Level of description
Digital object |
77-807 |
Grand River Collegiate polar bear dip winter carnival |
File |
January 28, 1977 |
77-811 |
Graham, Dr. John, magician at St. Mary's hospital |
File |
December 23, 1977 |
77-813 |
Greenbrook pumping station standby generator |
File |
July 20, 1977 |
77-823 |
Guelph bike race |
File |
April 30, 1977 |
77-825 |
Guelph, centennial parade |
File |
January 24, 1977 |
77-827 |
Guelph, Christmas decorations |
File |
November 15, 1977 |
77-828 |
Guelph, dam grooming trees |
File |
June 27, 1977 |
77-829 |
Guelph, Bill Davis, dinner at armoury |
File |
July 09, 1977 |
77-837 |
Guelph, save the carousel |
File |
August 16, 1977 |
77-839 |
Guelph, selling flowers on honour system |
File |
August 12, 1977 |
77-850 |
Guelph museum, open house |
File |
April 12, 1977 |
77-853 |
Guy with giant stuffed dog |
File |
April 28, 1977 |
77-854 |
Gymnastics, KW High School girls championships |
File |
April 14, 1977 |
77-856 |
Hadassah Bazaar, Kitchener market |
File |
October 26, 1977 |
77-864 |
Hairstyles feature, Leones |
File |
November 30, 1977 |
77-869 |
Halloween costume, six pack of Old Vienna |
File |
October 30, 1977 |
77-871 |
Hamilton-Smith, Joanne and stuffed toys |
File |
December 09, 1977 |
77-880 |
Harber, Ann, re Air Canada strike |
File |
August 11, 1977 |
77-882 |
Harmony Lunch, Marbles Restaurant |
File |
November 04, 1977 |
77-885 |
Harris, Jack, Cambridge, returns home |
File |
August 13, 1977 |
77-887 |
Harriston Arena construction |
File |
April 19, 1977 |
77-891 |
Heart month kick off, Dr. Frank Miller |
File |
January 31, 1977 |
77-898 |
Henchmen being stopped by police |
File |
July 26, 1977 |
77-900 |
Herald, Don, director of Cambridge Children's Aid |
File |
November 21, 1977 |
77-902 |
Henry's Restaurant for Pulse |
File |
February 08, 1977 |
77-903 |
Herauf, Professor Herb and John Crewson |
File |
August 10, 1977 |
77-904 |
Heritage Inn, Brantford, Dining out for Pulse |
File |
March 30, 1977 |
77-906 |
Hespeler, used furniture, sales tax raid |
File |
July 14, 1977 |
77-919 |
Hitch, Reverend Allen T. |
File |
April 06, 1977 |
77-922a |
Hodgins, John, Hoppy at home with family |
File |
January 4, 1977 |
77-923 |
Holiday Ranch |
File |
November 20, 1977 |
77-928 |
Hoppy, disc jockey for PULSE |
File |
December 29, 1977 |
77-929 |
Horse drawn buggy, advertisement for Snyder studios |
File |
December 02, 1977 |
77-930 |
Horses, Fairway Road bridle path |
File |
August 03, 1977 |
77-931 |
Horse feature, birth of a fold ... not used |
File |
November 12, 1977 |
77-932 |
Horse shoeing feature, Greg Schroder, Kitchener |
File |
September 15, 1977 |
77-938 |
House of the week, Westmount Terrace |
File |
October 13, 1977 |
77-939 |
Housing, today, 565 Belmont, Belmont Terrace |
File |
December 29, 1977 |
77-946 |
Housing, pouring cement basement |
File |
August 24, 1977 |
77-953 |
Howard Robertson school, last day of school |
File |
June 28, 1977 |
77-955 |
Howard Robertson Public School, kids walking in puddles |
File |
February 26, 1977 |
77-978 |
Illustration of how to break your TV |
File |
December 01, 1977 |
77-982 |
IODE 50th anniversary dinner |
File |
March 03, 1977 |
77-992 |
Jaycee, santa parade preparations |
File |
November 09, 1977 |
77-998 |
Josh, returned cocker spaniel |
File |
July 13, 1977 |
77-999 |
Johannes, Howie |
File |
January 03, 1977 |
77-1010 |
Katamavik, Belwood Conservation area |
File |
October 13, 1977 |
77-1011 |
Kaufman, Rob, HUDAC |
File |
August 19, 1977 |
77-1013 |
Kayak instsruction at Waterloo Family Y |
File |
March 12, 1977 |
77-1014 |
KCI Highschool hotdog eating contest |
File |
April 30, 1977 |
77-1015 |
