University photographs 1993. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
93-10-18 Athletics Hall of Fame: Kirk Defazio. File October 3, 1993
93-10-23 Downey Tennisfest: group photo. File October 4, 1993
93-10-26 Athlete of the Week: Kati Aflshami. File October 13, 1993
93-10-27 George Pebbles, President of General Motors, meets the solar car team. File October 14, 1993
93-10-28 Sue Guckenberger, Combinatorics and Optimization. File October 8, 1993
93-10-30 Alumni Magazine - cover photo of students. File October 15, 1993
93-10-32 Athlete of the Week: Janine Oosterveld. File October 19, 1993
93-10-33 Athlete of the Week: Jason Gregoire. File October 19, 1993
93-10-34 Maryanne Connell and Mike Partridge, St. Paul's University College, donors. File October 19, 1993
93-10-45 Convocation A.M. - Arts and Applied Health Sciences. File October 23, 1993
93-10-48 Donor listing photos - students: Jeff Stransky and Rula Handel. File October 25, 1993
93-10-60 Andrea Lunsford - Hagey Lecturer: presentation. File October 28, 1993
93-10-61 Halloween at Married Students apartments. File October 29, 1993
93-11-01 University of Waterloo Liberals : John English, Andrew Telegdi. File November 1, 1993
93-11-06 Scherk, Wendy: student. File November 2, 1993
93-11-10 Van Reenen, Marius: Mechanical Engineering. File November 3, 1993
93-11-15 Norton, Linda: Computer Science. File November 9, 1993
93-11-17 John Cherry, Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research (WCGR). File November 10, 1993
93-11-19 Science Awards Banquet. File November 9, 1993
93-11-25 Math Work Report winners. File November 15, 1993
93-11-30 St. Jerome's College Development Team group photo. File November 18, 1993
93-11-37 St. Jerome's College Grad Association Lecturer - Greg Humbert. File November 19, 1993
93-11-42 Dr. Cathy Menes, Health and Safety. File November 22, 1993
93-11-51 Martin, Kim: Math Faculty Computing Facility (MFCF). File November 26, 1993
93-12-08 Kathy Mickle, Department of Computing Services, displaying her crafts. File December 10, 1993
93-12-12 Power, Geoff: Biology. File December 13, 1993
93-12-19 Faculty, Alumni, Staff, and Students (FASS) '94 poster photos. File December 17, 1993
93-12-20 Student Life building construction site shot from the roof of Math and Computers. File December 21, 1993
93-01-04 Homier, Eric: student. File January 7, 1993
93-01-07 Russell, Delbert: French Department. File January 8, 1993
93-01-08 Phatak, Aloke: Chemical Engineering. File January 11, 1993
93-01-13 Coleman, Catherine: student. File January 12, 1993
93-01-18 Doug Wright and James Downey on ladder - Alumni Magazine cover. File January 12, 1993
93-01-20 Arts Scholarship reception. File January 13, 1993
93-01-25 Athlete of the Week: Michael Zidar. File January 19, 1993
93-01-30 Retirement reception for Herb Ratz and Surindra Kalra, Electrical and Computer Engineering. File January 20, 1993
93-01-32 Athlete of the Week: Ian Hunt. File January 26, 1993
93-01-40 Robert Leroy's graduate Chemistry group. File January 19, 1993
93-02-01 Matlock, Patrick: Department of Computing Services (DCS). File February 1, 1993
93-02-03 Athlete of the Week: B.J. York. File February 3, 1993
93-02-10 Sod turning for new athletic complex - Columbia Icefield (CIF). File February 9, 1993
93-02-11 Pratt & Whitney cheque presentation. File February 11, 1993
93-02-18 Bader, Max: Plant Operations. File February 25, 1993
93-02-23 Power, Bill: Chemistry. File February 23, 1993
93-03-04 Margaret Avison - Pascal Lecturer, book signing in Rare Book Room. File March 2, 1993
93-03-09 Working program facilitators meeting in Needles Hall. File March 11, 1993
