Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
62-1167 Salesman Feature File April 11, 1962
62-1170 Santa Claus Parade File November 24, 1962
62-1171 Sapsworth, Fred File April 25, 1962
62-1174 Schippling, William, Bike Repair File April 02, 1962
62-1185 Schofield, Margaret File November 22, 1962
62-1189 School, First Day at Bookstore File September 04, 1962
62-1194 Schweitzer, Rev. A.A. & Family File December 05, 1962
62-1197 Scots Fusiliers of Canada, New Uniforms File November 28, 1962
62-1203 Secretarial Club File April 25, 1962
62-1204 Secretaries Chartered Institute, Dean I.C. Rand File October 26, 1962
62-1205 Seip, Mr. and Rabbits (300) File February 06, 1962
62-1209 Separate School Board in New Building File September 10, 1962
62-1211 Sewage Plant, Mill Street, Blasting File January 09, 1962
62-1212 Sewers Under Construction, on Essex Street File October 02, 1962
62-1214 Shantz, Mr. & Mrs. Simion, 50th Wedding File January 19, 1962
62-1215 Sharpe, Eric, Election File 1962
62-1220 Sider, Ronald File April 04, 1962
62-1238 Snowfall, First File October 24, 1962
62-1241 Snyder, Fred, with Australian Visitor File May 04, 1962
62-1243 Soapbox Derby Winner File May 21, 1962
62-1245 Soccer, Sr., Champs, Victoria File October 30, 1962
62-1246 Soccer, St. Agnes, Jr., Champs File November 14, 1962
62-1247 Soccer, Westmount School Team File October 31, 1962
62-1252 Softball, Fourth Kitchener Cub Pack File June 28, 1962
62-1253 Softball, Sr. A. Champs, "Goldies" File October 21, 1962
62-1254 Sommerfest, German Aud. File July 15, 1962
62-1254_004 Sommerfest, German Aud. Item July 15, 1962
62-1254_005 Sommerfest, German Aud. Item July 15, 1962
62-1254_011 Sommerfest, German Aud. Item July 15, 1962
62-1255 Sones, Bob, Kitchener Recreation Department File October 05, 1962
62-1256 Soper, Rev. H.S. File June 25, 1962
62-1257_001 Soulis, Family, Advent Wreath Item December 13, 1962
62-1257_002 Soulis, Family, Advent Wreath Item December 13, 1962
62-1258 Sow, Top Price File October 10, 1962
62-1260 Sportmans Dinner, In Toronto File February 01, 1962
62-1263 Sportsman Show, ZIP the Chimp File April 10, 1962
62-1268 Square Dance, at Bingeman Park File June 16, 1962
62-1286 St. Leos Separate School, Volleyball Champs File November 05, 1962
62-1290 St. Mary's Church, Interior File December 05, 1962
62-1301 St. Mary's Hospital, New Equipment File October 26, 1962
62-1303 St. Mary's, Girls Field Day File June, 1962
62-1305 St. Pauls, Conference Delegates File 1962
62-1315 Steffler, Mrs. Ray, and Potatoes File October 12, 1962
62-1316 Sterwart, Agriculture Minister, at Walper Hotel File February 28, 1962
62-1320 Stock Market Crash File May 1962
62-1321 Stock, Bell Telephone Stock File November 13, 1962
62-1323 Stoeser, Raymond File February 1962
62-1329 Strub, Albert, Retiring File January 06, 1962
62-1332 Sunbeam Home, Social File June 1962
62-1335 Sunnyside Home, Picnic File July 25, 1962
62-1335_001 Sunnyside Home, Picnic Item July 25, 1962
62-1335_003 Sunnyside Home, Picnic Item July 25, 1962
63-2044 Zion, Evan, Church Anniversary File November 20, 1963
58-12034 St. Jerome's High School Student Council File October 03, 1958
58-12035 St. Jerome's High School Track Winners File May 07, 1958
58-12036 St. Jerome's High School Uniforms File June 24, 1958
58-12037 St. Jerome's Orators File March 26, 1958
58-12040 St. John's Mother and Son Banquet File 1958
58-12041 St. Louis Separate School Champ Athlete File May 12, 1958
58-12050 St. Mary's Hospital Feature, Overcrowding File November 13, 1958
58-12052 St. Mary's Hospital Sketch File October 08, 1958
58-12053 St. Mary's Nurses Capping Service File December 20, 1958
58-12054 St. Matthews Children's Choir File December 21, 1958
58-12055 St. Matthews Church, Aerial File January 10, 1958
58-12063_002 Steam Engine on King St. Item April 12, 1958
58-12072 Stranded School Bus, Doon Rd. File February 09, 1958
58-12077 Strike, Beer, Retail Warehousing File August 09, 1958
58-12079 Strike, Dow Kingsbeer File August 09, 1958
58-12081 Struthers, Miss Margaret File February 05, 1958
58-12095 Sweet Adelaines Inc. File October 12, 1958
58-12096 Swimming Pool, Second Class, Kitchener File July 28, 1958
58-12098 Switchboard Operators Feature File August 27, 1958
58-12100 TB Test at Schools File May 12, 1958
58-12109 Tilden, Annette File November 04, 1958
58-12115 Township Council Food Feature File May 08, 1958
58-12116 Towson, Dr. Tom File August 21, 1958
58-12118 Trade Commissioners File April 22, 1958
58-12120 Trap and Skeet Shooting Feature at Rod and Gun Club File July 03, 1958
58-12128 Truemner, Dr. Paul File October 29, 1958
58-12130 Tulip Beds at Rockway File June 02, 1958
58-12133 Udavari, Gruber Reunion File July 05, 1958
58-12134 Ukrainian Christmas Eve Mass File January 06, 1958
58-12137 United Missionary Foreign Missionary Board File May 13, 1958
58-12139 US Editors Tour Kitchener File June 12, 1958
58-12141 Valentine File February 14, 1958
58-12143 Victoria and King Street Intersection, Aerial File January 10, 1958
58-12145 Victoria Park, Athletic Field, Aerial File January 10, 1958
58-12146 Victoria Park, Flower Bed Signs File July 10, 1958
58-12151 Volleyball, KWCI File December 02, 1958
58-12154 Wagner, Art File December 11, 1958
58-12155 Wagner, Art and Simon Heer File February 14, 1958
58-12157 Walper Hotel, New Year's Spread File December 27, 1958
58-12161 Walther League Officers File September 07, 1958
58-12162 Warden's Christmas Party File December 11, 1958
58-12170 Waterloo College, Aerials. File January 10, 1958
58-12171_001 Waterloo College, Alcohol Studies Item August 24, 1958
58-12175 Waterloo College, Construction. File April 14, 1958
58-12178_001 Waterloo College, Frosh Queen "Jean Keller" Item February 14, 1958
58-12180 Waterloo College, Industrialist Convention File March 25, 1958
58-12185 Waterloo College, Reunion File October 18, 1958
Results 3901 to 4000 of 146333