1961 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
61-1581 Wellesley, Centennial Gates File September 09, 1961
61-1585 Wellington Egg Producers Association File February 24, 1961
61-1599 Wilmot Rod & Gun Club File July 27, 1961
61-1605 Winkler, Diane File August 14, 1961
61-1610 Wismer, David File December 06, 1961
61-1616 Women, Doctors' Wives, Formal File February 19, 1961
61-1619 Women, Fashion at Walper Ballet File November 01, 1961
61-1620 Women, Fashion, Brides' Fashions at Goudies File February 17, 1961
61-1622 Women, Fashion, Canadian Legion Fashion Show File May 03, 1961
61-1626 Women, Fashion, OAC Fashion Show File March 07, 1961
61-1631 Women, Gift Wrapping Feature File December 12, 1961
61-1654 Women, Sorority Girls of the Year File May 01, 1961
61-1657 Women, WI Antique Tea File June 09, 1961
61-1658 Wood, Mrs. Margaret File October 16, 1961
61-1660 Workmen's Compensation, African Visitors File September 14, 1961
61-1660_008 Workmen's Compensation, African Visitors Item September 14, 1961
61-1661 Wreaths in Storage File November 13, 1961
61-1662 Wunder Family Violinists File March 20, 1961
61-1665 YMCA, Junior Swim File August 11, 1961
61-878 Legion Oratorical Winners File January 20, 1961
61-882 Liberal Annual Meeting File November 29, 1961
61-886 Library, New Building Construction File September 22, 1961
61-887 Library, Old Kitchener Building File September 22, 1961
61-888 Library, Site Demolitions File April 07, 1961
61-889 Library, Sod Turning File May 03, 1961
61-897 Lippert, Elroy, Retiring Party File December 19, 1961
61-898_002 Lippert, Mrs. Harold, Home-made Xmas Candy Item December 15, 1961
61-898_004 Lippert, Mrs. Harold, Home-made Xmas Candy Item December 15, 1961
61-900 Little Kitchener Feature File October 1961
61-901 Little Theatre, Children's Play File January 25, 1961
61-904 Little Theatre, Rehearsal, "Papa is all" File April 06, 1961
61-907 Local 1940 UBCJ, 25-yr. Pins File May 27, 1961
61-910 Loth, F. J., Music Teacher File December 28, 1961
61-921 MacDonald, Donald at Lutheran U. File November 02, 1961
61-925 Main, Neil File August 14, 1961
61-929 Map, Grand River Railway File 1961
61-931_011 Market, Christmas Item December 16, 1961
61-931_016 Market, Christmas Item December 16, 1961
61-932 Market, Gone Fishing File July 11, 1961
61-938 Mason, Peter B. File November 27, 1961
61-939 Masonic Centennial, Grand River Lodge File September 12, 1961
61-942 Masonic Temple, Dr. Everon Flath File December 27, 1961
61-943 Mathews, Lee File March 15, 1961
61-945 Matthews, Two Sisters Janet and Ellen, Cousin Ricki File 1961
61-947 Mayor's Office Door File July 11, 1961
61-948 McAuley, Energy Minister Visits Kitchener File September 23, 1961
61-949 McAuliffe, Andy File March 20, 1961
61-950 McCarl, Mrs. Gorden, Budgies File August 23, 1961
61-951 McCarter, H. J. File October 30, 1961
61-952 McCarthy File June 28, 1961
61-962 McNeil, Lloyd File January 03, 1961
61-963 McPhee, Ross, Optimist Club File March 14, 1961
61-969 Mennonites Buying Tires File October 06, 1961
61-971 Mental Health Association, Charter Night File March 24, 1961
61-974 Metz, Record Promotion File January 06, 1961
61-978 Michael, Charles G. File January 25, 1961
61-979 Mickelson, Dr. C. R. File November 28, 1961
61-981 Mill Street, Overpass File September 07, 1961
61-982 Mill Street, Sewer Plant Demolition File January 08, 1961
61-982_003 Mill Street, Sewer Plant Demolition Item January 08, 1961
61-986 Ministers, Tangakyika, First Mennonite Church File August 12, 1961
61-989 Mixer, Funeral File January 05, 1961
61-999 Motz, George File March 16, 1961
61-1001 Mount Zion Lutheran Church, Christmas Ornaments File December 06, 1961
61-1008 Music Festival, Kiwanis File April 1961
61-1013 National Home Week File September 1961
61-1016 National Home Week, Doug Owen File September 1961
61-1036 O'Neil, George File July 27, 1961
61-1040 Ontario University Advisory Committee, U. of Waterloo File July 27, 1961
61-1043 Optimist Club Meet File September 28, 1961
61-1045 OVC Guelph Tour File February 06, 1961
61-1046 Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, 68th Wedding Anniversary File February 08, 1961
61-1049 Pagnutty, John with 130 Year-old Gravestone File October 13, 1961
61-1052 Parachute Jumping Feature File May 13, 1961
61-1055_004 Parking Authority, Charles and King Street Properties Item March 28, 1961
61-1055_005 Parking Authority, Charles and King Street Properties Item March 28, 1961
61-1056 Parking Lot Sign, Queen Street File November 04, 1961
61-1058 Parkway Mill Feature File January 08, 1961
61-1059 Pearson, Lester in Guelph File November 22, 1961
61-1060 Pedery-Hunt, Mrs. Dora File February 09, 1961
61-1061 Pennsylvania German Folklore Society File October 21, 1961
61-1065 Petersburg Recreation Club, Cheque Presentation File March 02, 1961
61-1067 Philips, Cy, Presentation to File May 1961
61-1069 Picnic for the Aged File July 26, 1961
61-1074 Pioneer Village, Antique Treasure House File July 1961
61-1078 Pioneer Village, MacArthur House File February 24, 1961
61-1083 Plummer, Mr. and Mrs. Paul File May 25, 1961
61-1091 Police, Murder at Marsland Engineering Plant, Waterloo File August 01, 1961
61-1105 Press Awards Dinner File April 22, 1961
61-1106 Press Club, $1000 Draw File September 1961
61-1111 Press Club, Volkes, Major Gen. Visit File February 02, 1961
61-1114 Preston, City Map File October 16, 1961
61-1121 Pugash, Delegate to Duke of Edinburgh Conference File November 02, 1961
61-1123 Punkeydoodle's Corners, Aerial File October 14, 1961
61-1129_002 Rabbits and Dog, Jerry Hauck, 186 Breithaupt Street Item September 08, 1961
61-1129_006 Rabbits and Dog, Jerry Hauck, 186 Breithaupt Street Item September 08, 1961
61-1130 Rabbits, Dr. Hunt's Home, 650 Westmount File May 02, 1961
61-1141 Red Cross Blood Clinic File September 13, 1961
61-1144 Reesor, William, Legion President File December 12, 1961
61-1152 Renison College, Building Fund File April 11, 1961
Results 601 to 700 of 2055