93-03-14 Campus Day. File March 16, 1993
93-04-08 Board of Governors reception and dinner for Doug Wright. File April 6, 1993
93-04-09 Hop-a-thon at Hildegard Marsden Daycare Centre. File April 8, 1993
93-04-10 Peterson, Carol: Biology. File April 8, 1993
93-04-19 Breugst, Eric: Dean of Arts office. File April 8, 1993
93-04-26 Pasternak, Lili: Biology. File April 21, 1993
93-04-27 Orientation poster shot: computer. File April 21, 1993
93-04-34 Kathyrn McKie, Renison College. File April 23, 1993
93-04-44 Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Henry Newton Rowell “Hal” Jackman visits campus. File April 29, 1993
93-05-07 Betsy Zanna - Dean of Arts Office. File May 6, 1993
93-05-13 Lerose, Sharon: Food Services. File May 10, 1993
93-05-21 Masson, Calvin: Federation of Students. File May 13, 1993
93-05-23 Women In Text: keynote speaker. File May 7, 1993
93-05-24 Davis Centre: morning shot. File May 10, 1993
93-05-30 James Downey, President. File May 25, 1993
93-05-35 Faculty of Science: W.B. Pearson and Dean's awards. File May 27, 1993
93-05-36a Convocation: Arts. File May 27, 1993
93-05-40 Convocation: reception and graduates. File May 27, 1993
93-05-45 Convocation: portraits. File May 26, 1993
93-05-46 Convocation general photos. File May 26, 1993
93-06-03 Joan Molloy: retirement reception. File June 2, 1993
93-06-04 Plant Operations - Electrical group photo. File June 8, 1993
93-06-13 Gerald Hagey display dedication in Hagey Hall foyer. File June 16, 1993
93-06-17 Chidichimo, Marita: Physics. File June 18, 1993
93-06-19 Hagey display cases in Hagey Hall foyer. File June 23, 1993
93-06-20 Barbecue for Campaign Waterloo. File June 22, 1993
93-06-23 Gerhardstein, Mary: English. File June 21, 1993
93-06-27 Accounting professionals in class. File June 25, 1993
93-07-07 Heritage Experience Camp '93. File July 9, 1993
93-07-12 Shi, Richard: Computer Science student. File July 14, 1993
93-07-15 Sproule, Bob: Federation of Students. File July 16, 1993
93-07-16 Math Work Report winners. File July 15, 1993
93-07-18 St. Jerome's College - high school liaison photos (Admissions). File July 15, 1993
93-07-27 Dmitrienko, Gerry: Chemistry. File July 20, 1993
93-07-28 Student Alumni Association (SAA) group photo. File July 21, 1993
93-07-29 Hemmings, Isabelle: Student Alumni Association (SAA) student. File July 21, 1993
93-08-01 Robert (Rob) Nicholson, Minister of Science. File August 4, 1993
93-08-08 Stransky, Jeff: Student Alumni Association (SAA). File August 10, 1993
93-08-09 Tom McCauley, St. Jerome's College. File August 10, 1993
93-08-11 O'Neill, Pauline: Office of Research. File August 6, 1993
93-08-18 Lepock, Jim: Physics. File August 12, 1993
93-08-19 Value Plus photo ID cards (precursor to WatCard). File August 24, 1993
93-08-22 Husted, Janice: Health Studies. File August 26, 1993
93-08-23 McCutcheon, Dawn: Health Studies. File August 27, 1993
93-08-27 Durance, Carl: Computer Systems Group. File August 31, 1993
93-08-28 MacPherson, Jackie: Gerontology. File August 31, 1993
93-09-01 Charness, Neil: Gerontology. File September 1, 1993
93-09-02 Single & Sexy dress rehearsal. File September 2, 1993
93-09-04 Frosh week activities. File September 11, 1993
93-09-05 University of Waterloo symbol by frosh on green in front of Burt Matthews Hall (BMH). File September 7, 1993
93-09-07 Renison College frosh convocation. File September 7, 1993
93-09-08 Hipel, Keith: Systems Design Engineering. File September 9, 1993
93-09-14 Lois Bridge's retirement reception. File September 15, 1993
93-09-15 Charles Colbourn, Combinatorics and Optimization. File September 20, 1993
Results 1 to 100 of 453