1961 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
61-65 Air Cadets, Annual Inspection File 1961
61-66 Air Pollution Equipment File June 13, 1961
61-74 All Saints Anglican, Dedication, Waterloo File November 29, 1961
61-87 Argue, Mrs. File July 14, 1961
61-88 Army, Navy, Airforce Veterans Board File November 05, 1961
61-90 Arnold, Paul, Sweepstake Winner (2nd) File March 25, 1961
61-96 Atkinson, Nancy, Grey County Dairy Princess File July 26, 1961
61-98 Auto Rally, Trans-Canada File April 28, 1961
61-102 B. F. Goodrich, Long Service Award File May 15, 1961
61-104 Baden Tattoo File July 1961
61-107 Baechler, Mrs. Wesley and Ornaments File December 05, 1961
61-112 Ball, Douglas John, Linton, Sheila File July 1961
61-116 Band Pageant, Victoria Park File June 24, 1961
61-122 Barn Raising, Bamberg File September 16, 1961
61-123 Barn Raising, Roseville File 1961
61-124 Barn, Twister Damage File 1961
61-130 Baseball, Minor Champs File October 06, 1961
61-132 Baseball, North Ward Peewee Champs File July 19, 1961
61-135 Baseball, Parkway Bantam City Champs File July 13, 1961
61-143 Basketball, KCI Senior Girls, CWOSSA Champs File March 09, 1961
61-146 Basketball, Zion Church Winners File April 14, 1961
61-147 Baton Twirling Feature File March 25, 1961
61-148 Bauman, Miss Mary File November 04, 1961
61-156 Beer Bottles, New and Old File 1961
61-158 Bell Telephone Pipes in the Ground File 1961
61-162 Beno, Winnifred File October 13, 1961
61-165 Berlin Model School Reunion File May 30, 1961
61-167 Beth Jacob, Sisterhood Bridal Showcase File April 11, 1961
61-174 Black and White Day, Holsteins, Waterloo Park File 1961
61-188 Bowling, Smiles and Chuckles Doubles Awards File July 12, 1961
61-189 Bowling, Twin City High School Playoffs File 1961
61-190 Bowling, Waterloo Lanes Winners File June 10, 1961
61-195 Boy Scouts, Apple Day File October 11, 1961
61-196 Boy Scouts, Feature File September 28, 1961
61-197 Boy Scouts, Girl Guides Parade File June 11, 1961
61-206 Breslau, Family Reunion File February 04, 1961
61-208 Brewer's Warehousing Co. File July 14, 1961
61-209 Bridgeport, First Village Library Opening File May 15, 1961
61-215 Britton, William, Funeral File 1961
61-216 Brooker, Charlie File 1961
61-224 Bunch, James, for Trev Bennett Col. File January 26, 1961
61-226 Burk, C. F. File 1961
61-229 Burns Employee Club File March 07, 1961
61-231 Buschert, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, 50th File October 26, 1961
61-238 Canadian Legion, Sports Track and Field Meet File August 26, 1961
61-239 Canadian Manufacturing Association, F. D. Mather Pres. File October 12, 1961
61-244 Canoe at YMCA File April 04, 1961
61-246 CAPPAC Meeting at TV Station, Miss CAPPAC File April 16, 1961
61-253 Carpenter, J. Lloyd, Rosemount Drug File November 24, 1961
61-258 Cat, Rabbit, Little Girl File May 10, 1961
61-263 Central Baptist Church File September 01, 1961
61-269 Century Theatre Demolition File 1961
61-274 Chapman, Harold File November 16, 1961
61-277 Chase, Harold File August 16, 1961
61-281 Children Safety Feature File June 1961
61-283 Christian Mothers Society, St. Clements, 50th Anniversary File November 18, 1961
61-288 Christmas House Lighting File December 17, 1961
61-291 Christmas Market File December 23, 1961
61-296 Christmas Parties, Dominion Rubber File December 09, 1961
61-297 Christmas Shoppers, Downtown File December 09, 1961
61-298 Christmas Trees at Market File December 1961
61-302 City Hall, Clock Washing File June 13, 1961
61-302_001 City Hall, Clock Washing Item June 13, 1961
61-302_005 City Hall, Clock Washing Item June 13, 1961
61-304_001 City Hall, Tree Removal Item November 1961
61-304_003 City Hall, Tree Removal Item November 1961
61-304_006 City Hall, Tree Removal Item November 1961
61-312 Cluett and Peabody, Scaffold Accident File 1961
61-316 Cober, Mr. and Mrs. L. Vernon File 1961
61-317 Coin Club, Waterloo File March 11, 1961
61-321 Conestoga Dam File July 1961
61-323_002 Construction Feature Item September 07, 1961
61-323_005 Construction Feature Item September 07, 1961
61-323_007 Construction Feature Item September 07, 1961
61-323_011 Construction Feature Item September 07, 1961
61-323_014 Construction Feature Item September 07, 1961
61-323_015 Construction Feature Item September 07, 1961
61-324_004 Construction, Stores Item 1961
61-325_004 Cooper, Mrs. Wm. and Red Crossing Flags Item May 02, 1961
61-326_002 Costello, Frank Item June 09, 1961
61-328_002 Couch, Mrs. Item July 1961
61-330 County Council, Kitchener City Hall File June 15, 1961
61-334 Crerar, Jim, Record Staff File April 1961
61-336 Cressman, Mrs. Jessie, Reunion File December 22, 1961
61-338 Crosby, Mrs. Robert File Jan. 1961
61-346 Curling, Legion District Rink Winners File January 29, 1961
61-351 Daffodil Sprouting, Thorne Residence File January 16, 1961
61-354 Daub, Michael File March 28, 1961
61-355 Davidson, Mrs. John and Child File October 26, 1961
61-362 Demolition, TNT File August 01, 1961
61-366 Devitt, Jim File October 26, 1961
61-368 Dick, Mrs. Dorothy File February 10, 1961
61-371 Dickson, F. W. File June 1961
61-373 Diefenbaker's Visit File July 26, 1961
61-375 Dineen, David F. File September 1961
61-376_003 Dingwall, Mrs. David and Pratt, William Item September 1961
61-379 Doenhoffer[?], Gary, Westmount Junior Golf Tourney File August 18, 1961
61-380 Doering, Howard, New Wellesley Reeve File December 15, 1961
61-384 Dominion Rubber Plastic File February 10, 1961
61-393 Duck Dinner File November 16, 1961
Results 901 to 1000 of 2055