. The periodical was originally housed in a package titled, Tongass Tlingit: Tongass at Ft. Simpson. The term Tongass is an anglicized variant name for the ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Native Peoples' history : extracts from a speech.

Two copies of the same issue of Past & Present (December 1982), a periodical published by the University of Waterloo. This issue of Past & Present contains an article titled, “Native Peoples’ history : extracts from a speech,” written by E Palmer ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Nesika : a journal devoted to the land claims movement.

Two copies of Nesika, a journal published by the United Native Nations (formerly the B.C. Association of Non Status Indians) in March/April 1976 and May 1976 respectively. Both issues contain articles about the life and career of Andrew (Andy Paull) ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Outdoor kiln.

Photograph of what appears to be an outdoor kiln, possibly made of mud or clay. The kiln is on a wooden stand and has a roof of branches. In the background can be seen a fence and a building.

Creighton, Charles Dickens

Performance contracts.

A contract for the personal services of musicians Dana Andrews, Jim Schoew, Andy Suttles, and Tary Engel to perform during a conference held in the Garden Auditorium at the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver, British Columbia on April 9, 1969. The ... »

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Photograph album 4 : Mary Ann Kabel.

Album belonging to Mary Ann Kabel (later Martin) containing snapshots of her and her friends, friends' wedding photographs, and snapshots of John Gartshore Martin at the military school in Vernon, BC. Album also contains newspaper clippings and ... »

Martin, John Gartshore

Pollock, Carl A.

File consists of photographs and snapshots of Carl A. Pollock at various meetings, events, and presentations, and posing at his desk and on the plant floor. Includes photographs taken at the Winnipeg and Vancouver showrooms, a photograph with D. Lowater ... »


Posters and related material.

Posters advertising concerts held at the Village Bistro featuring a variety of artists including the Papa Bears, Chase Anderson, the Paisleys, Black Shake Blues Band, Sleepy John, Seeds of Time (later known as the Passionate Mad), Tomorrow’s Eyes, the ... »

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Research file.

Correspondence, notes, and photocopies of press clippings related to E Palmer Patterson's research about Indigenous peoples in British Columbia and Reverend A.E. Green.

Patterson, E Palmer

Stikine essays.

A manuscript (approximately seventy-five leaves) for a work titled, “Stikine Tlingit traders to Fort Simpson, B.C. in mid-19th century,” written by E Palmer Patterson. The term Stikine is an anglicized variant name for the Shtaxʼhéen Ḵwáan. Fort Simpson, ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

The Dare Company Limited : photos.

Contains one binder labelled "Photos." The binder contains a black and white newspaper advertisement "Our first customer" [ca. 1967]; a Union Carbide plastic products advertisement featuring Dare biscuits; black and white photographs of products; ... »

Dare Foods Limited

The Nisga'a and their neighbours.

A spiral bound volume (approximately one hundred and fifty leaves) containing photocopies of twelve published articles by E Palmer Patterston preceded by a title page and a table of contents.

Includes the following articles:

1. Patterson, E P. "Early ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

The poet and the Indian : Indian themes in the Poetry of Duncan Campbell Scott and John Collier.

An offprint of an article titled, “The Poet and the Indian : Indian themes in the poetry of Duncan Campbell Scott and John Collier,” written by E Palmer Patterson The article was published in Ontario History 59, no. 2 (June, 1967), p. 69-78. The cover of ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Tlingit at Fort Simpson.

A manuscript draft article (sixty-three leaves) written by E Palmer Patterson. The manuscript draft article was originally housed in a package titled, Tongass Tlingit: Tongass at Ft. Simpson. The term Tongass is an anglicized variant name for the Taantʼa ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Tongass Tlingit role at Fort Simpson, B.C., from the mid-1830s to mid-19th century.

Two typescript draft copies of the same article (twenty-three leaves, computer output) written by E Palmer Patterson. One copy contains manuscript edits. The typescript draft articles were originally housed in a package titled, Tongass Tlingit: Tongass ... »

Patterson, E Palmer

Tongass Tlingit role at Fort Simpson, B.C., from the mid-1830s to mid-19th century.

Manuscript notes (approximately seventy leaves) written by E Palmer Patterson. The manuscript notes were originally housed in a package titled, Tongass Tlingit: Tongass at Ft. Simpson. The term Tongass is an anglicized variant name for the Taantʼa Ḵwáan. ... »

Patterson, E Palmer


Correspondence, clippings, notes, etc., primarily photocopied biographical material ca. 1920s onward from the City of Vancouver Archives, and 1 piece of ephemera from the 11th Triennial, 1949.

Women's Press Club of Toronto

Vancouver office : Ken Kerr : correspondence.

File consists of material relating to Electrohome's Vancouver office. Includes memoranda from Ken Kerr (Vancouver office manager), press clippings (some photocopied), an internal news release, snapshots of the Electrohome booth at the 1964 Victoria Fair,... »


Vancouver official opening : May 18, 1971.

File consists of material relating to the official opening of the expanded Electrohome branch in Vancouver, BC, on May 18, 1971. Includes copies of a news release, a carbon copy of a memorandum, a photograph of the showroom with a typed cutline, and ... »


Varieties of Nisga'a Christianity in the 1870s.

A typescript draft article (twenty-seven leaves, computer output) about the Nisga'a written by E Palmer Patterson. The typescript draft article was originally housed in a package titled, Tongass Tlingit: Tongass at Ft. Simpson. The term Tongass is an ... »

Patterson, E Palmer


Correspondence, notes, December 1993 Newspacket, original news clippings dated 1963, photocopied news clippings, and 3 photographs from events in Montreal and Edmonton. The edition of Newspacket features a memorium about Ruth Gordon and articles about ... »

Women's Press Club of Toronto

Results 1 to 100 of 102