1990 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
90-2269 Medve, Dr. Paul, makes house call File December 6, 1990
90-2270 Meech class, at pub File June 24, 1990
90-2271 Mehfil Indian Cuisine, Dinning Out Column File May 31, 1990
90-2272 Meincke, Lois, Conestoga Mall File November 28, 1990
90-2274 Melloe in Oka, Quebec, Indian blockade File August 27, 1990
90-2278 Meningitis vaccines, Galt Collegiate Institute, Cambridge File April 4, 1990
90-2283 Mennonite Winterbourne School, playing tag File November 26, 1990
90-2284 Media Day OPP File July 12, 1990
90-2285 Meichenbaum, Professor Don, City Section File October 9, 1990
90-2292 Mestern, Highland Games File August 8, 1990
90-2296 Michalchuk, Stephen, Edward Good Funeral Home File June 6, 1990
90-2300 Mihalich, Jo Ann File August 1990
90-2302 Mikjaniec, Jody (Joan), from Guelph, with legal problems File October 3, 1990
90-2309 Miller, Glen, trimming tree, at KW Hospital File November 26, 1990
90-2318 Mint Julep File June 7, 1990
90-2325 Mitchell, Kim File March 12, 1990
90-2328 Mitchell, W.O., reading his book File November 5, 1990
90-2330 Moccia, Richard, fish research centre, Elmira File July 16, 1990
90-2331 Mock accident, District Section File September 4, 1990
90-2334 Moffat, Wayne, and Soviet younsters, on exchange program File August 14, 1990
90-2335 Moga Madness File May 31, 1990
90-2337 Moldcraft Plastics, workers File March 16, 1990
90-2338 Mole, Bill, Walk for Aids File March 4, 1990
90-2348 Moore, Amber, climbing tree, Smith File April 26, 1990
90-2352 Mordy, Troy John, arrested for rape, court appearance File July 20, 1990
90-2356 Morgan Avenue, excavation site, and McGillivary's File July 30, 1990
90-2361 Morrison, Ron, injured in attack File September 9, 1990
90-2374 Muir, Betty File May 11, 1990
90-2375 Mulholland, Jason, Galt Collegiate Institute, Cambridge File December 11, 1990
90-2389 Munsch, Robert, at University of Guelph, Writers Conference File April 19, 1990
90-2395 Music Therapy Conference, WLU File May 10, 1990
90-2397 Myers family, housing story File January 3, 1990
90-2398 Myers, Mayor Lynn, and chain of office File September 14, 1990
90-2400 Nader, Ralph, Stephen File March 7, 1990
90-2401 Nagle, Dave, dirty truck File May 7, 1990
90-2403 Nakamura, Lynn, at McMaster Hospital, with comatose daughter Sherrie File January 22, 1990
90-2420 New Dundee well File February 20, 1990
90-2430 Nezny, Sharon : portrait File November 21, 1990
90-2435 Nicholson, Paul, Record Staff : portrait File June 27, 1990
90-2436 Nicholsons Tavern File May 7, 1990
90-2438 Niner nite, high schools File September 19, 1990
90-2440 Nissan dealership, smash up File May 31, 1990
90-2442 Untitled : negatives included, sports field, wooded area, people with tripod taking pictures, inside store or restaurant, shots of people File May 20, 1990
90-2445 Noble, Ron, lawyer File July 10, 1990
90-2447 Nordby, Gloria, real estate File August 16, 1990
90-2453 Novak, Erin, heart monitor File August 27, 1990
90-2456 Nowak, Vic File June 6, 1990
90-2459 Nureyev, Rudolf, ballet super-star File April 24, 1990
90-2460 Nursing, education fair, Sylvia Chambers File May 9, 1990
90-3459 Waterloo Scientific File May 16, 1990
90-3460 Waterloo Sports Medicine Centre, Dr. Ames and Brian Farrance File July 27, 1990
90-3463 Waterloo-Wellington Senior Games File June 11, 1990
