1979 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
79-728 Election, Reimer, Kitchener riding winner File May 22, 1979
79-738 Elmira, Braille gospel workers, Freida Fink File January 26, 1979
79-745 Elmira secondary school chariot race File December 15, 1979
79-757 Elora bridge construction File September 17, 1979
79-758 Elora quarry, under ice dive, also Elora winter festival File February 10, 1979
79-760 Elora quarry File July 14, 1979
79-761 Elora, movie making with Henry Winkler File March 24, 1979
79-770 Equestrian feature, KW classical riding club File August 16, 1979
79-772 Erbsville Go Carts pictures File June 22, 1979
79-774 Ethier, Wayne, dressed as pirate at seafood restaurant File July 10, 1979
79-780 Ewing, Dr. Donald and OHIP screw up File March 26, 1979
79-781 Executive liquidators File January 19, 1979
79-782 Fairview Park Mall, full and empty comparison File December 28. 1979
79-783 Fairview Park Mall, girl with finger caught in rope stand File November 22, 1979
79-790 Farrell, Howie, and jr. exercising File February 2, 1979
79-791 Farquar, Paul, Elmira weight lifter File November 1, 1979
79-793 Fashion, Bib Boutique presents three Toronto designers, at Bingeman Park, Clar, Haddad, Hisume, Sue Bradman, the Record File September 10, 1979
79-800 Fashion, Men's Star, Great West Beef File February 22, 1979
79-802 Fashion, Toronto designers File March 26, 1979
79-810 Fence viewers, John Druar File August 1, 1979
79-811 Fergus bubble gum blowing File March 3, 1979
79-817 Fergus water powered flower mill File October 18, 1979
79-820 Fielding, Jenny and Wendy, bone marrow transplant File November 3, 1979
79-823 Friza painter ? File November 3, 1979
79-832 Fire, Cafe Mozart, Queen Street, Kitchener File May 30, 1979
79-838 Fire, Dorking, 5 fatal and Brubacher and sons File January 14, 1979
79-840 Fire, Greenfield Drive File March 16, 1979
79-847 Fire, 176 Main Street, Cambridge, tenants moving out File December 9, 1979
79-848 Fire, Roseville fireman, Jim Gladstone File February 28, 1979
79-850 Fire, Hancock's food market, Cambridge File April 25, 1979
79-851 Fire, Kraus carpets in Waterloo File June 15, 1979
79-855 Fire, Zeller Drive, RV and barn File July 12, 1979
79-858 Fire, transport truck File August 10, 1979
79-859 Fire, Peter Street house fire File January 29, 1979
79-862 Fire, St. Jacobs at Highway 85 File May 30, 1979
79-866 Fire, Waterloo Garden Restaurant File September 26, 1979
79-869 Fire, Waterloo Hairdressing School File October 5, 1979
79-872 Fire, Winterbourne Church Hall File March 25, 1979
79-877 Fire, Floradale millwright shop File January 7, 1979
79-880 First Vietnamese baby born in Kitchener, Thuan Nge File July 31, 1979
79-893 Flower planting at Cenotaph File April 23, 1979
79-894 Flowers at funeral home File June 23, 1979
79-900 Forest Heights Collegiate Institute activity day File May 25, 1979
79-903 Forest Heights, Anne of Green Gables File February 19, 1979
79-904 Forest Heights playground, kids playing on equipment File December 12, 1979
79-905 Forest Heights Library, pumpking carving contest winners File October 29, 1979
79-911 Frederick Street Plaza interiors File November 29, 1979
79-913 Frito Lay office moving, Ronald Bellany Bellamy? File September 24, 1979
79-917 Gagne, Ken, fishing Grand River near Bridgeport File November 21, 1979
79-918 Gagne, Ken, fishing in November in the Grand River File November 21, 1979
