Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
67-1008 Ontario Provincial Police Inspection File May 31, 1967
67-1010 Ontario Welfare Conference, New Executive File June 8, 1967
67-1012 Ontario Young Liberals, Convention File November 11, 1967
67-1015 Orr Automobiles, Official Opening File June 14, 1967
67-1020 Our Lady of Lourdes, Altar Boys Choir File March 29, 1967
67-1026 Park Swings File June 20, 1967
67-1028 Parking Garage Construction File August 22, 1967
67-1029 Parking Garage Construction File October 3, 1967
67-1033 Parkway Housing, Objection File March 7, 1967
67-1034 Parkwood Manor, Craft Display File April 6, 1967
67-1051 Picketers at Henuset Pipeline Construction Co., Galt File August 9, 1967
67-1061 Plowing Match, Waterloo County File October 11, 1967
67-1065 Police, Kitchener Auction File June 8, 1967
67-1070 Police Shoot, Winners File 1967
67-1071 Police, Waterloo, Bergman Robbery File January 27, 1967
67-1072 Polish Alliance Dinner File June 11, 1967
67-1079 Press Club, Quebec Panel File April 12, 1967
67-1085 Progressive Conservative Nomination Meeting, Provincial File March 15, 1967
67-1086 Provincial Education Award (Thedes) File May 8, 1967
67-1088 Psychologists Meeting File January 31, 1967
67-1089 Pugh, Fred, Boat Builder File February 23, 1967
67-1092 Putnam, Earl and Homer Watson Painting Exhibit File April 14, 1967
67-1095 Queen Elizabeth School Kids, Donation to Salvation Army File December 21, 1967
67-1109 Record Correspondent Tour File May 6, 1967
67-1116 Religious Meeting, Inter-Denomination, Y.M.C.A. File January 20, 1967
67-1117 Resurrection College, Leadership Course File February 28, 1967
67-1120 Revival Tent File August 14, 1967
67-1122 Riordan, Norman and Hold-up Scene File November 24, 1967
67-1123 River Road, Old Wooden Bridge File December 8, 1967
67-1129 Rockway Public School Kindergarten Class Visits Farm File June 20, 1967
67-1130 Rockway Public School, Pennies For Christmas File December 15, 1967
67-1131 Rode, David With Butterfly File January 5, 1967
67-1133 Ronning, Chester, Speaking at W.L.U. File January 4, 1967
67-1134 Rotary Childrens Centre, New York Rangers Visit File September 15, 1967
67-1135 Rotary Club, Gordon Robinson File December 4, 1967
67-1139 Royal Bank Calendar, September Hath 31 File December 4, 1967
67-1140 Sabia, Mrs. M.J., Kiwanis Luncheon File March 28, 1967
67-1144 Sacred Heart, Valentine King and Queen File February 5, 1967
67-1151 Samadari, Mrs. Brian East File November 30, 1967
67-1153 Save the Children's Fund, Empire School File June 29, 1967
67-1157 Schleiermacher, D.D. & Television Camera File February 9, 1967
67-1163 Schofield-Devries Ltd., Brelau, Tanker Truck With Expo Signs File February 21, 1967
67-1167 School Patrol in Action File December 4, 1967
67-1168 School Patrols Receive Books File June 20, 1967
67-1169 School Safety Patrol Banquet File December 4, 1967
67-1173 Schwaben Club, Centennial Programme File April 9, 1967
67-1174 Schwaben Club, Costume, Mardi Gras File February 3, 1967
67-1176 Schwartzentruber, Rev. Milton, Birthday Party File February 22, 1967
67-1177 Schwetz, Fescht, Pennsylvania Dutch File April 4, 1967
67-1183 Seagrams, Young Mens Service Club Tour File September 21, 1967
67-1185 Searson, W.J., Retirement File August 24, 1967
67-1193 Service Club Presidents Meet File November 7, 1967
67-1198 Shell Dealers Christmas Toy Collection Starts... File December 1967
67-1203 Shoemaker Avenue Extension, Railway Overpass File January 20, 1967
67-1205 Shop Lifting Feature File February 17, 1967
67-1206 Shop Lifting Feature (Protection Mirror) File April 20, 1967
67-1211 Sign on Light Bank at Seagram Stadium File May 2, 1967
67-1212 Sign, Ontario & Duke File June 24, 1967
67-1214 Siirala, Dr. Aarne and Finish Guests File September 13, 1967
67-1222 Smith, Mrs. Phyllis & Dog Show Entries File November 6, 1967
67-1227 Snapdraggon Growing Through Ashphalt File August 24, 1967
67-1228 Snow Bunny, Ottawa Street, S. File March 26, 1967
67-1234 Solotwa, Mildred, Russian Immigrant File February 24, 1967
67-1239 Sportsmens Show, Kids at Fish Tank File April 10, 1967
67-1241 St. Agatha Centennial Book File May 26, 1967
67-1247 St. Aloysius Church, Twilight Retreat File March 12, 1967
67-1249 St. Andrew's Church, Building Course File March 8, 1967
67-1250 St. Andrew's Church, Decorations For Xmas Tea File November 20, 1967
67-1253 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church File August 15, 1967
67-1259 St. Francis R.C. Church, Christian Family Movement Collect Items For Barry's Bay Area File October 18, 1967
67-1266 St. Jeromes High School, Halloween Gifts to Sunbeam Home File November 1, 1967
67-1276 St. Joseph's Seperate School, 16 Ft. Guitar File April 18, 1967
67-1279 St. Lukes Lutheran Church, New Organ File May 8, 1967
67-1280 St. Marks Lutheran Church, 14th Annual Scout Gang Show... File May 3, 1967
67-1282 St. Mary's Credit Union, Tasmanian Visitor File September 7, 1967
67-1285 St. Mary's High School, Stain Glass Window File April 5, 1967
67-1287 St. Mary's High School Tea File May 7, 1967
67-1288 St. Mary's High School Window Mural File April 10, 1967
67-1296 St. Mary's Hospital, Nurses Graduation File May 17, 1967
67-1297 St. Mary's Hospital, Radio-isotope Machine File June 23, 1967
67-1739 Hoff, Henry T. For Talking Business File August 11, 1967
67-1743 Holst, Howard File August 21, 1967
67-1750 Jessop, Leslie C. For Finance File October 19, 1967
67-1752 Johnson, Duane, Fairview Cinema Advertisement File August 4, 1967
67-1753 Johnson, Stafford, Record Employee File July 20, 1967
67-1754 Johnston, David W. File June 20, 1967
67-1758 Kavasnak, Alec File August 5, 1967
67-1760 Kieswetter, Mel, Advertising Jacksons File November 1, 1967
67-1762 Kirby, Dave File January 20, 1967
67-1764 Klaus, Horace For Finance File March 8, 1967
67-1766 Knechtel, Cranston File November 28, 1967
67-1768 Kreig, Orky (H&S) File April 28, 1967
67-1770 Kumornik, John File June 26, 1967
67-1777 Lang, Joseph File January 6, 1967
67-1780 Leagas, Victor File February 1967
67-1782 Lockhart, Howard File March 2, 1967
67-1783 Lowater, David File January 26, 1967
67-1786 MacDonnell, Mrs. George File July 19, 1967
67-1787 Maclean, Rev. John File June 30, 1967
67-1788 Madill, Brent File December 8, 1967
Results 8901 to 9000 of 146333