1947 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
47-419 Air Cadets At KW Airport File 1947
47-429 Baden Adam Beck Ceremony File 1947
47-431 Baden Train Accident File 1947
47-433_001 Barber Shop Presentation Item September 13, 1947
47-442 Blessing At Balitskys File 1947
47-447 Bus Shelter At City Hall File 1947
47-450 Canadian Legion Linwood File July 18, 1947
47-454 Christ Church Opening File February 1947
47-456 Circus Kitchener File 1947
47-458 Clothing Drive File 1947
47-460 CNR Snowplow File 1947
47-462 Conestogo Barn File 1947
47-464_001 County Potato Farm Item 1947
47-467 Deaf Couple File 1947
47-468 Department Hiways Snowplow File 1947
47-475 Drayton File 1947
47-476 Drayton File 1947
47-477 Drayton Fair File October 08, 1947
47-478 Drowning Bridgeport File March 1947
47-483 Eastman, Col. Jerry File 1947
47-486 Elmira File 1947
47-489 Elmira Public School File 1947
47-490 Elmira Weeds File June 13, 1947
47-491 Elora File 1947
47-504 Food Collection Guy Wedding Gift File 1947
47-509 Galt Fall Fair File 1947
47-510 Galt Livestock Market File 1947
47-512 German Family Arrives File December 24, 1947
47-514_001 Governor General Visit Item 1947
47-524 Heidelberg File 1947
47-532_001 Hilliard, Mayor Wilfred Item January 1947
47-535 Holstein Association File 1947
47-537 Horse and Buggy File 1947
47-544 Jr. Farmers Activity Day Winterbourne File 1947
47-561 Kitchener Violin Group File 1947
47-562_001 Kitchener Water Contamination Item 1947
47-563 Kiwanis Agricultural Dinner File October 7, 1947
47-566 Kossoth Airport Delegation File 1947
47-574 KW St. Mary's Blood Bank File August 1947
47-575 Labor Day Parade File September 01, 1947
47-578 Leaf Loader File October 1947
47-585 Life Underwriters File 1947
47-586 Linwood Election File December 1947
47-589 Listowel Post Master File 1947
47-594 Luny, Tom and Wife. 60th Anniversary File October 1947
47-595 Lutheran Bible Workshop File 1947
47-602 Mccree Court Case File March 1947
47-603 McGillvray, Anna YWCA File 1947
47-605_001 Meeker Flys Home to Game Item September 1, 1947
47-617 Milk Cart File 1947
47-622 Miss Canada Visit File 1947
47-627 New Hamburg Ma Scherer File 1947
47-628 New Hamburg Race Stand File 1947
47-629 Nomination Meeting Kitchener and Waterloo File 1947
47-635 Parking Meter Installation File 1947
47-637 Petersburg Bren Gun Carrier File 1947
47-644 Preston Post Office File November 1947
47-645 Prime Minister Mackenzie King File September 08, 1947
47-652 Record Carriers File 1947
47-659_001 Remove Bucks Hill Item 1947
47-662 Road Repairs. Ken Ave. File 1947
47-664 Robbery. Carling Brewery File 1947
47-666 Rosebank School Ss8 File 1947
47-668 Rotary Anniversary File 1947
47-669 Rotary Silver Anniversary File May 1947
47-675 Sacred Heart Hockey File 1947
47-676 Salamanica, Jauier File 1947
47-677 Salvation Army File October 13, 1947
47-678_001 Salvation Army Band Item 1947
47-682 Schnitzing Bee Pinehill File October 1947
47-691 Soil Coms. Meeting City Hall File April 1947
47-701 St. Joseph's Playday File 1947
47-706_001 Summer Skating School Granite Item 1947
47-709 TB Rural Survey File 1947
47-714_001 Triplet Party Item July 09, 1947
47-715 Turkey Farm Laverne Halliman File 1947
47-716 Turnip Waxing File 1947
47-718 Veteran's Banquet File January 1947
47-725 Waterloo Dog Show File 1947
47-729 Waterloo Township Plowing Match File 1947
47-735 Wellington County Plowing Match File 1947
47-737 Winterbourne File 1947
47-741 Woolwich Plowing Match File October 1947
47-742 Woolworth's Shopping Hold-up File December 1947
47-419_001 Air Cadets At KW Airport Item 1947
47-483_001 Eastman, Col. Jerry Item 1947
47-557_001 Kitchener Orange Men Celebration Item July 1947
47-578_001 Leaf Loader Item October 1947
47-518_001 Grasser, Harvey; Patrich, John Item 1947
47-536_001 Home Making Club Item 1947
47-516_001 Grace Corner Stone Laying Item 1947
47-540_001 House of Refuge Item 1947
47-418 Accident St. Leger St. File 1947
47-422 Artist Campbell File December 1947
47-422_001 Artist Campbell Item December 1947
47-423 Artist Lorne Bogdon File December 1947
47-427 Ayt Farm Petersburg File 1947
47-430 Baden Cheese Factory File 1947
47-434 Barn Raising St. Agatha File 1947
47-439 Beatty Pool File 1947
Results 1 to 100 of 397