1977 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
77-1235 McGibbon, Pauline at University of Guelph File October 07, 1977
77-1244 McLennan, Sid, chosen PC candidate File February 26, 1977
77-1255 Medieval feast advance, Tankards File August 22, 1977
77-1260 Mennonite apple wagon File September 09, 1977
77-1261 Mennonite barn building File August 22, 1977
77-1770 Smoke sensing equipment File April 15, 1977
77-1775 Snowman at Canadian Tire File November 11, 1977
77-1776 Snowman under umbrella File November 30, 1977
77-1777 Snow making a snow man File March 20, 1977
77-1779 Snowmobile rides for handicapped children, Preston Snogliders, Cambridge File January 23, 1977
77-1783 Snow, shovelling and snow blowers File June 10, 1977
77-1786 Southridge school pioneer dinner File December 21, 1977
77-1787 South Waterloo hospital food service line File August 18, 1977
77-1788 South Waterloo fire prevention volunteers File October 05, 1977
77-1789 South Waterloo Memorial Hospital conference File April 24, 1977
77-1793 Speedy Muffler working on car File November 21, 1977
77-1795 Spring arrives on Spring Street File March 20, 1977
77-1802 Stained glass File 1977
77-1810 Steve's TV road sign File June 30, 1977
77-1825 Strauss, Elizabeth at Vienna Ballroom File February 05, 1977
77-1828 Steckle, John and family, former wrestler File May 04, 1977
77-1829 Stormes, Reverend Paul re Wilmot liquor plebisite File June 01, 1977
77-1832 Kitchener Beverages Limited Strike File April 15, 1977
77-1845 Sunbeam Home, La Sertoma Presentation File March 29, 1977
77-1847 Sunglasses feature File May 10, 1977
77-1849 Sunnyside Home senior citizen King and Queen File June 21, 1977
77-1851 Sunnyside School, basket drive File October 28, 1977
77-1852 Supertramp concert feature for PULSE File July 09, 1977
77-1853 Sweeny, John and wife, 25th anniversary File December 29, 1977
77-1862 Tar covering railway tracks File June 16, 1977
77-1864a Teachers workout excercises, St. Bernadette School File September 16, 1977
77-1868 Texcraft festival winner File June 07, 1977
77-1871 Textile festival, Hespeler, Cambridge, sewing winners File June 11, 1977
77-1872 Theatrical sets File 1977
77-1873 Thompson, Aaron, Projectionist at Odeon theater File November 28, 1977
77-1877 Tien Sun Inn, Cambridge, for dining out PULSE File April 21, 1977
77-1878 Time change, clock world File October 27, 1977
77-1882 Today's house, Freure Apartments File September 27, 1977
77-1883 Today's home, Condominium, Harvard Place File November 08, 1977
77-1889 Town houses at 634 Strassburg Road File August 05, 1977
77-1890 Tractor, large File May 19, 1977
77-1891 Tractor, farming column File June 23, 1977
77-1892 Traffic counter woman File May 25, 1977
77-1894 Trailer, Mrs. Klaus Wege and home made trailer File November 23, 1977
77-1895 Transylvania Club ladies making cabbage rolls File September 25, 1977
77-1897 Treaty Indians, University of Waterloo File October 27, 1977
77-1903 Trudeau negatives File November 15, 1977
77-1905 Turkeys being hosed down because of heat File July 18, 1977
77-1918 Uniroyal quality check File January 04, 1977
77-1919 United Church conference, Angola mission, Dr. Elizabeth Bridgeman File June 04, 1977
77-1920 United States Army tank train through Kitchener File 1977
77-1923 University of Guelph botany poisonous plants File December 08, 1977
77-1935 University of Waterloo chemistry demonstration File January 25, 1977
77-1937 University of Waterloo, Burt Matthews and son File May 27, 1977
77-1938 University of Waterloo, convocation, Fred Muller File May 26, 1977
77-1945 University of Waterloo engineering students pushing bus File March 05, 1977
77-1952 University of Waterloo Kaleidoscope of culture carnival File September 21, 1977
77-1953 University of Waterloo laser beams File April 26, 1977
77-1954 University of Waterloo Leonardo da Vinci display File November 22, 1977
77-1957 University of Waterloo opera rehearsal Puccini File June 01, 1977
77-1961 University of Waterloo Robot File December 02, 1977
77-1969 University of Waterloo winter carnival, students pulling bus down King Street File March 05, 1977
77-1970 University of Waterloo Women's Club book sale File April 03, 1977
77-1971 Urbacar File January 28, 1976 or 1977
77-1974 Used hockey equipment sale Victoria Park File September 17, 1977
77-1977 Vandalism, house on Strassberg Road, church property File October 04, 1977
77-1981 Vanier Park, penny carnival funhouse File August 04, 1977
77-1984 Victoria Park, tired File July 14, 1977
77-1985 Victoria Park, canoe instruction File May 15, 1977
77-1986 Victoria Day Riverside park celebrataion in Cambridge File May 23, 1977
77-1988 Victoria park guitar player warm weather File March 29, 1977
77-1991 Victoria Park, pile driver at work File December 19, 1977
77-1993 Villemaire, Merv and Bernice Adams at regional council File November 10, 1977
77-2008 Waterloo family Y, development program kids activities File September 23, 1977
77-2012 Waterloo Council chambers string quartet File January 03, 1977
77-2013 Waterloo Collegiate student president and vice president File April 15, 1977
77-2019 Waterloo horticultural society File August 25, 1977
77-2025 Waterloo Park, girls working in park for first time File May 18, 1977
77-2026 Waterloo Park bear pits File November 09, 1977
77-2028 Waterloo park zoo bear cubs File June 08, 1977
77-2029 Waterloo Park zoo File December 13, 1977
77-2031 Waterloo Park pool swim instruction File July 27, 1977
77-2032 Walk-a-thon miles for millions File May 06, 1977
77-2033 Wallenstein farm house suicide story File September 29, 1977
77-2036 Waterloo region agreement forest File November 30, 1977
77-2038 Waterloo skating arena, Seagrams File November 01, 1977
77-2049 Water tower, Waterloo painting File October 18, 1977
77-2056 Boys on ten speed bike built for two File June 13, 1977
77-2061 Disabled cars File January 10, 1977
77-2064 Downtown pedestrians File February 28, 1977
77-2067 Father baby sits five kids File June 10, 1977
77-2080 Golfing in the rain File June 08, 1977
77-2082 Hockey goalie basking in the sun File March 10, 1977
77-2083 Horses, bikes File April 24, 1977
77-2085 Horse riders at bus stop File May 16, 1977
77-2089 Kids fishing in the rain File June 06, 1977
77-2090 Jumping students File October 03, 1977
77-2091 Jogger with shorts at University of Waterloo File March 09, 1977
77-2095 Kid flying kite File August 22, 1977
77-2100 Kids and soapbox racer File April 28, 1977
Results 1901 to 2000 of 3394