Title and statement of responsibility area
Title proper
Ahrens family.
Level of description
Reference code
Dates of creation area
Physical description area
Physical description
13 cm of textual records
100 photographs
2 negatives
Archival description area
Name of creator
Biographical history
The Schneider family were white settlers of what is now Kitchener, Ontario. Members of the family are the descendants of Johann Christoph Schneider, who was born in Germany, in Unteröwisheim, Baden, on August 27, 1831. His father, a farmer, was also ... »
Scope and content
Series consists of material relating to the Charles A. Ahrens family, primarily photographs, genealogical and biographical information.
Notes area
Some items described are from "Norm's family scrapbook" but have been separately listed. Original placement in scrapbook noted with page number in General note field(s).