1979 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
79-2500 Ballantyne, Phyllis, Permanent Real Estate File September 17, 1979
79-2501 Barclay, John, Waterloo region finance department File November 20, 1979
79-2505 Batte, Marjorie, passport File January 12, 1979
79-2508 Bauer, Roy at PC nomination File March 13, 1979
79-2509 Baulk, Keith File January 03, 1979
79-2510 Baumann, Sher, Westmount Unisex File September 07, 1979
79-2512 Bearinger, Karen, Westmount Unisex File September 07, 1979
79-2517 Belard, Janet, Wilfrid Laurier University convocation File October 28, 1979
79-2522 Berner, Harold, Brodey-Draimin File June 08, 1979
79-2524 Bernier, Denise, passport File February 16, 1979
79-2530 Black, Don, manager, Waterloo North Hydro File April 20, 1979
79-2531 Blackwell, Professor Roger File February 28, 1979
79-2532 Blogg, John File June 26, 1979
79-2536 Bolton, Norm, Kaye File March 01, 1979
79-2543 Bradnam, Sue File July 05, 1979
79-2546 Bretschneider, Ernire, Dubrick Real Estate File September 25, 1979
79-2549 Branch, Dave, Hockey Association File November 16, 1979
79-2553 Briner, Walter, advertisement, Wendell Motores File November 20, 1979
79-2554 Brooker, Mary Joan, YWCA president File March 09, 1979
79-2555 Brookfield, Frank, University of Waterloo professor File December 14, 1979
79-2562 Bullas, Rob File June 28, 1979
79-2565 Burley, Tom, Record employee File July 24, 1979
79-2567 Bury, Duncan File May 14, 1979
79-2568 Burkhart, Susan and Dan File March 11, 1979
79-2581 Cebrun, Francoise File March 06, 1979
79-2587 Chisholm, Ken, Stratford Cullitons, sport File December 04, 1979
79-2604 Cornelius, Pauline, Amble in Real Estate File June 28, 1979
79-2610 Cowan, Robin and Matthew, H&S File June 04, 1979
79-2615 Cress, Barry, Grand River Collegiate Institute File March 08, 1979
79-2619 Cummins, Jim, Ridgehill Ford File January 03, 1979
79-2620 Currie, Jim, Kaye File March 01, 1979
79-2625 Davidson, Robert, Mercantile Bank president File June 22, 1979
79-2627 De'ath, Professor, faculty of music, Wilfrid Laurier University File September 25, 1979
79-2630 Delion, Mike, Ray Delion File October 19, 1979
79-2634 Denny, Frances File November 21, 1979
79-2635 Dewar, Marion, Mayor of Ottawa File October 16, 1979
79-2647 Dorscht, Greg, all stars File April 03, 1979
79-2648 Dorsey, Richard, oboist File June 14, 1979
79-2652 Duffy, Dave ? File March 1979
79-2658 Durichen, Pauline for column File October 31, 1979
79-2659 Durichen, Pauline, staff, column File February 06, 1979
79-2662 Eastman, Charmaine, advertisement, Royal Trust File December 14, 1979
79-2672 English, Dorothy, Signet File November 22, 1979
79-2683 Fallowfield, Jeff, all stars File April 03, 1979
79-2686 Fear, John File February 02, 1979
79-2688 Fenwick, Jack, Dubrick Real Estate File January 02, 1979
79-395 Cambridge Library Theater, Italian straw hat File October 16, 1979
79-397 Cambridge, live nativity pageant, Mill Race Park File December 17, 1979
79-398 Cambridge, Manchester school kids have blood tests for lead poisoning File June 5, 1979
79-399 Cambridge, Manuel Cabral beside Portuguese commemoration stone in Galt File July 5, 1979
79-400 Cambridge March of Dimes campaign artist Larry Parker File March 10, 1979
79-411 Cambridge, Galt sewage plant File September 26, 1979
79-412 Cambridge Short Stop, store re hold up story File December 20, 1979
79-414 Cambridge strike, CUPE vote File July 19, 1979
79-416 Cambridge student mock parliament File December 13, 1979
79-418 Cambridge, workers laying bricks on sidewalk, Water Street File May 7, 1979
79-423 Cameo modelling school feature File April 26, 1979
79-424 Cameo modelling school File April 20, 1979
79-428 Campvention, Guelph, aerials and opening day File July 9, 1979
79-437 Canada geese on Columbia Lake File December 12, 1979
79-449 Cardinal Leger School, St. Catherine's Day hat parade File November 22, 1979
79-450 Care equipment for finance File March 16, 1979
79-451 Carey, Donna and Mike, 321 Highland Road Kitchener File March 14, 1979
79-453 Carnations MD File [May 1979?]
79-454 Carol singalong at 300 Regina Street North File December 20, 1979 or 1978
79-455 Casa Rugantino, Dining Out File September 30, 1979
79-456 Cashman, Cheryl performs File May 9, 1979
79-458 Cat with arrow in head File May 23, 1979
79-460 Catherwood, Alec, music teacher at WLU File October 18, 1979
79-462 Catholic Women's League convention, Waterloo Motor Inn File June 10, 1979
79-466 Centre in the Square construction shot File November 9, 1979
79-467 Centre in the Square construction site, welder File December 13, 1979
79-468 Center in the Square construction File September 10, 1979
79-472 Charlies Restaurant, Dining Out File November 19, 1979
79-473 Cerqueira, Elizabeth and poetry award File July 24, 1979
79-474 CGIT reunion, Mabel Miller File October 23, 1979
79-476 Charles Street overpass construction File October 29, 1979
79-477 Chapman, Chris and Doug McNeill, country music band File July 28, 1979
79-484 Chess Guelph highschool File February 24, 1979
79-486 Chicopee-Centerville Recreation Center File March 17, 1979
79-491 Chicopee skiing no snow File December 20, 1979
79-493 Chimarios, Conh, lady knitting outside File November 19, 1979
79-494 Chinese acrobats, Kitchener Memorial Auditorium File November 5, 1979
79-501 Christmas tree lot, Weber and Bridgeport File December 6, 1979
79-504 Christmas wrapping and shopping File December 14, 1979-December 18, 1979
79-508 Cigarette ad and cancer warning sign File September 12, 1979
79-510 Cinema Theater, students protest Life of Brian File October 2, 1979
79-511 CISV delegates File June 21, 1979
79-516 Citizenship court, Jeff Lewis swears in in front of class File April 3, 1979
79-517 Citizenship feature, Streuker family File April 9, 1979
79-524 Clark, Joe in Preston, Cambridge File May 1, 1979
79-526 Clarke, Scott, 12 year old mayor for a day in Cambridge File November 28, 1979
79-529 Clifford card players File May 29, 1979
79-534 CN track cleaners in Cambridge File January 24, 1979
79-535 Cobiness, Ed, artist File September 21, 1979
79-536 Cocuzzo, Liz, driver, Honda winner File April 25, 1979
79-537 Cocher, Wendy, with children File October 2, 1979
79-542 COE File September 1, 1979
79-550 COE, photo contest award winners, copies File August 29, 1979
79-553 COE, two kids on the midway File August 30, 1979
Results 3301 to 3400 of 3482