

Scope note(s)

  • Used and unused postcards

224 Archival description results for Postcards

224 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Wittenberg, Bez. Halle.

File consists of a booklet of 10 black and white postcards [rotogravure prints?] containing views of Wittenberg.

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Why does a woman look sooner than a man.

Illustrated postcard of two people commenting on a poster on a wall that reads: "Why does a woman look old sooner than a man". The first is saying: "Why. Because she found fifteen ozs went to the pound." the second's comment is obscured due to damage on ... »

Unidentified man.

Studio portrait postcard of an unidentified man in military uniform, seen smiling at camera, from the Bechler family photo album. Postcard made in the United States of America and bottom right corner of portrait signed Holloway.

Bechler family

Trip to Yugoslavia.

File consists of materials relating to Kay Rex's trip to Yugoslavia. Includes ephemera, itineraries, postcards, notes and travel information.

Rex, Kay

Titania's palace : postcards.

Eight postcards which constitute the complete first set of Titania's Palace series no. 1 postcards by Tuck's Post Cards. A note on verso of card 4 indicates that they were produced sometime after 1904.

Schantz Russell Family

Suffragist orator.

Illustrated postcard of a suffragist speaking from on top of a soap box while being ridiculed by a crowd of spectators composed mostly men. The suffragist, with arms outstretched, is saying: "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world and it is WE ... »

Suffragist at home.

Illustrated postcard of a woman lying in bed, turned to yell at an unhappy man seated at right, presumably her husband, who holding two crying babies. Caption on postcard reads: "The Suffragist at home. We don't know what we want, but we'll get it."

... »


Illustrated postcard of a man kneeling in front of a stove, cooking something on a long fork, in a messy kitchen while holding a crying baby. In the background is a woman yelling from an open door with a "Votes for Women" poster visible at left. ... »


Illustrated postcard of a police office with a gesturing suffragette holding a "Votes for Women" poster thrown over his shoulder. Captioning on postcard reads: "The Suffragettes. Are we downhearted? No!"

Featuring a cartoon by Donald McGill, the postcard ... »

Suffragette postcard collection.

  • SCA48-WA26
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1900-1910]

Collection consists of 13 unused postcards concerning suffragettes and women's rights. Included are photographs of Christobel Pankhurst with Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence at a demonstration in Hyde Park, one of a suffragette in prison, a portrait of Emmeline ... »

Standing up for womens rights.

Illustrated postcard of a woman standing on a public transportation vehicle surrounded by seated passengers, presumably men, reading newspapers. Caption at bottom reads: "Standing up for Womens Rights"

Featuring a cartoon by F.S., the postcard was ... »


Items probably collected as souvenirs. Includes a photograph album with a leather cover (empty); blank postcards depicting Clachaig (Scotland), a Vancouver parade, and the University of Toronto; business cards for a hotel in California; autograph ... »

Martin, John Gartshore

Sims, Harvey James to Florence Sims.

Photographic postcard from Harvey J. Sims postmarked Berlin, Ont., July 25 1906: "Old Opera House, London, Canada". Handwritten message: "We won our first two games. Am just going out with Buck & Harry Pope – Sam, Irvin Woelfle. Tell Mrs Woelfle they ... »

Sims family

Sims, Florence to Elizabeth Roos.

Photographic postcard (damaged) from Florence Sims dated Prince Rupert B.C. August 18, 1922, to her mother Elizabeth Roos, showing a totem pole in Alert Bay, B.C. The postcard is accompanied by handwritten notes and observations made on a trip.

Sims family


Norman Schneider's scrapbook of clippings relating to the Norman C. Schneider family, local history, local weather, personalities, sports, Kitchener downtown, J.M. Schneider Ltd., Waterloo-Wellington Airport, local postcards.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Schneider, Herbert J. family.

Snapshots of Herb and Betty: skiing, fishing, hiking and sailing in New Zealand, Alaska, Austria, Switzerland and Georgian Bay. Includes two postcards, one to Herb from Carl Holman, head brewer for Carlsberg Beer.

