1990 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
90-3810 High school field hockey, Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School vs Glenview Park Secondary School File September 13, 1990
90-3813 Football University, University of Guelph vs WLU File October 27, 1990
90-3816 Football University, WLU at University of Western Ontario File November 3, 1990
90-3817 Football University, York University and University of Waterloo Warriors, Derek Olives File September 22, 1990
90-3823 Football High School, Waterloo Collegiate Institute vs Southwood Secondary School, final File November 10, 1990
90-3836 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers host London Knights File January 7, 1990
90-3838 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers host North Bay Centennials File January 19, 1990
90-3840 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs Belleville Bulls File January 26, 1990
90-3841 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs Niagara Falls Thunder File February 2, 1990
90-3842 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs Windsor Spitfires File February 4, 1990
90-3844 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs Owen Sound Platers File February 11, 1990
90-3846 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers host Niagara Falls Thunder File February 23, 1990
90-3847 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs Sault Ste. Marie Greyhounds File March 2, 1990
90-3848 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers host London Knights File March 4, 1990
90-3851 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs North Bay Centennials, 4th game in playoff File March 24, 1990
90-3853 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers File April 10, 1990
90-3856 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs Oshawa Generals, finals File April 24, 1990
90-3857 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs Oshawa Generals, in playoffs File April 25, 1990
90-3863 Hockey, Memorial Cup, in Hamilton, Kitchener Rangers vs Oshawa Generals, file 1 of 2 File May 10, 1990
90-3867 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers, inter-squad game File September 3, 1990
90-3870 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs Niagara Falls Thunder File September 18, 1990
90-3872 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs North Bay Centennials File October 13, 1990
90-3876 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers host Niagara Falls Thunder File November 2, 1990
90-3877 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs Owen Sound Platers File November 9, 1990
90-3879 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs Belleville Bulls File November 18, 1990
90-3881 Hockey Junior A, Kitchener Rangers vs Hamilton Dukes File November 30, 1990
90-3887b Hockey Junior B, Waterloo Siskins, head shots, I.D. info enclosed: strip two, Scott Hill, Don O'Brian, Brad Carter, Brian Park, Dean MacDonald, Jody Moore, Brad Haelzle, Mark Taylor, *strip two has some speakers after 6th player File October 4, 1990
90-3889 Hockey Junior B, All Star game File January 17, 1990
90-3890 Hockey Junior B, awards presentation File February 12, 1990
90-3897 Hockey Junior B, Kitchener Dutchman vs Waterloo Siskins File January 16, 1990
90-3904 Hockey University, WLU vs Moncton, at Varsity Arena File March 17, 1990
90-3907 Hockey University, University of Waterloo Warriors vs WLU Golden Hawks, at Waterloo Arena File March 1, 1990
90-3908 Hockey University, WLU vs Royal Military College File February 10, 1990
90-3909 Hockey University, WLU vs University of Waterloo File February 1, 1990
90-3911 Hockey High School, Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate & Vocational School hosts Grand River Collegiate Institute File January 9, 1990
90-3912 Hockey High School, OFSSA, Grand River Collegiate Institute and Linsay File March 22, 1990
90-3915 Hockey High School, Elmira District Secondary School hosts Southwood Secondary School File February 7, 1990
90-3921 Hockey High School, Grand River Collegiate Institute vs Elmira District Secondary School File February 20, 1990
