Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
68-729 Heintzman, Carl Ltd., Piano For Talking Business File December 3, 1968
68-730 Heinze, Rev. Walter H. and Family File June 11, 1968
68-735 Highland Baptist Church Seminar File September 26, 1968
68-736 Highland Fusiliers Militia Camp File July 30, 1968
68-740 Highwaymen Club, Ready For Open House File May 8, 1968
68-743 Hogg Building Supply Show, Glenbriar File April 25, 1968
68-745 Hollywood Visit By Clements File October 15, 1968
68-747 Holy Cross Lutheran Church Conference File January 31, 1968
68-754 Home-Economics Teachers, Walper Hotel File August 22, 1968
68-758 Hope Lutheran Church, Exterior File November 19, 1968
68-759 Hope Lutheran Vacation Bible School File August 14, 1968
68-767 Humbard, Rex, Revival Meeting at Auditorium File May 28, 1968
68-769 Hydro linesmen feature File January 22, 1968
68-771 Ice Capades, Don Knight Salute at Auditorium File February 21, 1968
68-776 Injectors Car Club Blood Donors File April 3, 1968
68-784 International Harvester Opening File June 14, 1968
68-785 International Ploughing Match Parade in Guelph File October 16, 1968
68-787 Irish Sweep Winners, Mr. and Mrs. Steffler File March 26, 1968
68-799 Junior Farmers Drama Festival Awards File March 2, 1968
68-800 Junk Cars File May 3, 1968
68-806 Katz, Sydney, Toronto Star Columnist File February 22, 1968
68-807 Kaufman's Flats, scenics File September 26, 1968
68-815 Kent Hotel, Indian Fire Dancer File June 18, 1968
68-816 Kids and Market Baskets File May 11, 1968
68-825 Kitchener Chamber of Commerce Smoker (Planners Meet) File November 27, 1968
68-835 Kitchener Expressway, Edna St. Residents at City Hall File October 1, 1968
68-836 Kitchener Fire Department, Businessmens Fire Prevention Course File September 19, 1968
68-846 Kitchener Library, Doll Collection File February 2, 1968
68-855 Kitchener Market, Woodstock Children Visit File October 2, 1968
68-856 Kitchener, Old Homes Modernized, Church St. File March 13, 1968
68-858 Kitchener Parks Board, Tulip Planting File October 22, 1968
68-864 Kitchener Post Office, Pre Strike Mail File July 16, 1968
68-870 Kitchener, Queen St., North Lamp File June 14, 1968
68-874 Kitchener-Water Rag, Twin Cities Foremost Daily Journal File June 1, 1968
68-875 Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Globe Furniture Statues File March 8, 1968
68-879 Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Pop Art File April 25, 1968
68-880 Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery Toy Fair File December 7, 1968
68-883 Kitchener-Waterloo Bilingual School, Rummelhart File November 12, 1968
68-887 Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate, Exams in Gym File February 23, 1968
68-892 Kitchener-Waterloo Council of Churches Presidents File May 22, 1968
68-893 Kitchener-Waterloo Credit Bureau File October 13, 1968
68-894 Kitchener-Waterloo Flying Dutchmen, Junior Drum Corps File August 15, 1968
68-895 Kitchener-Waterloo Garden Club, Fashions at Granite File April 22, 1968
68-896 Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital Construction File February 6, 1968
68-898 Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, Diabetic Teenager & Dietician File July 17, 1968
68-904 Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital Nurses Graduation File June 8, 1968
68-906 Kitchener-Waterloo Jaycees, Founders Night File December 3, 1968
68-909 Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre, Dress Rehearsal File December 11, 1968
68-910 Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre, Firebugs Production File February 9, 1968
68-912 Kitchener-Waterloo Musical Productions Inc. File May 11, 1968
68-915 Kitchener-Waterloo Optimists Counsellors Honoured File November 19, 1968
68-919 Kitchener-Waterloo Sales and Ad, Hawaiian Trip File March 8, 1968
68-921 Kitchener-Waterloo Skating Club, Ice Show Rehearsal File March 28, 1968
68-932 Knipfels General Store, Petersburg, Demolished File February 8, 1968
68-937 Koebel, Polluted Pond File July 25, 1968
68-938 Krissak, Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz File May 31, 1968
68-939 Kusnik, Emile, Painting House Interior File June 25, 1968
68-940 Labour Conference and K-W Labour Centre File May 4, 1968
68-948 Laurel Creek Feature File June 4, 1968
68-956 Leap Year Birthday File February, 26, 1968
68-964 Lewis, Dr. John at St. Pauls College File April 24, 1968
68-969 Licence Plate Up Side Down File February 26, 1968
68-969_002 Licence Plate Up Side Down Item February 26, 1968
68-970 Licence Plates (1969) File November 28, 1968
68-975 Lion Missing at 9 Erb, East Waterloo File July 24, 1968
68-991 MacGray, Ken, Boeing Tour File February 8, 1968
68-992 MacKay, Dr. C.J., Moderator of Presbyterian Church at St. Andrews File September 15, 1968
68-999 Mall, King St. Construction File June 24, 1968
68-1001 Mall, Mini... File October 28, 1968
68-1002 Mall, Official Opening File July 19, 1968
68-1004 Mall Tree Removal File October 3, 1968
68-1008 Maple Lane Dairy Awards File April 7, 1968
68-1010 Market Weigh Scales File August 31, 1968
68-1012 Martin, Paul, Arrival Waterloo-Wellington Airport File November 4, 1968
68-1014 Masonic Lodge (Waterloo), 50-Year Pins File March 8, 1968
68-1016 Math Student Winners File May 2, 1968
68-1024 McKeon, Alice, Citizenship Judge File November 21, 1968
68-1025 McKeown, Christina Voting File June 25, 1968
68-1027 McLure, Dr. File April 17, 1968
68-1032 Mennonite Brethren Church, Ottawa N., Board of Missions File February 23, 1968
68-1037 Mennonite School, Christmas Feature File December 16, 1968
68-1042 Meyer, Teresa in Indian Costume File July 19, 1968
68-1043 Mice, Large Litter at Waterloo Oxford High School File February 15, 1968
68-1044 Mico, William P., Waterloo Industrial Commissioner File January 2, 1968
68-1046 Miles For Millions March, File #1 File October 26, 1968
68-1052 Mini Mall Construction File October 16, 1968
68-1065 Motorcycle Hill Climb at St. Agatha File October 14, 1968
68-1070 Musicians Ball, Concordia Club File May 8, 1968
68-1079 NDP Convention, File #3 File November 17, 1968
68-1080 New Hamburg, Birthday Girls, Mrs. Knechtel and Mrs. Pines, Henderson File September 12, 1968
68-1083 Niagara Falls to Kitchener, Walk For Millions File May 4, 1968
68-1086 Notre Dame School, Sister Bridillia Retires File June 21, 1968
68-1087 Nude Painting, Art Column File October 25, 1968
68-1090 O'Brian, Liam, Street Party File June 19, 1968
68-1093 Onassis, Jackie, Magazines and Papers File December 19, 1968
68-1095 Ontario Jaycee Presenting Charter File April 23, 1968
68-1098 Optimists Club, Bamberg, Open Air Folk Mass File July 21, 1968
68-1100 Oregon Pond, Liam O'Brian Sign File July 2, 1968
68-1104 Parents Without Partners Club File April 6, 1968
68-1109 Parking Garage ( 3 1/4 X 4 1/4) File June 3, 1968
Results 8601 to 8700 of 146333