KCI South Pacific |
File |
April 18, 1977 |
77-1026 |
Kerr, Ian, KCI student on work week stint |
File |
December 19, 1977 |
77-1036 |
Kids in leaves |
File |
1977 |
77-1038 |
Kids with guns |
File |
March 23, 1977 |
77-1039 |
Kienitz, Erhard |
File |
November 12, 1977 |
77-1043 |
King Street construction, near Chicopee |
File |
April 22, 1977 |
77-1046 |
Kips Gymnastics, national gymnastics team feature |
File |
May 04, 1977 |
77-1048 |
Kiss concert ticket lineup |
File |
June 24, 1977 |
77-1052 |
Kitchener council |
File |
January 17, 1977 |
77-1054 |
Kitchener City Yards Department heads snow removal |
File |
January 26, 1977 |
77-1063 |
Kitchener King Street canopy model |
File |
November 19, 1977 |
77-1068 |
Kitchener Public Library bookmobiles |
File |
May 05, 1977 |
77-1069 |
Kitchener Library outdoor puppet show |
File |
July 04, 1977 |
77-1070 |
Kitchener hockey association, Kent Dixon trophy |
File |
July 01, 1977 |
77-1075 |
KW Philharmonic choir rehearsal, Howard Dyck |
File |
December 13, 1977 |
77-1078 |
Kittens with six toes on each paw, Djkenic |
File |
May 19, 1977 |
77-1084 |
Kiwanis pool refinishing |
File |
May 13, 1977 |
77-1087 |
Klie, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence at Neb Schnarr wedding |
File |
August 17, 1977 |
77-1089 |
Korean pheasants, Fairlake game farm, Cambridge |
File |
December 13, 1977 |
77-1090 |
Kormanak, Jerry and family, Fisher road extension |
File |
February 22, 1977 |
77-1098 |
Kowenhoven, Simon, Bank of Montreal for Finance |
File |
June 13, 1977 |
77-1100 |
Knotty Pine Restaurant for PULSE |
File |
December 30, 1977 |
77-1106 |
KW Art Gallery, jewellery show |
File |
April 11, 1977 |
77-1111 |
KW community concert, Kins Men concert |
File |
October 06, 1977 |
77-1117 |
KW Granite Club,Curling club goes to Ottawa |
File |
January 18, 1977 |
77-1120 |
Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital new isolettes from new old sale |
File |
April 12, 1977 |
77-1126 |
KW Little Theater Oktoberfest play |
File |
September 01, 1977 |
77-1131 |
KW Musical Productions, Applause play |
File |
October 24, 1977 |
77-1137 |
Kwickie minute market, kids line up. Duplicate entry no negataives see 77-1136 |
File |
June 15, 1977 |
77-1138 |
Labbats new beer |
File |
December 15, 1977 |
77-1142 |
Lakeside Park Lake, testing oxygen in water |
File |
March 03, 1977 |
77-1143 |
Lakeshore Village clean up and activity day |
File |
June 26, 1977 |
77-1147 |
Langdon Hall, Cambridge |
File |
December 03, 1977 |
77-1154 |
Laurel Creek man playing guitar |
File |
April 12, 1977 |
77-1158 |
Laurel Creek students from St. Mary's |
File |
April 12, 1977 |
77-1163 |
Lawn bowling, Guelph |
File |
June 23, 1977 |
77-1168 |
Lend-a-hand |
File |
June 13, 1977 |
77-1174 |
Leisure Lodge closing |
File |
July 05, 1977 |
77-1181 |
Lincoln Heights, Christmas food collection |
File |
December 19, 1977 |
77-1182 |
Listowel ARC industries in rail car |
File |
November 17, 1977 |
77-1183 |
Loader, Allen T and dog sled |
File |
January 13, 1977 |
77-1184 |
Loewenberg, Irma and KW fairyland display |
File |
July 27, 1977 |
77-1187 |
Lougheed Business College chef's course |
File |
December 07, 1977 |
77-1191 |
Mackenzie King home 1890 Christmas |
File |
December 18, 1977 |
77-1192 |
Mader, Mary and Maple Leaf key chain |
File |
September 01, 1977 |
77-1196 |
Major Holdings building, air conditioner lift |
File |
July 14, 1977 |
77-1198 |
Making an igloo |
File |
February 07, 1977 |
77-1202 |
Man with red dinosaur |
File |
1977 |
77-1224 |
Matthews, Murray and Harry Parrott |
File |
March 10, 1977 |
77-1232 |
McCabe, Scott, Willson family artifacts |
File |
January 19, 1977 |