- SCA299-GA335-7-531
- File
- 1963
Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
File consists of photographs of tire stores in Brantford.
Dominion Rubber Company
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Part of Dominion Rubber Company fonds.
File consists of photographs of tire stores in Brantford.
Dominion Rubber Company
Smoke, Mrs. (Brantford Indian Reserve)
Part of Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection
Kitchener-Waterloo Record
Mohawk Chapel, Brantford, Ont..
Grand River Conservation Authority
Merry-go-round horse carver, Conklin Shows, Brantford
Part of Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection
Kitchener-Waterloo Record
Merry-go-round horse carver, Brantford
Part of Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection
Kitchener-Waterloo Record
Part of Seagram collection
Head and shoulders studio portrait of [Alfred Hespeler] seen in profile.
Seagram Family
Part of Forbes family fonds.
Photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including Mary Evelyn "Effie" Buck (nee Agnew), Millicent Lyall Forbes, George Alexander Forbes, Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Phyllis Agnew Buck, Isabelle Alexandra Burt (nee Buck), Florence Mary Louise Middleton (nee Buck), Evelyn Alice Foster Ferguson, Mary Ferguson, Norman and Barbara Forbes, Pamela Wilson, Stephanie Diane Forbes Derenzo, Robert Allen Forbes Derenzo, Nicholas Anthony Michael John Derenzo, Robert Forbes, A.R. Kaufman, and Dr. Robert James Lockhart. Also includes photographs featuring Royal Air Force members, Camp Forty at Tyson Lake, Ontario and the dining room of George Philip Buck and Mary Evelyn "Effie" Buck (nee Agnew) at 70 Dufferin Ave in Brantford, Ontario. Additionally, contains some correspondence between family members, primarily regarding the photographs.
Forbes, Betty
Blood and Peigan Native Chiefs on their visit to Brantford.
Part of Ontario history collection.
One photograph of Blood [Kaniai] and Peiikani (formerly Piegan) Indigenous Chiefs of the Blackfoot Confederacy in Brantford for the unveiling of the Brant Memorial. The chiefs are identified as One Spot, Red Crow, and North Axe.
Betty Forbes's photograph album pages.
Part of Forbes family fonds.
Loose album pages containing photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Evelyn Alice Foster Ferguson (nee Buck), Millicent Lyall Forbes, George Houlding, Marie Swan, Ruth Beynon, Caroline Spencer, Marion Hanneford, George Alexander Forbes, and many others. Several of the photographs feature scenes taken outside in Brantford and Hespeler, Ontario, King’s farm, family pets, and camping activities particularly at Camp Wapomeo in Algonquin Provincial Park. Also includes a postcard photograph of Taylor Statten, founder of Camp Ahmek in Algonquin Provincial Park.
Forbes, Betty