Fonds SCA331-GA428 - Michael Bird fonds.

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Michael Bird fonds.

Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title from content of the fonds.

Level of description


Reference code


Dates of creation area


Physical description area

Physical description

  • 373 photographs : b&w and col. ; 21 x 26 cm or smaller
  • 1924 negatives : b&w ; 35 mm
  • 3943 slides : b&w and col. ; 35 mm
  • 9 glass slides : col. ; 20 x 6 cm or smaller
  • 5 photographs : stereograms : b&w ; 9 x 18 cm
  • 3 photographs : tintype ; b&w ; 13 x 9 cm or smaller
  • 1 transparency : col. ; 11 x 16 cm
  • 1 upholstery stretcher : wood and metal ; 15 x 11 cm

Archival description area

Name of creator


Biographical history

Michael Shane Bird (June 6, 1941-October 27, 2003) was a professor, researcher, and writer who specialized in fine arts, in particular Canadian folk and fraktur, and film studies. Born in Belle Plaine, Iowa to Arthur Bird and Katherine McHugh, he ... »

Scope and content

Materials relating to the professional life of Michael Bird. Covers his time teaching at Renison University College, as well as his research and publications on folk art, fraktur, religious imagery and film.

Notes area


Arranged in series as follows:
Series 1: Teaching
Series 2: Research
Series 3: Writings
Series 4: Lectures and Exhibits

Language of material

  • English

Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication

Copyright held by the University of Waterloo.

General note

There is no file 186.

Access points

Name access points

Control area

Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Created JB July 2022

Language of description

  • English