- SCA367-GA423-86
- File
- 65 BCE
Silver tetradrachm from Alexandria (Egypt) showing on the obverse the head of Ptolemy I and on the reverse an eagle standing on a thunderbolt with the date IIZ in the left field.
Pyke, Edgar William
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Silver tetradrachm from Alexandria (Egypt) showing on the obverse the head of Ptolemy I and on the reverse an eagle standing on a thunderbolt with the date IIZ in the left field.
Pyke, Edgar William
Bronze follis from Alexandria (Egypt) showing on the obverse the head of Maximian I and on the reverse Genius holding paterna and cornucopia.
Pyke, Edgar William
Roman Imperial bronze follis depicting Constantius I & Genius Populi Romani.
Obverse: Laureate head facing right. Legend: FL(avius) VAL(erius) CONSTANTIVS NOB(ilissimus) CAES(ar)
Reverse: Genius standing left, pouring out patera (no liquid visible) and holding cornucopia. Legend: GENIO POPV-L-I ROMANI. Exergue/Mint marks: XXI/Γ//ALE(xandria)
Pyke, Edgar William