Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
58-12187 Waterloo College, Science Building File May 01, 1958
58-12190 Waterloo College, Students Council File January 29, 1958
58-12197 Waterloo County Council Inspect New Site File October 15, 1958
58-12199 Waterloo County Court Building Interiors File August 15, 1958
58-12201 Waterloo County Jr. Farmer Debating Team File March 1958
58-12207 Waterloo County Plaque File October 14, 1958
58-12209 Waterloo Eviction, Young File June 27, 1958
58-12213 Waterloo Four H Club Meeting File May 1958
58-12215 Waterloo Fox Pet, William Browne File August 10, 1958
58-12216 Waterloo Gas Changeover File January 21, 1958
58-12224 Waterloo Liquor Store Site File February 28, 1958
58-12230 Waterloo School Board Headquarters File April 22, 1958
58-12231 Waterloo Sewer Plant File May 1958
58-12232 Waterloo Soil and Crop Tour File June 16, 1958
58-12233 Waterloo Soil Improvement Land Use Demonstration File May 1958
58-12234 Waterloo Swimming Meet File August 08, 1958
58-12243 Waterloo-Wellington Airport Breakfast Flight File July 13, 1958
58-12249 Weather, Storm File November 28, 1958
58-12250 Weather, Winter snowfall File November 29, 1958
58-12251 Weber St. Paving File October 31, 1958
58-12258 Weight Carrying Feature File May 10, 1958
58-12259 Wellington Seed Fair File March 15, 1958
58-12260 West Montrose Bridges, Aerial File August 13, 1958
58-12262 Westmount Golf Cart File September 12, 1958
58-12264 Westmount School, Pre Lenten Celebration File February 21, 1958
58-12266 Whibley, Frank, Westmount Pro File December 08, 1958
58-12288 Women, Fashion, Bricker File April 25, 1958
58-12292 Women, Feet Feature File February 18, 1958
58-12305 Women, School Dance Expense File December 19, 1958
58-12306 Women, St. Patrick Decorations File March 12, 1958
58-12313 Women, Women's Diabetic Association File November 12, 1958
58-12316 Women, Women's Institute, Lansdowne File October 09, 1958
58-12319 Woodlot Demonstration File November 1958
58-12320 Woodside Park Area, Aerials, Smith Building, Canadian Blower File August 13, 1958
58-12325 Wrestling Championships File April 26, 1958
58-12328 Wunder, Mrs. Mary File October 09, 1958
58-12330 YMCA, Auxiliary Past Presidents File November 25, 1958
58-12342 YWCA, New Officers File October 17, 1958
58-12344 Zehr, Emory File October 23, 1958
58-12345 Zender, Mrs. Margaret File May 22, 1958
58-12347 Zimmerman, Mrs. Idessa File March 24, 1958
1959 1959 negatives Series 1959
59-12361 Accident, Fatality at Breslau File November 12, 1959
59-12363 Accident, Fatality, Woman falls Through Railing, Mrs. Yausie File June 27, 1959
59-12364 Accident, Five Points File August 07, 1959
59-12371 Accident, Park Street RR Crossing File January 21, 1959
59-12374 Accident, Preston File July 13, 1959
59-12378 Accident, Tractor, St. Agatha, Henry Ditner File October 31, 1959
59-12383 Aerial, Belmont Blvd., Plaza File September 12, 1959
59-12384 Aerial, Breslau Intersection File September 12, 1959
59-12386_001 Aerial, Kenwood Drive, East Ward Item September 12, 1959
59-12387 Aerial, King Street, East Boundary File September 12, 1959
59-12388 Aerial, King Street, Kitchener File September 03, 1959
59-12389 Aerial, King Street, Waterloo File June 23, 1959
59-12392 Aerial, Seagram's Warehouses, Guelph Highway File September 12, 1959
59-12394 Aerial, Waterloo Collegiate File September 03, 1959
59-12395 Aerial, Waterloo Manufacturing Plant File September 12, 1959
59-12405 Anglican Church of Canada, Girl Delegates File July 20, 1959
59-12413 Arnold Bros. Furniture File October 08, 1959
59-12415 Arnold, Rev. Jerome File January 14, 1959
59-12416 Art Exhibit File January 16, 1959
59-12419 Assessment Feature File October 16, 1959
59-12420 Astronomers Club File February 04, 1959
59-12431 Bandland Pageant File June 27, 1959
59-12447 Basketball, KW Collegiate, Juniors File March 16, 1959
59-12454 Bauer, James File October 29, 1959
59-12458 Beck, Adam, City Hall Painting File August 07, 1959
59-12469 Bergstein, Al File July 15, 1959
59-12476 Biss, Walter File September 23, 1959
59-12487 Bloomingdale Public School Valentine File February 13, 1959
59-12490 Boniface, Judy and Pet Rabbit File July 21, 1959
59-12491 Bowman, Claire File May 24, 1959
59-12493 Boy Scouts, Girl Guides Parade File June 14, 1959
59-12494 Boy Scouts, Moving File January 03, 1959
59-12501 Breslau, Intersection Lighting File August 20, 1959
59-12505 Bridgeport, Flood Prevention File March 10, 1959
59-12505_002 Bridgeport, Flood Prevention Item March 10, 1959
57-10576 Seagram Stadium Cornerstone Laying File September 19, 1957
57-10579 Seagrams Plant Opening File June 27, 1957
57-10582 Sellery, Mrs. Lorne File June 09, 1957
57-10583 Senior Citizens at Paradise Lake File September 07, 1957
57-10587 Shakespearean Seminar File July 22, 1957
57-10596 Singlehurst, Mrs. Arthur File July 02, 1957
57-10599 Skating Carnival Cake File March 15, 1957
57-10602 Slater, Dr., Hespeler File September 17, 1957
57-10603 Smiles and Chuckles Plant File February 07, 1957
57-10604 Smith, Mrs. Effie, 90, Artist File October 30, 1957
57-10607 Smyth, and Family File July 08, 1957
57-10612 Social Credit, Mrs. Ethel Koehler, R. N. Bonner File May 21, 1957
57-10615 Soloman, Dianne File September 12, 1957
57-10619 South Waterloo Nurses Capping File December 18, 1957
57-10620 Soviet Artists at Petersburg, Ont. File August 16, 1957
57-10623 Sportscar Race File July 28, 1957
57-10626 Squires, E. F., Ayr File 1957
57-10628 St. Agatha, 100 Year Old School File July 02, 1957
57-10638 St. Jerome's High School Student, Yul Brenner Haircut File April 12, 1957
57-10642 St. Marie, Mr. and Mrs. James File September 10, 1957
57-10646 St. Mary's High School Fashion Show File June 05, 1957
57-10650 St. Mary's Hospital, Nurses Reunion File June 29, 1957
57-10651 St. Mary's Mardi Gras File March 05, 1957
Results 4001 to 4100 of 146333