Schneider family

Saskatoon, Sask..

File consists of four picture postcards, black-and-white and colour, of views of Saskatoon. Includes Nutanba Collegiate, C.N.R. Depot. Y.W.C.A. and University buildings.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Royal family and coronation.

File consists of 12 sepia-toned and black and white postcard photographs of members of the royal family and the coronation of King George IV and Queen Elizabeth in 1937. The postcards are by Valentine's, Raphael Tuck & Sons, and Elliott & Fry.

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Rosa M.H. Clark: European trip album.

Album contains postcards and photographs documenting a trip made May 24 to July 31, 1960 by Rosa and Spencer Clark to Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, England and Scotland. Many items are accompanied by ... »

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Rittinger & Motz : postcards.

File consists of postcards pre-printed with the letterhead of Rittinger and Motz. Most are blank, and a few are designed as receipts. Three postcards are addressed to: Mr. G.B. Foster, Mr. Henry Krotz and one to "dear sir."

Motz Family

Result of the suffragettes.

Illustrated postcard of a woman standing on a stage, in front of a crowd of women, holding "relics of the last man" for available sale. Behind her are sign that reads: "Great sale relics of the last man" and "Sale today". Caption below illustration: "... »

Procession of suffragists.

Illustrated postcard featuring a procession of suffragists marching in a line with mouths open and arms outstretched, many with umbrellas in hand. The woman at the front of the line is holding a sign that reads: "Down with the Men and Up with the Women". ... »

Postcards received.

File consists of twenty-one picture postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Some are partially or wholly in German, most written by his parents and grandmother Catherine during a trip to the Pacific coast. Includes a scene of canoeing in Victoria Park, ... »

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Postcards received.

File consists of twenty-seven picture postcards and greeting postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Some are in German from his father and grandmother. Includes a leather postcard from Sanger, Cal., October 1908; "Canadian child studies : the hockey ... »

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert

Postcards received.

File consists of picture postcards and greeting postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Some are in German from his father and grandmother. Includes "Canadian Winter sports : skating, Grenadier Pond, Toronto, Canada," March 9, 1909; "Winter sports : ... »

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert

Postcards received.

File consists of seven picture postcards and greeting postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Includes "The Highland Inn, Algonquin Provincial (Ontario) Park," August 9, 1912, and Valentine greetings.

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert

Postcards received.

File consists of four picture postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Two are from Albert en route to England; two are from Fred's grandmother Catherine and are in German.

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert

Postcards received.

File consists of thirty-two picture postcards and greeting postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Some are in German, many are from his father Albert on a trip in western Canada. Includes a view of "Steamer Toronto" at Penetanguishene, dated February 26, ... »

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert

Postcards received.

File consists of thirty picture postcards and greeting postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Some are in German. Includes "Canadian child studies : tobogganing," from a painting by C.W. Simpson, January 7, 1907; "A young [tobogganing] enthusiast : ... »

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert

Postcards received.

File consists of thirty picture postcards and greeting postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Most are from his father. Includes "Tobogganing : the spill," January 5, 1910; "Grand quinzaine d'aviation : Le Havre, Trouville, Deauville," October 9, 1910. ... »

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert

Postcards and notes.

Materials related to travels by A. R. Kaufman. Includes sixty-seven postcards of Thailand, India, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Ceylon, Pakistan, and Egypt with annotations on the verso. Also includes notes of trips covering Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, ... »

Kaufman, A. R. (Alvin Ratz)

Postcards and invitations to events.

Postcards and invitations to events received by Hon. Dr. James Horace King, M. D. and his first wife, Mrs. Nellie Mae King. All items were attached to a scrapbook album at some point. Original file folder contained a note that read: “JH King Invitations. ... »

King, James Horace


File consists of two unused postcards showing Letchworth State Park in New York and the Administration Building of the State University Teacher's College in Geneseo, New York.

Innis family

Postcard album.

Photograph album with ninety-two postcards of Danish West Indies, Martinique and Guadeloupe, Antigua, St. Lucia, Panama, Jamaica, Cuba, and Florida (United States of America).

