1979 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
79-1099 Hitch hikers Montreal to California File September 9, 1979
79-1100 Hite, Shere, author of book on women and sexuality File February 21, 1979
79-1101 Hiway Market shoe sale File January 24, 1979
79-1103 Hockey sweaters washing File April 24, 1979
79-1107 Hogg, Morris and miniature shoes, Savage Shoe Company File July 30, 1979
79-1108 Holiday Inn, Kitchener, 125th birthday cake File June 29, 1979
79-1110 Hollinger, Mrs. Roy and dog, Skipper File March 21, 1979
79-1114 Homer Watson Blvd., sign misspelled File January 18, 1979
79-1115 Homer Watson Park, road closed File January 9, 1979
79-1129 House feature, 100 Bechtel Drive, Kitchener File September 25, 1979
79-1144 Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. for church feature File March 14, 1979
79-1146 Hydro celebrates 100th birthday, pepper with old fashioned street light with bulb File October 18, 1979
79-1154 Indian Reserve, Saugeen feature File August 20, 1979
79-1167 Johannes, Lorne, retirement File May 5, 1979
79-1168 Johnson and dolls File December 7, 1979
79-1170 Johnston, Murray, Mrs., porcelain doll feature File December 2, 1979
79-1173 Joslin, Ross, Salvation Army worker with kettle File December 7, 1979
79-1174 Jug Milk container File January 16, 1979
79-1178 Junk food File November 26, 1979
79-2181 Waterloo Collegiate Institute, technical open house File November 07, 1979
79-2182 Waterloo Collegiate wrestling championship File February 15, 1979
79-2185 Waterloo Days, model boat race File June 17, 1979
79-2188 Waterloo dump, man in booth directing trucks File July 04, 1979
79-2191 Waterloo Fire Department fitness program File January 05, 1979
79-2198 Waterloo Park, boy playing in leaves File October 31, 1979
79-2202 Waterloo Park, Denise Gee, weeding thistles, on river bank File June 08, 1979
79-2208 Waterloo Progressive Conservative nomination meeting File March 13, 1979
79-2214 Waterloo-Wellington Airport, old pilot File June 13, 1979
79-2226 Watkiss, Nina with Christmas decoration, Kitchener-Waterloo Garden Club File November 18, 1979
79-2230 Weather, are you ready for winter?, bulletin board being put up File August 31, 1979
79-2243 Weather, kids skating, Grand View Baptist Church File January 03, 1979
79-2248 Weather, shopper looking at tobaggans File December 06, 1979
79-2254 Weather, Galt, Cambridge, shots of park and dog with ears taped. File May 08, 1979
79-2255 Weather, girls ride horse back through flooded field File March 04, 1979
79-2258 Weather, installing poles File March 29, 1979
79-2261 Weather, kid on unicycle File April 22, 1979
79-2266 Weather, kids in creative playground, Lady of Lourdes File January 09, 1979
79-2268 Weather, little girl and fountain File July 05, 1979
79-2274 Weather, old people with cart in snow making tracks File November 29, 1979
79-2275 Weather, old lady sleeps under laundry File June 15, 1979
79-2277 Weather, rain, people walking File May 15, 1979
79-2284 Weather, three ladies walking down bicycle path File October 16, 1979
79-2288 Weather, Victoria Park, armchair and old tires in lake File March 15, 1979
79-2292 Weber, Jean, Mount Forest File May 06, 1979
79-2294 Wedsworth, Ken, new grandfather has house decorated by neighbours File July 10, 1979
79-2296 Weindinger, Reggie Mrs. of the Cambridge Right to Life File November 21, 1979
79-2298 Wellesley apple butter fest File September 28, 1979
79-2300 Wellesley Art Gallery, craft sale File November 30, 1979
79-2305 Wells, Robert and Galt, Cambridge in background File February 16, 1979
