University photographs 1977. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
77-08-04 Correspondence course facilities. File August 12, 1977-August 16, 1977
77-08-07 Three Engineering professors and computer. File August 16, 1977
77-08-11 Ontario Summer Games, art exhibition, wine and cheese party. File August 23, 1977
77-08-12 Chemistry Building renovations. File August 18, 1977
77-08-14 Ontario Summer Games, Electrician's Van. File August 25, 1977
77-08-15 Students shot for Arts poster. File August 19, 1977
77-09-03 Joe Havlick, Physical Resources Group. File September 1, 1977
77-09-05 Students arriving for new term at Village II. File September 6, 1977
77-09-10 Willy Stachel, Chemical Engineering. File September 8, 1977
77-09-14 Solar heating research in Engineering III. File September 16, 1977
77-09-18 Optometry instrument damaged in shipping. File September 21, 1977
77-09-22 Dr. Goodman's office furniture. File September 22, 1977
77-09-24 Dave Reynolds, student awards. File September 28, 1977
77-10-12 Awards at Physical Resources Group. File October 5, 1977
77-10-19 St. Paul's University College ceremony. File October 23, 1977
77-10-25 Rugger team. File October 28, 1977
77-10-28 St. Jerome's College Library interior. File October 1977
77-10-30 Arts Library, cover of 1977-1978 calendar. File 1977
77-11-03 Cathy Deitweiler, Needles Hall. File November 4, 1977
77-11-06 Chemistry II lab and equipment. File November 3, 1977
77-11-09 Kinesiology class. File November 2, 1977
77-11-13 Gerry Meek, Arts Library. File November 11, 1977
77-11-16 Rugger game. File November 12, 1977
77-11-17 Dr. J.H. Bater, Geography. File November 14, 1977
77-11-18 Dr. Lorraine Roberts. File November 16, 1977
77-11-23 Tree ring computerized research, Keith Hipel, Engineering. File November 17, 1977
77-11-28 After 4 Exhibition, J. Steward, Physical Resources Group. File November 30, 1977
77-12-02 Tote room attendant: Audy Steiger. File December 1, 1977
77-12-03 Fine Arts students in studio, calendar. File December 3, 1977
77-12-05 Engineering students in lab for calendar. File December 3, 1977
77-12-08 Library interiors and students. File December 8, 1977
77-12-16 High schoolers political conference at Theatre of the Arts. File December 14, 1977
77-12-18 Copy negatives of 1978 Hagey Lecturers. File December 14, 1977
77-12-20 Architecture students with boat project. File December 20, 1977
77-12-22 Insulating oil storage tank. File December 20, 1977
77-12-23 Doug Wicken, Environmental Studies. File December 22, 1977
77-01-01 Hartley Thompson, Optometry. File January 4, 1977
77-01-07 Careers Information Centre, Coordination. File January 12, 1977
77-01-09 Dr. Scoles, Chemistry. File January 5, 1977
77-01-13 Earl Stieler, Cultural Program Centre , Modern Languages Theatre of Arts. File January 17, 1977
77-01-23 Heather Nyland. File January 27, 1977
77-02-01 Frank Kenyon, vehicle shop. File February 1, 1977
77-02-02 Presentation to English proficiency students by Dr. Matthews. File February 2, 1977
77-02-05 Norm Harrison. File February 3, 1977
77-02-06 Mike Moser Basketball Awards at Physical Activities Complex. File February 3, 1977
77-02-09 Plant growing contest at Renison College. File February 10, 1977
77-02-12 Burned contacts on chiller. File February 11, 1977
77-02-14 Orange juice lunch, hunger demonstration at Modern Languages foyer. File February 14, 1977
