Thomas Lacey lecture collection. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
386 The interpreting of spiritual truth to mortality. File 1950
389 The passing of a soul into the wider life. File 1950
390 Those from other planets interest themselves in earth's welfare. File 1950
392 The river of life. File 1950
396 The richness of the spirit. File 1950
398 Intensification and amplification in the deeper world of spirit. File 1950
412 John and Tom speak of the "immediate" world of spirit. File 1950
413 Zoraster speaks of the Two Cities. File 1950
414 The imperiator addresses a class. File 1950
415 Elbert Hubbard tells of his library. File 1950
418 Mu - departing for home. File 1950
419 King Solomone's mines. File 1950
420 Joyfulness in the hall of music. File 1950
422 Uranius. File 1950
424 Daniel Webster and John speak on justice and aggression. File 1951
428 The heaven of those who love goodness. File 1951
432 The happy hunting grounds. File 1951
437 Tom's old friend Ed tells of his passing into spirit, his experiences there, and the influence of our discoveries. File 1951
442 A valley of quietude. File 1951
7 [Untitled]. File 1946
14 The truth of our being (?). File 1948
16 [Untitled]. File 1948
21 Applying the principle. File 1948
23 Realization of the spiritual body. File 1948
24 Mysteries that reveal the nature of God. File 1948
28 Oneness of all things. File 1948
29 I am that I am. File 1948
32 Thought. File 1948
40 Application of patience. File 1948
45 Vital importance of unity. File 1948
49 [Amarai's lecture - no title]. File 1948
51 Broader experiences of human life. File 1948
60 [Untitled]. File 1948
62 The words of the paradox. File 1948
63 Greater power in humanity for peace. File 1948
65 Peace through a world government. File 1948
67 American election. File 1948
70 Growing into life. File 1948
74 Our purpose with history. File 1948
75 Mind, body and soul. File 1948
77 Soul, mind and spirit. File 1948
81 Christmas. File 1948
83 Time and immortality. File 1949
87 The need for light... File 1949
94 Law of the spirit within. File 1949
97 Hidden potentialities of the human mind. File 1949
100 Nature of life... Karmic wheel. File 1949
107 Resurrection. File 1949
108 Finding the purpose of life. File 1949
117 Bring proof through healing. File 1949
118 Past the church door. File 1949
120 Nature of God. File 1949
136 Time? - Timelessness! File 1949
139 The first cause. File 1949
140 The key to the inner sanctuary. File 1949
144 The brotherhood. File 1949
148 Equilibrium - the middle of the road. File 1949
151 The mind and the machine. File 1949
166 Responsibility in the sowing of the seed. File 1949
172 The true nature of us. File 1949
174 The renewal of the Christ light. File 1949
175 The heaven of our being. File 1949
176 The path of the initiate in life. File 1949
179 Let the dead bury their dead. File 1950
184 The human soul. File 1950
193 Ways to the paradox of truth and to peace within. File 1950
196 The explosiveness of the seed. File 1950
202 The true Easter. File 1950
204 Mortality is a life of appearances. File 1950
214 Cosmicizing ourself, we find God within. File 1950
227 Our true heritage. File 1950
234 The value of a life. File 1950
240 Ways to peace and power. File 1950
242 The new Jerusalem. File 1950
244 The power in consciousness. File 1950
253 The five senses. File 1950
257 Growing into the normality of our pattern. File 1950
260 Christmas all year. File 1950
261 Retrospective and anticipation at the year-end. File 1950
269 Inspiration. File 1951
275 The language of life - the voice of spirit. File 1951
276 The directive at noon for the travel in sleep. File 1951
280 Fear - and its overcoming. File 1951
288 Death, the life of sleep and the subconscious mind. File 1951
294 Let there be peace! File 1951
296 The largeness of the spirit. File 1951
298 The growth of the spirit to maturity. File 1951
300 Consciousness in the deeper life - heaven. File 1951
306 Progress in light and strength. File 1951
307 The way of reason. File 1951
318 The New Year - a pathway of peace, health, prosperity and happiness. File 1952
326 The influence of the spirit throughout the world. File 1952
327 The way of the law. File 1952
332 Ghandi's message to our student body. File 1948
341 A visit to Tiahuanica. File 1949
342 Amaral speaks on The Room Alone. File 1949
344 Amaral speaks on the greater life of the spirit in sleep. File 1949
345 Judas Iscariot tells his story. File 1949
350 A beautiful community home. File 1949
353 A meeting with Thomas Edison and Roger Bacon. File 1949
Results 101 to 200 of 448