90-3922 Hockey High School, High School Championship, Grand River Collegiate Institute vs St. Charles File March 24, 1990
90-3931 Lacrosse championship, Fergus Thistles vs Alberta File September 3, 1990
90-3933 Lacrosse, Kitchener Braves vs Falls File July 13, 1990
90-3941 Ontario Summer Games, Centennial Stadium, Sports/Local Column File August 17, 1990
90-3942 Ringette, at Kinsmen Arena File February 9, 1990
90-3944 Rugby, CWOSSA, championship tournment File May 29, 1990
90-3945 High School rugby, Forest Heights Collegiate Institute vs Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School File April 24, 1990
90-1971 Lambert, Bill, regional director of planning File April 24, 1990
90-1978 Landfill, regional, collecting compost File September 1, 1990
90-1982 Langenecker, Lora and Tyla File April 23, 1990
90-1983 Langford, Eric, University of Waterloo, plant sale File February 9, 1990
90-1984 Langlands, Ellen, Wellington County Museum File July 5, 1990
90-1986 Language training, for foreign students, Living Column File November 29, 1990
90-1991 Larson, Dr. Doug, University of Guelph professor, with ancient cedar trees File November 20, 1990
90-1996 Lavis, Ann, LPGA golfer File May 1, 1990
90-1997 Lavoie, Jamie, cuts stumps File July 10, 1990
90-1998 Law, Alex, Wheels columnist File April 14, 1990
90-2001 Lawnchair recovering File February 19, 1990
90-2004 Lawrence, Pat, At-Home Care Inc. File May 23, 1990
90-2005 Lawrence, Pat, homecare placement File March 26, 1990
90-2008 Le, Band and Trang, David Street File August 9, 1990
90-2015 Leclerc, Serge, former druggie File October 26, 1990
90-2025 Leis and Bast, Wellesley Public School File February 5, 1990
90-2032 Levesque, Laura, on skateboard File September 12, 1990
90-2033 Levy, Rabbi David, Beth Jacob Centre File September 9, 1990
90-2035 Lewis, Barb, College Heights, Guelph public health nurse File November 29, 1990
90-2045 Lieberman, Jen, Forest Heights Collegiate Institute File August 14, 1990
90-2046 Lifeguard, Pitcher File August 20, 1990
90-2047 Lifeguards, Wilson Pool File July 11, 1990
90-2052 Lincoln Heights Missionary Church, Bethlehem File December 15, 1990
90-2055 Linkletter, Don File August 8, 1990
90-2058 Listowel, Andrew Malcom Furniture Plant, inventory sale File July 18, 1990
90-2062 Living with the HIV virus File June 20, 1990
90-2065 Lizzy R, Waterloo Town Square File November 15, 1990
90-2073 Lojek, John File January 25, 1990
90-2078 Look, Dietrich, Crosby VW File March 19, 1990
90-2085 Lowe, Sue, Waterloo Park, Waterloo, Smith File April 23, 1990
90-2087 Lowrey, ronnie, mild advertisement in schools : portrait File April 11, 1990
90-2090 Lulu's Roadhouse, Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, in concert File December 28, 1990
90-2093 Lutherwood Youth Employment Centre File June 22, 1990
90-2094 Lyell and the Storm File June 11, 1990
90-2099 Macan, Mira, Steves TV File April 24, 1990
90-2102 MacDonald and Janusas, excavating File February 12, 1990
90-2103 MacDonald, Agnes, Point Clark File July 12, 1990
90-2106 MacDonald, Nancy, VP External Central Student Association File March 12, 1990
90-2108 MacDonald, W. John File March 26, 1990
90-2115 MacNeil, Rita, singer File November 24, 1990
90-2118 Macedonian Food Festival File August 19, 1990
90-2123 Madden, Bill, Argo camp File June 20, 1990
90-2132 Malcolm, Dr. Andrew, Guelph murder trial File November 9, 1990
90-2138 Manning, Jim, Puslinch Golf File April 11, 1990
90-2139 Manning, Kevin, Waterloo North Mazda : portrait File June 27, 1990
90-2140 Manning, Preston, National Reform Party File March 15, 1990
90-2142 Mansell, Sue, chairman of Waterloo LACAC File August 1, 1990
90-2146 Marbles Restaurant File December 4, 1990
90-2150 Marion, Deilcraft File July 26, 1990
90-2161 Marsland Centre, moving of Regions Social Service Department File November 11, 1990
90-2163 Martens Furniture, Wayne Gregory in chair File March 7, 1990
90-2167 Martin, Clarence, buggy and traffic File January 11, 1990
90-2170 Martin, Dawn, arrested in Oka, Quebec File September 30, 1990
90-2177 Martin, Michelle : portrait File November 21, 1990
90-2183 Martin, Terry, watering off his pool cover, in Elmira File April 28, 1990
Results 3701 to 3800 of 4127