Thomas Lacey lecture collection. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
397 The goodness of truth in the temple of the Tiahuanicans. File 1950
405 The immortal sign a directive for peace. File 1950
410 Atlanticus. File 1950
411 Ibanius in Brunoto. File 1950
425 The incomprehensible immensity of the larger life. File 1951
426 In the Great Pyramind.... File 1951
430 A glimpse of a Christian heaven. File 1951
431 A second visit to the city of those who love goodness. File 1951
435 Strange life of a far planet. File 1951
441 "In the beginning...." File 1951
445 The enlargement of the senses to the colour and music of nature. File 1951
8 We are all worlds. File 1946
10 Easter. File 1947
11 Love ye one another. File 1947
18 Easter. May your stone be rolled away. File 1948
22 The nature of our spirit. File 1948
25 Our reality is not the body... File 1948
27 Right and wrong. Amarai's Lecture. File 1948
41 Way to peace. File 1948
47 Nature of the prophet. File 1948
61 Thanksgiving. File 1948
69 Light on the American election. File 1948
72 Hidden nature of life. File 1948
73 The temple. File 1948
79 Path of the initiate in life. File 1948
85 Let peace and security be your aim. File 1949
86 Deeper powers. File 1949
89 Immortal seed of humanity. File 1949
91 Truth's book is open. File 1949
93 Application of the laws of spirit. File 1949
96 Know thyself. File 1949
109 Challenge of Easter. File 1949
110 Reasons for the drama... Crucifixion. File 1949
113 Interpretation of Easter events. File 1949
121 Life constantly evolves... File 1949
122 Love is the key to power. File 1949
130 Whence comes drought? File 1949
133 The paradox of our impress. File 1949
145 Prophets and temples of antiquity and today. File 1949
154 The astral - the in-between state. File 1949
155 The significance of the Temple of Delphi. File 1949
158 In presence in the holiness of the temple. File 1949
163 The peace that passeth all understanding. File 1949
165 Moving forward in harmony towards peace. File 1949
177 The eve of Christmas. File 1949
178 Stepping forward into the light. File 1950
181 Power available. File 1950
183 Bringing heaven to earth. File 1950
188 The deep urge towards greater potentialities. File 1950
190 As above, so below; as below, so above. File 1950
192 Working towards the peace of the world. File 1950
194 Karma will come upon the transgressor against human society. File 1950
195 Substance in matter - the spirit of you. File 1950
198 The thinning shell of our mortality. File 1950
199 The vehicle and the journey. File 1950
203 The eternal stream of life. File 1950
206 The aura. File 1950
207 True education - and service. File 1950
208 The temple and the cathedral - oh, the difference! File 1950
211 Appearances. File 1950
212 Natural or unnatural goals we seek. File 1950
215 Cosmos. File 1950
223 Thought and will. File 1950
228 The quiet waters of the mind. File 1950
230 Growth. File 1950
233 Hidden potentialities of our human nature. File 1950
235 Blessed are those who sit at the right hand of God. File 1950
237 The higher spirit. File 1950
239 The heart of humanity. File 1950
241 Sleep - the doorway. File 1950
247 A mansion in the father's house. File 1950
249 Consciousness - the most important reality. File 1950
250 The greater mind of the greater body. File 1950
251 Seeing the thing through. File 1950
264 The powers that be. File 1951
265 Contrasting [sic] education and intelligence. File 1951
273 The naturalness of spirit. File 1951
285 The pathway that ends not. File 1951
291 A pause to review our place on the pathway. File 1951
292 The path to the place of administration. File 1951
301 The cosmic tide. File 1951
303 A sense of freedom. File 1951
308 Overcoming the poisons of the mind. File 1951
310 Realizing the eminence of the human spirit. File 1951
313 Closeness of contact in spirit. File 1951
316 Bethlehem is with us in these our days. File 1951
320 The light and power of the temple beautiful. File 1952
322 God, the will. File 1952
324 The world awaiteth the sunrise of emancipation. File 1952
328 The soul, the spirit and the mind of you and I. File 1952
329 Contributing to God's springtime. File 1952
330 Exaltation of the senses, which brings an anniversary. File 1952
331 Through darknesss emerges the light of the master plan. File 1952
334 Socrates - on improving the human family. File 1949
335 Socrates on "individuality." File 1949
337 Socrates - the state of human society. File 1949
340 John and Tom visit the sanctuary in the Andes. File 1949
343 One speaks. File 1949
347 Spiritual doctors at work. File 1949
349 Passing over - the arrival. File 1949
Results 301 to 400 of 448