Series 1947 - 1947 negatives

Salvation Army BandArtist CampbellSummer Skating School GraniteAir Cadets At KW AirportArnold, Mr. & Mrs. PercyArtist Lorne BogdonBaby Winners Labour DayBarber Shop PresentationCanadian Legion LinwoodDeaf CoupleDessler, BreslauDominion Tire Union AgreementDP Girls At St. Mary's HospitalEastman, Col. JerryErect Parking Meter StandardFans BaseballFree Ice Cream Pop ArnoldKitchener Orange Men CelebrationKitchener School Building (Sheppard)Kitchener Water ContaminationKW St. Mary's Blood BankFood Price CompetitionForsyth, Rev. LeavesFromm Turkey FarmGalt Fall FairGalt Livestock MarketGalt Old Boys ReunionGerman Family ArrivesGiven, RobertGovernor General VisitGovernor general VisitGrace Corner Stone LayingGrace Lutheran ChurchGrasser, Harvey; Patrich, JohnGreens School HalloweenHaysvilleHaysville Harvest SceneHaysville Womens InstituteHilliard, Mayor WilfredHodo?, RalphHolstein Artificial InseminationHolstein AssociationHome Making ClubHorse and BuggyHorses Seagram, ChrisHouse of Friendship Christmas PartyHouse of RefugeHuehn, Reeve EdwinLabor Day ParadeLeaf LoaderHeidelbergLiberals. Farquar, OliverLinwood ElectionLinwood Softball CampMartin, Col. & Mrs. H.McGillvray, Anna YWCAMeeker and BauerMeeker Flys Home to GameMeeker-Schnurr PresentationMennonite Bible School GradsMennonite Relief CenterMerry-go-round Victoria ParkNew Hamburg Ma SchererPublic School Soccer ChampsRecruiting ArmyRemove Bucks HillSchool Opening BookstoreSturgeon SchmalzSwimming PoolTriplet PartyWaterloo City Game AssociationWoolwich Plowing MatchCounty Potato Farm

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1947 negatives

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Biographical history

The Kitchener-Waterloo Record began with the publication of the Daily News of Berlin on February 9, 1878 and was the first daily paper in the area. It was published by Peter Moyer. Over the years it had several names and publishers: in January of 1897 it ... »

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