90-3465 Watson, Blaine, transcendental meditation File January 16, 1990
90-3468 Watty, Ruth Ann, snow trudger File February 15, 1990
90-3469 Wave pool, at Bingeman Park File July 3, 1990
90-3477 Weather picture, rain File January 25, 1990
90-3478 Weather picture, Seergobin and Gerard File April 10, 1990
90-3485 Weber, Brad, at Food Co-Op, garage sale File March 17, 1990
90-3488 Weber, Colleen, in front of house File April 17, 1990
90-3492 Weigel, Eldon, saw mill he built File April 5, 1990
90-3494 Weight loss clinic closes, Waterloo Town Square File December 10, 1990
90-3496 Weiler, Dennis, guy lives over C.J's, for Poverty Series File September 10, 1990
90-3501 Wellar, Barry File April 24, 1990
90-3507 Welsh Choir, Centre in the Square File October 30, 1990
90-3516 Westberg, Connie : portrait File May 24, 1990
90-3520 Western Sizzlin Restaurant File May 17, 1990
90-3524 Wey, Tasha, Circulation bike winner File July 25, 1990
90-3531 What's for sale, 295 Bushview Crescent File October 10, 1990
90-3534 What's for sale, 361 Crimson Drive, Waterloo File March 1, 1990
90-3537 What's for sale, 492 Foxhill Place, Waterloo File October 15, 1990
90-3540 What's for sale, 337 Grangewood, Waterloo File June 6, 1990
90-3545 What's for sale, 94 Lennox Crescent, Homes Section File July 4, 1990
90-3551 What's for sale, Meadowvale Estates, lot 21 File April 23, 1990
90-3554 What's for sale, 7 Nipigon File August 15, 1990
90-3558 What's for sale, 1741 Old Mill Road File September 24, 1990
90-3561 What's for sale, 35 Primrose Path File December 17, 1990
90-3565 What's for sale, Rodney Street, Waterloo File September 21, 1990
90-3567 What's for sale, 296 Roxton Drive, Waterloo File November 13, 1990
90-3569 What they're building, 222 Springmount Place, Kitchener File December 11, 1990
90-3574 What's for sale, 222 Tagge Crescent, Kitchener File August 14, 1990
90-3575 What's for sale, Tallwood Drive, West Montrose File April 4, 1990
90-3587 What they're building, Unit 1-365 Bennington Gate File September 13, 1990
90-3589 What they're building, Bushwood Court File September 7, 1990
90-3590 What they're building, Chandos Court File February 22, 1990
90-3594 What they're building, Erbsville File May 23, 1990
90-3598 What they're building, 8 Highgrove Court File June 5, 1990
90-3599 What they're building, 18-20 Holborn Drive File October 18, 1990
90-3600 What they're building, 30 Hugo Crescent File November 13, 1990
90-3602 What they're building, 410 Northlake Drive File July 24, 1990
90-3612 Wheeler, Bonnie, UFO investigator File July 12, 1990
90-3615 White, Sue, Women in Business File November 6, 1990
90-3627 Wilkie, Kim, Total Office Machine : portrait File January 31, 1990
90-3628 Wilkinson, Harry, Lauer Realty File September 21, 1990
90-3630 Williams, Jason, batting ball File August 2, 1990
90-3632 Williams, Marty, President of Central Student Association, University of Guelph File January 30, 1990
90-3635 Wilmont Senior Public School, haunted house File October 29, 1990
90-3636 Wilson Avenue Public School, Jim and Dave's Environmental Show File November 5, 1990
90-3637 Wilson Avenue Public School, pancake breakfast File February 14, 1990
90-3645 Wind storm, tree lands on house File May 17, 1990
90-3652 Winter, Edgar, in concert, with Rick Derringer, Lulu's Roadhouse File March 8, 1990
Results 501 to 600 of 4127