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Schneider family collection.
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108th Battalion officers training class.

One group portrait of the 108th officers training class taken outside.

Back row, left to right: Sergeant Major Kreutzer, Reinhold Lang, Lionel Washburn, Carl Heinrich, Dr. Rittinger, Mr. Wier, Frank Rooney, Col. Bowman, Hugo Bingham.

Middle row, left to ... »

Schneider, Norman Christoph

118th Battalion clippings.

Clipping of an article (ill.) from the October 4, 1966 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record titled "Memento of Kaiser bust given to Pioneer Village" and an undated clipping with caption: "The dunked bust of German emperor was salvaged from mud of Victoria Park lake."

Schneider, Norman Christoph

118th Battalion trooping the colours.

One postcard identified by Norman C. Schneider as the 118th Battalion in Victoria Park, Kitchener, Ont., 1916. Also in this image is a photographer with camera and tripod, preparing to take a picture. This postcard was sent to Floss Ahrens in Kansas City ... »

Schneider, Norman Christoph

50th Anniversary speech.

Consists of Norman C. Schneider's remarks (manuscript, original) to the family on May 20, 1975 at the Charcoal Steak House on the occasion of his 50th wedding anniversary. It includes reminiscences about his family's history: the J.M Schneider home on ... »

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Aerial photograph.

Aerial photograph of the country homes of F.H. Schneider and Henry Krug at Freeport, Ontario.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

African trip 1.

One carousel of slides. The box is labelled "African trip". The carousel is labelled "Rio de Janeiro". The carousel contains slides identified as both, all dated Dec. 1970.

Schneider family

African trip 4.

One carousel of slides. The carousel is labelled Africa - Paris. The "Africa" slides are dated Dec. 1970; the "Paris" slides are dated Mar. 1971.

Schneider family

Ahrens : other.

Material relating to Ahrens family individuals other than Charles Andrew Ahrens descendants. Includes biographical and genealogical information (photocopies) about J. H. Ahrens, potter, and the family of Herman Friedrich Ahrens, as well as correspondence ... »

Schneider family

Ahrens and Schneider families at Lake Huron.

Two copies of an informal group portrait taken at Grand Bend or Southampton, with cottage visible in background.
Back row, left to right: Lotte (Ahrens) Shupe, Emma (Hirshey) Ahrens, J.M. Schneider, Charles A. Ahrens, Norman C. Schneider.
front row, left ... »

Schneider family

Ahrens cousins.

Snapshot of Frederick H. Schneider with Ahrens cousins. The group is seen outdoors, seated in a row on top of a picnic table with what may be the Freeport Bridge visible in the background. Left to right: Agnes Law, Fred Schneider, Floss Ahrens, Carl Ahrens, Mabel Ahrens.

Schneider family

Ahrens cousins.

Photograph of Ahrens cousins standing and sitting in the water. The group is seen smiling at the camera and is bathing costumes and caps.

Back row: Fred Schneider, ?, ?, Frederick H. Ahrens, Floss Ahrens, ?, Agnes Law, Emma Ahrens

Front row: ?, Lottie Ahrens, Marion Law

Schneider family

Ahrens cousins.

Photograph of Ahrens cousins seated in a row on a sandy beach. The group is seen smiling at the camera and is wearing bathing costumes and caps.

Left to right: Agnes Law, ?, ?, Floss Ahrens, ?, Lottie Ahrens.

Schneider family

Ahrens cousins swimming.

Snapshots of Ahrens cousins and friends in the water and on the beach, in bathing costumes, likely at the Ahrens cottage at Grand Bend.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Ahrens family.

Group portrait of the Ahrens family taken outside in front of the Ahrens family home on the corner of Benton and Courtland Streets. Three bicycles lay in front of the group and one of the children is seated on a tricycle. Includes two pages of ... »

Schneider family

Ahrens family.

Photograph of Ahrens family standing in water and looking toward camera. The group is seen dressed in bathing costumes. From left to right: Emma Ahrens, unidentified person, unidentified person, Norman C. Schneider, unidentified person, Charles August Ahrens.

Schneider family

Ahrens family

Series consists of material relating to Charles A. Ahrens family, primarily photographs, genealogical and biographical information.

Schneider family

Ahrens family.

One studio group portrait of the Ahrens family. File also includes typed identifications, a list of addresses for Ahrens family members, and an envelope that reads: "Grandfather Charles Andrew Ahrens and family. The only picture including grandmother ... »

Schneider family

Ahrens family.

Series consists of material relating to the Charles A. Ahrens family, primarily photographs, genealogical and biographical information.

Schneider family

Ahrens family.

Biographical article by Ernie Ronnenberg published in the November 21, 1975 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record titled "Charles A. Ahrens founded a Berlin shoe firm in 1882".