Kaufman, A. R. (Alvin Ratz)


Postcard a photograph of Edna Louise Augustine and her husband Albert William Augustine aboard a ship to Europe in 1930. This postcard was likely sent by Albert William Augustine to his granddaughter Mary Martha Ham in 1970. File also includes a document ... »

Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family

Post card album.

File consists of a post card album compiled by Ella Anthes on her trip to Europe during the sumer of 1910. Album contains ca. 260 post cards and a small amount of loose emphera from Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland.

Rieder and Anthes family

Photograph album 5 : trip to England and Scotland.

Album containing snapshots and souvenir postcards from a trip to England and Scotland. The trip was probably taken by Margaret (Wilson) More and her husband William More [?], Richard S. Wilson, and other members of the Wilson family. Album also includes ... »

Martin, John Gartshore

Photograph album.

A photograph album containing photographs, postcards, press clippings, and greeting cards accumulated by the Bechler family.

Bechler family

Personal correspondence from Domanski.

Personal correspondence received by Julia McCarthy from Don Domanski in the form of letters, emails, and postcards. Includes poem written by Domanski titled "Good bruin in the heart" and two photographs of Domanski.
Also contains a bookmark made from a ... »

McCarthy, Julia


File consists of one booklet of 19 black-and-white souvenir postcards (originally contained 24 postcards.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius


File consists of a booklet of ten black and white postcards [rotogravure prints?] containing views of Norderney.

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Nicholson, Norman to Florence Sims.

Postcard from Norman Nicholson postmarked Berlin, December 24, 1904 to Florence Sims, with Christmas wishes to the family. Postcard is Raphael Tuck & Sons "Write Away" Postcard Series 288 IV: conductor with baton.

Sims family

Native American Indian portraits.

File consists of three col. postcards. Two appear to be hand coloured photographic cards of "Crow Eagle, chief of the Piegan Indians" and "Black Plume, Blood Indian." The third is "Chief Red Cloud, Sioux," by F.A. Rinehart, Omaha, Neb.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius


File consists of 11 postcards containing views of Munich. Some are photochrom and some are black and white [rotogravure prints?].

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Mrs. Pankhurst.

Postcard with studio portrait of Christobel Pankhurst taken by Martin Jacolette, South Kensington. Caption under portrait reads: "Mrs. Pankhurst. Hon. Secretary, National Women's Social & Political Union. 4, Clement's Inn, W.C."

Mrs. Drummond.

Postcard with photograph of Flora Drummond standing, at right, with right arm in air. Other women and men on the boat are seen holding large signs that read "Votes for Women," "Hyde Park Sunday June 21," and "Cabinet Ministers Specially Invited". Caption ... »

Moyer family.

Group portrait of, left to right, Jacob Nash Moyer, Mollie Raymond Moyer and Levi Nash Moyer standing together outdoors that has been sent as a postcard.

Schantz Russell Family

Montreal : toboggan slide.

File consists of one picture postcard, col., with "Canadian sport series : toboggan party" printed on the recto; two copies of another "Park toboggan slide, Montreal," with glitter representing ice on the slide.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Louis Jacob Breithaupt: European trip album.

Albums contains photographs and postcards recording a trip to Europe made by Louis Jacob Breithaupt in 1900. Some items have manuscript identifications. One photograph is a photomontage of images of Berlin, Ontario., including an aerial view, industries, ... »

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Loose postcards.

File consists of 212 loose postcards, including black and white and sepia-toned photographs, black and white and sepia-toned rotogravures, photochroms, and other colour prints. Postcards contain views of numerous European cities and landforms (including ... »

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Lina (Nini) Neumeyer Raatz: letters, photographs, cards.

Correspondence primarily between Ulrich Sommer and Lina Neumeyer Raatz. Lina Neumeyer Raatz was Ulrich Sommer’s aunt and she lived in Germany. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as Lina’s death on January 21, 1969. Records ... »

Results 1 to 100 of 224