- SCA367-GA423-3
- File
- 1780
Silver proof thaler from Abyssinia showing on the obverse the head of Empress Maria Theresa and on the reverse the Hapsburg coat of arms. Restrike.
Pyke, Edgar William
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Silver proof thaler from Abyssinia showing on the obverse the head of Empress Maria Theresa and on the reverse the Hapsburg coat of arms. Restrike.
Pyke, Edgar William
Silver denarius from a moving military mint in North Africa showing on the obverse the head of Venus and on the reverse Aeneas holding the Palladium and carrying Anchises on his shoulder. Coin was minted during the reign of Julius Caesar.
Pyke, Edgar William
Silver tetradrachm from Alexandria (Egypt) showing on the obverse the head of Ptolemy I and on the reverse an eagle standing on a thunderbolt with the date IIZ in the left field.
Pyke, Edgar William
Bronze follis from Alexandria (Egypt) showing on the obverse the head of Maximian I and on the reverse Genius holding paterna and cornucopia.
Pyke, Edgar William
Electrotype coin from Carthage showing on the obverse the head of the Goddess Tanit and on the reverse a pegasus. The coin was created at the British Museum and bears the incuse initials RR on the edge for Robert Ready.
Pyke, Edgar William
Electrotype coins (one showing each side) from Carthage (modern day Tunisia). Shows the head of Tanit and a standing horse.
Pyke, Edgar William
Silver tetradrachm from Egypt showing on the obverse the head of Ptolemy XII and on the reverse an eagle.
Pyke, Edgar William
Silver drachma from Mauretania (modern day Northern Africa) showing on the obverse the head of Juba II and on the reverse a cornucopiae and sceptre.
Pyke, Edgar William
Roman Imperial bronze follis depicting Constantius I & Genius Populi Romani.
Obverse: Laureate head facing right. Legend: FL(avius) VAL(erius) CONSTANTIVS NOB(ilissimus) CAES(ar)
Reverse: Genius standing left, pouring out patera (no liquid visible) and holding cornucopia. Legend: GENIO POPV-L-I ROMANI. Exergue/Mint marks: XXI/Γ//ALE(xandria)
Pyke, Edgar William