79-919 Gallant, Patsy, in a performance, at the Coronet Hotel File October 26, 1979
79-920 Galloway, Linda with stained glass windows at St. Andrews Anglican Church File October 2, 1979
79-925 Galt Little Theater production, Hurray for Hollywood File December 4, 1979
79-928 Galt, Cambridge, Manchester School, removing contaminated earth File November 28, 1979
79-933 Gasoline by litres, fist station in Kitchener File January 10, 1979
79-941 Gibson, Lorne, puts on medals for Remembrance Day File November 11, 1979
79-944 Gill, Chef Kathryn, at Bottles Restaurant File March 12, 1979
79-958 Golden Triangle gem and mineral show File May 5, 1979
79-960 Golfing kid at Crosby Park File June 12, 1979
79-961 Goldsmith feature File January 2, 1979
79-966 Gosselink, Robert, and skies File March 2, 1979
79-969 Grand Ole Opry, Auditorium File March 27, 1979
79-972 Grand River Collegiate Institute, energy fair File May 24, 1979
79-978 Grand River Conservation Authority Bridge building Floradale File September 11, 1979
79-982 Grand River ice at Bridgeport File March 15, 1979
79-985 Grasscutters in December File December 28, 1979
79-987 Graveyards, Pioneer Tombstones for 125th edition File June 7, 1979
79-993 Great West Beef, Dining Out File February 26, 1979
79-995 Grespan, Fred, for FOCUS File April 25, 1979
79-1001 Grocery shopping service, Lorraine Solomon and Marie Feltis File December 7, 1979
79-1006 Guelph, burst water mains File January 18, 1979
79-1010 Guelph Correctional Center, aftermath of riots File May 8, 1979
79-1018 Guelph Little Theater, Present Laughing File February 8, 1979
79-1021 Guelph, Riverside Park, planting bulbs File October 18, 1979
79-1023 Guelph Road Show Theatre, Veronica's Room File April 4, 1979
79-1024 Guelph, sewage containers File December 28, 1978 or 1979
79-1025 Guelph transit strike File September 11, 1979
79-1028 Guelph Wellington Hotel construction File December 12, 1979
79-1029 Guelph Hindu Christmas File December 25, 1979
79-1034 Guelph Y, physical tests Santa File November 21, 1979
79-1035 Guides presenting roses to infants at hospital File February 23, 1979
79-1038 Hackert, Dave and Clair Ellerbrum, 70 Birch Street, Kitchener File November 22, 1979
79-1039 Hadassah Wizzo fashion tea Pauline McGibbon File September 11, 1979
79-1047 Hallman Manufacturing, fence chargers File September 1, 1979
79-1048 Halloween masks, worn by Howard Roberston pupils File October 28, 1979
79-1051 Halloween, Patricia Chrysler dressed as witch File October 31, 1979
79-1052 Halloween party, Adult Recreation Center, Waterloo File October 30, 1979
79-1053 Haller, Monsignor, for 90th birthday File September 14, 1979
79-1059 Hang glider at dusk, Ottawa Street landfill site File October 2, 1979
79-1064 Hardy, Montie, Breslau, losing backyard to river File May 9, 1979
79-1065 Happy Birthday Marion, sign over house File August 2, 1979
79-1066 Haroun Eveleen and fiancee File February 2, 1979
79-1086 Hett, Mr. and Mrs. Jim, Hidden Valley Farm File September 21, 1979
79-1087 Hiebert, Vic, Viet family sponsor File July 26, 1979
79-1090 Highland dancing, St. David School File June 10, 1979
79-1092 Hikers Association walkers in Cressman's woods File September 27, 1979
79-1094 Hills, Austin, inventor File November 21, 1979
79-1095 Hillsburgh Game Reserves File July 24, 1979
79-1096 Hinn, Benny, revival meeting in Stratford File February 11, 1979
79-1098 Hisson, Norm, re black slave settlements File July 4, 1979
Results 3101 to 3200 of 3482