Schneider family

Ahrens family.

Group portrait of the Ahrens and extended family members posed for a photo in front of the Ahrens cottage at Grand Bend with a "Berlin" sign above the porch. J.M. Schneider is seated in front row at left. Floss and Charles August Ahrens seated in front ... »

Schneider family

Ahrens family.

One photograph. Includes identifications as follows:
Back row, left to right: Carrie Ahrens (unmarried), Louise Ahrens (unmarried), Emma Ahrens (unmarried), Charles August Ahrens (married Emma Hirshey), Henry Ahrens.

Middle row, left to right: Albert ... »

Schneider family

Ahrens family.

Studio portrait of the Ahrens sisters seen standing and seated in front of a decorative backdrop.

Back row, left to right: Carrie, Laura, Emma.

Middle row, left to right: Helena, Louise, Minnie.

Front row: Mary.

Schneider family

Ahrens family and cottage at Grand Bend.

Unidentified photographs of the Ahrens and extended family members including a group portrait in front of the cottage "Berlin"; a view of the cottage "Ohio"; unidentified people in the water; and Norman, with Florence and Lottie Ahrens in a boat.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Ahrens family gathering.

Informal group portrait taken at a family gathering at Norman Schneider's "Freeport Cottage". Consists of one image: two snapshots made from a slide. The snapshots include identifications.

Schneider family

Ahrens family home.

Photograph of the exterior of the Ahrens family home at the corner of Benton and Courtland Streets in what is now Kitchener, Ontario. There are several trees in the yard and family members are visible on the lawn and on the porch. Two adults and four ... »

Schneider family

Ahrens family home.

One photograph of the Ahrens family home at the corner of Benton St. and Courtland Ave. while under construction. Two unidentified people are standing next to the house with piles of wood and debris visible in the foreground.

Schneider family

Ahrens Shoe Co. staff.

One group portrait of Ahrens Shoe Co. staff taken outside at the factory on Queen St. S., Berlin, Ont. Includes 28 people, men and women, some holding shoes. There are also shoes displayed in front of the group. The three men in the centre of the front ... »

Schneider family

Ahrens, Alfred.

Full body studio portrait of Alfred Ahrens looking at camera while casually seated on a fabric covered stool with left hand in jacket pocket.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Aunt.

Head and torso studio portrait of an unidentified Ahrens family member seen looking off camera, seated next to a table, with left hand on top of closed book.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Carl.

Head and shoulders studio portrait of Carl Ahrens seen dressed in suit and tie and looking at camera.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Carl.

Head and shoulders studio portrait of Carl Ahrens seen looking at camera and dressed in collared shirt and tie.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Carl.

Image of Carl Ahrens rowing a boat seen looking at camera with arms outstretched.

Schneider, J.M. (John Metz)

Ahrens, Charles Andrew.

Two studio portraits of Charles Andrew Ahrens, seen in formal dress with hands crossed at abdomen. One is an upper body portrait, and the other is a head and shoulders crop of the same photo.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Charles Andrew.

A memorial card for Charles Andrew Ahrens dated Aug. 21, 1903, a list of the names and birth dates of Charles Andrew and wife Henrietta's children, and letter from Charles Andrew to his daughter Wilhelmine on her 21st birthday dated April 29, 1876. Also ... »

Schneider family

Ahrens, Charles Andrew : character references.

Three character references for Charles Andrew Ahrens: one signed by W.D. Hepburn, Oct. 15, 1878; one signed by an unidentified hand at Beardmore & Co., May 21, 1880; and one signed by L. Breithaupt, May 31, 1880.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Charles August and Emma.

Photograph of Charles August Ahrens and Emma Ahrens standing in front of a teepee. Each is wrapped in a woollen tartan blankets. Charles is standing with a box upside down on head, pointing at something off camera, and Emma is seen in redface, wearing a feather headdress.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Charles August and Emma.

Postcard photograph of Emma and Charles August Ahrens standing outdoors on September 21, 1917, their 35th wedding anniversary. Both are seen looking off camera in opposite directions and are dressed in wedding attire. Emma is holding a bouquet of flowers.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Charles August and Emma.

Photograph of Emma and Charles August Ahrens, both wearing hats and standing outdoors, in front of a leafy backdrop. Emma is looking at camera with a slight smile on her face and arms at back. Charles is standing to her left, looking off camera with ... »

Schneider family

Ahrens, Charles August and family.

Photograph of Charles August Ahrens and family in front of their first home on Courtland Ave. in what was then Berlin, Ontario.

Left to right: Charles August Ahrens, his wife Emma, children Lottie and Fred, and Martin Nagel.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Daniels and Schneider family.

