1977 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
77-1395 Ontario Summer Games, more Sunday events File August 28, 1977
77-1401 Opperman, Reverend at St. Peters Lutheran Church File April 01, 1977
77-1406 OW Sports demolition File February 04, 1977
77-1408 Painter Hanging up his brushes sign File June 08, 1977
77-1410 Paper collection for reprocessing File September 15, 1977
77-1415 Parkminster Church picnic File June 19, 1977
77-1418 Paterson maple tree tapping File March 07, 1977
77-1419 Paul Berg Memorial Scholarship at University of Waterloo File March 11, 1977
77-1424 Pedestrians overpass on Conestoga Parkway File February 21, 1977
77-1427 Peel Village for sale signs File July 26, 1977
77-1429 Pen pals Joyce Duncan and Edna Davies File June 09, 1977
77-1430 Perma Shine, Galt, Cambridge, Finance File May 04, 1977
77-1435 Photorama 77 photo contest winners File November 05, 1977
77-1437 Picking raspberries, Petersburg File July 09, 1977
77-1446 Pioneer Village school kids in olden days File May 26, 1977
77-1455 Plastering Cluthe construction File June 29, 1977
77-1456 Plattsville bank celebration File November 25, 1977
77-1460 Poinsettas File 1977
77-1462 Police, gunman surrenders to police after siege File August 30, 1977
77-1465 Police IODE awards File November 28, 1977
77-1467 Police, gunman Ottawa and McGee File September 29, 1977
77-1469 Police bike auction File October 01, 1977
77-1471 Police radar Laurentian School File November 08, 1977
77-1472 Police auction bicycle File June 18, 1977
77-1476 Police body recovery, Mrs. Fox File April 06, 1977
77-1478 Police, Hespeler, Cambridge disturbance File February 18, 1977
77-1480 Police display at Fairway Mall File March 02, 1977
77-1481 Police feature, beat cop giving directions File February 08, 1977
77-1484 Police, summer trail bike patrol File June 16, 1977
77-1485 Police search for gunman File May 23, 1977
77-1486 Police, missing mother and two kids, Grand River search File March 15, 1977
77-1489 Police, propane truck overturned near Cambridge File February 07, 1977
77-1491 Police week display at Fairview Park Mall File May 16, 1977
77-1500 Pot Pourri Restaurant in Guelph File January 26, 1977
77-1503 Prankard, Bill, faith healer at Bingeman Park File March 26, 1977
77-1505 Preston High School, Cambridge, girls basketball championship File November 15, 1977
77-1510 Preston Skating Club, Robin Cowan and Sherry Baier File 1977
77-1511 Press Club closing party File March 26, 1977
77-1515 Protest, wormy plant, Cargo Canada File May 06, 1977
77-1524 Pulse songsheet cover File December 08, 1977
77-1525 Pulse Weepers File 1977
77-1531 Puslinch cottage for feature File December 08, 1977
77-1533 Quebec independence man on street File April 07, 1977
77-1534 Queen Elizabeth school, kids on climber File November 18, 1977
77-1535 Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee artefacts, Clifford Cunningham File December 12, 1977
77-1539 Rabbit Taxi, Paul Stricker File October 26, 1977
77-1540 Radcliffe, Jack, Woowich county dogcatcher File November 30, 1977
77-1547 Rape protest parade File November 05, 1977
77-1553 Real Estate for sale montage File March 09, 1977
77-1555 Record, John Habish retirement presentation File December 16, 1977
77-1568 Record, old linotype being restored File July 14, 1977
77-1576 Remembrance Day service, Kitchener File November 11, 1977
77-1579 Resch, Mrs. and baskets File April 14, 1977
77-1581 Resurrection Manor, Brother John Traynor and retired priests File July 18, 1977
77-1584 Right to Live office opening File September 12, 1977
77-1589 River Road lawn skating File March 06, 1977
77-1590 Robbins, Dave and Darlene, magicians File June 10, 1977
77-1591 Roberts, John, at Guelph citizenship court File May 18, 1977
77-1593 Robin, Pet Mark Forabosco File June 30, 1977
77-1603 Rockway senior center production of Harvey File April 18, 1977
77-1608 Roller skaters File December 28, 1977
77-1609 Rollerskater, Chip Barkhouse File November 06, 1977
77-1613 Rosenberg, Mayor Morley File December 14, 1977
77-1621 Rothsay concentrates protest File August 19, 1977
77-1622 Rowell, Jamie at Waterloo Library File November 07, 1977
77-1623 Ruetz, Harold, Finance, Little Tinker shop File July 26, 1977
77-1626 Sacred Heart Bingo File February 28, 1977
77-1630 Salvation army Christmas cheer packages File December 13, 1977
77-1631 Salvation Amy Norm Schneider made life member advisory board File March 14, 1977
77-1634 Santa Claus feast at Tudor Arms File December 10, 1977
77-1637 Santa Parade, Kitchener File November 26, 1977
77-1641 St. Jacob's buggy tunnel under expressway File November 18, 1977
77-1646 St. Aloyisius School students talking about Easter File April 05, 1977
77-1647 St. Andrews Day Cambridge Public School File December 01, 1977
77-1650 St. Annes separate school pre schoolers visited by Ranger Dwight Foster File March 02, 1977
77-1652 St. Boniface church Maryhill anniversary File August 28, 1977
77-1654 St. John's Anglican church pudding factory, Christmas File November 02, 1977
77-1659 St. Mary's High school puppet makers File November 23, 1977
77-1665 St. Patrick's School, shamrock flower garden File October 20, 1977
77-1686 School closing Southridge school closing, broken watermains File February 08, 1977
77-1687 School crossing at Ottawa and Montcalm, girl with umbrella File March 06, 1977
77-1694 School yard slide, kids at Elizabeth Ziegler school File February 25, 1977
77-1697 Schmidt, Dennis, shoe shine finance File June 18, 1977
77-1701 Scouts leaving for jamboree File June 21, 1977
77-1702 Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Harriston house feature File April 19, 1977
77-1704 Seagram's feature File April 21, 1977
77-1706 Sears new warehouse File July 25, 1977
77-1709 Seaton, Jeannette and Brenda File January 10, 1977
77-1711 Selye, Dr. Hans, stress expert lectures at University of Waterloo File January 24, 1977
77-1712 Sekoll, Walter, chimney cleaner File June 17, 1977
77-1715 Senior citizens week, shots of people at Waterloo adult recreation center File June 23, 1977
77-1716 Senior citizens art exhibit, KW gallery File June 21, 1977
77-1724 Shippet, Kim in bus shelter, icy weather File February 23, 1977
77-1725 Schlenker, Hanna with clavicord File March 30, 1977
77-1733 Simon, Wolf, new Walper Hotel manager File December 02, 1977
77-1735 Simpson, new sign being installed by crane File April 26, 1977
77-1738 Sir Johns Restaurant for dining out column File November 12, 1977
77-1751 Skating, kids learning to skate File December 17, 1977
77-1752 Skating, preschool at Albert McCormack arena File February 15, 1977
77-1757 Skiing illustration for Pulse File November 11, 1977
Results 2201 to 2300 of 3394