79-2308 West Montrose bridge, tourist in front taking pictures and graffiti scrawled inside File August 29, 1979
79-2311 Westgate Plaza, Galt, Cambridge, kids on hill File September 05, 1979
79-2315 Westmount Public School, new playgroun File May 12, 1979
79-2323 What's for sale, Canada Trust File September 09, 1979
79-2324 What's for sale, Century 21 Real Estate File May 28, 1979
79-2328 What's for sale, 531 Fallingbrook Drive, Waterloo File February 28, 1979
79-2330 What's for sale, 19 Georgian Crescent, Kitchener File March 06, 1979
79-2340 What's for sale, 158 Kinzie, Kitchener File September 25, 1979
79-2342 Whats for sale, 7 Lucerne Drive, Kitchener File March 12, 1979
79-2347 What's for sale, Petersburg File October 02, 1979
79-2348 What's for sale, 165 Radcliffe Drive, Kitchener File October 23, 1979
79-2357 What's for sale, 114 Manor Drive, Kitchener File August 22, 1979
79-2358 What's for sale, 100 Nathaniel Crescent, Ktichener File May 04, 1979
79-2359 What's for sale, 13 Norbert Place, Kitchener File April 16, 1979
79-2364 What's for sale, 536 Glenden Crescent, Waterloo File December 04, 1979
79-2366 What's for sale, Ronald Road, Galt, Cambridge File February 24, 1979
79-2370 What's for sale, 55 Trafalgar Street, Kitchener File June 11, 1979
79-2371 What's for sale, 64 Union Street, East File October 30, 1979
79-2373 What's for sale, 405 Warrington Drive File July 24, 1979
79-2378 What's for sale, Woodington Place, Waterloo File June 20, 1979
79-2381 What they're building, Angela Crescent, Cambridge File January 23, 1979
79-2382 What they're building, Cambridge, Lee and [?] Construction File May 15, 1979
79-2383 What they're building, The Black Walnut File May 24, 1979
79-2384 What they're building, Broken Oak Crescent, The White Birch, model housing feature #105 File October 23, 1979
79-2401 What they're building, 115 Millwood Crescent File April 04, 1979
79-2405 What they're building, 53 Trailview Place, Kitchener File September 15, 1979
79-2408 Whelan, Eugene, election visit File May 17, 1979
79-2411 Wiedman, George, translator File October 24, 1979
79-2412 Wiens Precision Machining, Henry Wiens and sons File September 19, 1979
79-2416 Wilfrid Laurier University, fictional company study File March 09, 1979
79-2425 Wibb, Otto, Texaco gas attendant for story on gasoline shortage File July 23, 1979
79-2436 Winter, Kitchener downton File February 15, 1979
79-2438 Wolf hunt, escaped from Waterloo Zoo File November 16, 1979
79-2446b Woodside home, Christmas decorations File December 15, 1979
79-2447 Woodside home, garden party File June 24, 1979
79-2448 Woodside pool, free swimming File August 01, 1979
79-2460 Woolners Lodge, St. Jacobs, dining out column File April 08, 1979
79-2461 Woolstencroft, Lynne File December 15, 1979
79-2470 Wyndham Street, Guelph File June 14, 1979
79-2471 Young Dancer File February 12, 1979
79-2472 Youngren, Janice, New York model from Cambridge File April 13, 1979
79-2480 Adams, Glen, advertisement, Guaranteed Trust File November 27, 1979
79-2482 Alexander, Simon, forecasts future File March 12, 1979
79-2483 Allison, Brian, Checkmate Realty File February 01, 1979
79-2485 Amling, G, retired police File November 28, 1979
79-2486 Anderson, Ross, Amble in R.E. File October 29, 1979
79-2487 Andreychuk, Judge Raynell File October 11, 1979
79-2488 Angove, Keith, Dubrick R.E. File September 11, 1979
79-2490 Armstrong, Carl, CUPE 32 President File July 19, 1979
79-2494 Atkinson, Barry, ex basketball player File February 01, 1979
79-2496 Bailey, Bruce, focus File March 13, 1979
Results 3201 to 3300 of 3482