77-02-18 Copy of drawings by Professor Sahas, Religious Studies. File February 17, 1977
77-02-20a Wrestling Championships at Athletics. File February 19, 1977
77-02-20d Wrestling Championships at Athletics. File February 19, 1977
77-02-21 Hockey player. File February 22, 1977
77-02-23 Groundsman, 10 year service, Bruce Logan. File February 22, 1977
77-02-25 Broken furniture at carpenter's shop. File February 25, 1977
77-03-01 Faculty Senator Dr. K. McLaughlin, St. Jerome's College. File March 2, 1977
77-03-07 Orchestra and choir rehearsal. File March 3, 1977
77-03-11 Ice hockey team. File March 1, 1977
77-03-16 More signs of spring. File March 11, 1977
77-03-17 Gary Brannon, Environmental Studies. File March 11, 1977
77-03-23 Language Lab. File March 18, 1977
77-03-35 Fine Arts sculpture. File March 30, 1977
77-01-04 Mark Fielding, Purchasing. File January 12, 1977
77-01-11 Ethnic party at Math Lounge. File January 13, 1977
77-01-14 Fred Birkmam, English. File January 17, 1977
77-01-15 Earl Stieler and Betty Adair in Art Gallery. File January 18, 1977
77-01-19 Federation of Students: Presidential nominees. File January 20, 1977-January 24, 1977
77-01-20 Dr. Hans Selye: Hagey Lecture series. File January 24, 1977
77-01-24 Faculty, Alumni, Staff, and Students (FASS) rehearsal. File January 28, 1977
77-01-25 Jewellery, Mrs. Woo, Optometry. File January 27, 1977
77-02-03 Rehearsal at Humanities Theatre: Medea. File February 3, 1977
77-02-13 Zel Whittington. File February 11, 1977
77-02-15 Arts Library reference desk. File February 15, 1977
77-03-02 Faculty Senator Dr. P.H. Roe, Systems Design. File March 2, 1977
77-03-03 Dr. Bob Prus, Sociology/Psychology. File March 1, 1977
77-03-12 Sir Sanford Fleming Inaugural Banquet. File March 8, 1977
77-03-14 Professors A and H Morgan, Chemistry. File March 11, 1977
77-03-15 Signs of spring on campus. File March 9, 1977
77-03-18 Ruby Schneider, Food Services. File March 14, 1977
77-03-20 Computer/Dance System/System Design, Jill Officer, Gord Savage. File March 15, 1977
77-03-22a Copy negatives of famous mathematicians. File March 17, 1977
77-03-25 Dr. S.D. Riome, Optometry. File March 18, 1977
77-03-28 Bert Frazer Reid, Chemistry II. File March 23, 1977
77-03-29 Anne Barnes, General Services. File March 25, 1977
77-03-30 Linda Krassner, Psychology. File March 28, 1977
77-04-02 Chris Knapper. File April 4, 1977
77-04-04b Dr. B.C. Matthews, President (taken in Arts Theatre). File April 1, 1977
77-04-05 Lorraine Roberts and Betsy (friend), Modern Languages. File April 11, 1977
77-04-08 Ross Duke. File April 11, 1977
77-04-12 Dr. I.F. MacDonald, Chemical Engineering. File April 14, 1977
77-04-13 Judy Boettger, Arts Library. File April 14, 1977
77-04-21 Professor Narveson. File 1977
77-05-01 Philosophy Department Professors for Arts brochure. File May 3, 1977
77-05-03 Highschooler's art at Theatre of the Arts. File May 3, 1977
77-05-06 Ms. Little, St. Paul's University College. File May 4, 1977
77-05-07 Industrial Advisory Committee group and new Chairman. File May 6, 1977
77-05-13 Economics Department situations for Arts brochure. File May 11, 1977
77-05-14 Dialogue 1977 Conference. File May 13, 1977
77-05-18 Book labeling in EMS Library. File May 18, 1977
77-05-19 Campus scenes. File May 16, 1977
77-05-21 Tom Fitzgerald, Career Planning. File May 19, 1977
Results 201 to 300 of 344