Photograph of Ahrens, Daniels and Schneider family members standing outdoors at Grand Bend. From left to right: Stella Daniels, Lottie Ahrens, Emma Schneider, Emma Ahrens, Ella Daniels, J.M. Schneider, Floss Ahrens, [Chales August Ahrens] and Norman C. Schneider.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Florence.

One photograph belonging to Florence Ahrens consisting of a group portrait of children taken outdoors. Ethel Lapsley is standing fourth from left.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Florence.

Head and torso studio portrait of Florence Ahrens seen standing next to a floral chair and looking at the camera.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Florence.

Carbon correspondence relating to the care of Florence Ahrens at Central Park Lodge and the condition of her health. Includes list of nurses who cared for Ahrens, personal account information and two obituaries.

Schneider family

Ahrens, Florence : family.

Envelope of snapshots labelled "Miss Ahrens". The photographs include: Mabel and Bill Pickard wedding (4 snapshots, Mabel and Bill Pickard, Norman Schneider, Florence Ahrens); Emma Ahrens and Walter Siegner wedding,1920 (2 snapshots); "Mac" Macdonald and ... »

Schneider family

Ahrens, Florence : family.

Second envelope of snapshots labelled "Miss Ahrens" containing 35 snapshots from ca. 1900-1920. They include: beach pictures (Grand Bend and/or Southampton); ladies in swimming in hats; St. Luke's diet kitchen; women in fashionable clothing; and Charles ... »

Ahrens, Florence Louisa

Ahrens, Florence and Bill Pickard.

Image of Florence Ahrens and Bill Pickard standing side by side on the Pickard's wedding day, smiling widely while laughing in dress and suit. Florence is seen looking toward the camera with left arm around Bill's shoulders, who is seen in profile looking toward Florence.

Ahrens, Florence Louisa

Ahrens, Fred and Florence with unidentified adult.

Image of (left to right) Fred and Florence Ahrens standing with an unidentified adult along the length of a car. Fred is seen with arms crossed looking at something off camera while Florence and the unidentified friend is seen smiling toward the camera.

Ahrens, Florence Louisa

Ahrens, Henrietta Charlotte: birthplace in Germany.

Six photographs and one postcard from Anna Evers, Eschwege, Germany. One is a photograph of the birthplace of Henrietta Charlotte Roth, who married Charles Andrew Ahrens (2 copies). Her daughter Helena married J.M. Schneider. A postcard depicts the town ... »

Schneider family

Ahrens, Lottie, Marion Law, Floss Ahrens and Agnes Law.

Group portrait of Lottie Ahrens, Marion Law, Florence Ahrens, and Agnes Law looking off camera, posed standing arm-in-arm and wearing straw [sombreros?]. Three of the four are wearing turtleneck sweaters and one is wearing a long cardigan with pockets.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Ahrens, Walter.

Material relating to Walter Ahrens, son of Henry Jacob Ahrens and Caroline Seiler. Consists of a biographical article appearing in the Oak Country Club, Tulsa, Oklahoma newsletter. Includes portrait.

Schneider family

Album #1.

p. 1-4. Niagara Falls, Buena Vista. Snapshots featuring Norman C. Schneider and Hyalie MacDondald, interspersed with shots of Niaga Falls and the cable car. Other shots of the two men, J. M Schneider and others are taken at Buena Vista, J.M. Schneider's ... »

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Album #1 : negatives with no prints.

Negatives accompanying Album #1 for which no positive prints were found. Includes negatives of Ethel and Howard and Brita Schneider in a park; and shots of Herbert, Howard and Brita Schneider as children, alone and together.

Schneider family

Album #2.

77 photographs, mostly snapshots.
p. 1, 3, 5, 7. "Dutch Company" ski photographs, including one "artistic" shot.
p. 11. Artistic shot of birch trees.
p. 12. Schneider, Norman C. : home at 76 Schneider Ave., Kitchener, Ont. : exterior.
p. 13. Skyscraper.
p. 14.... »

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Album #3.

83 photographs. Photograph album, not entirely filled, with material inserted in the front.
p. 1. Kesselring's Woods.
p. 2. CKCR, May 13, 1955.
p. 3. Norman C. Schneider with Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, John Wintermeyer.
p. 4. Schneiders 1944 Girls ... »

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Alles, Maria Anna Schneider.

Biographical information compiled by Betty Schneider relating to Maria Anna Schneider and her family. Consists of genealogical charts and information, computuer printouts of statistical information, and reminiscences.

Schneider family

Alles, Maria Anna Schneider and George Alles.

Modern prints of old snapshots of Mary Schneider Alles and her husband George Alles standing in front of a brick house, and of George Alles in front of the same house in a band uniform, with a clarinet.

Schneider family

Results 1 to 100 of 1566