Level of description
Digital object |
8 |
The Royal Train Passing Through Kitchener, Ont., Oct. 20, 1919. |
File |
October 20, 1919 |
9 |
Fire Hall, Berlin, Ont., Canada. |
File |
ca. 1910 |
12 |
Fire Hall, Frederick St., with Three Doors, Fire Brigade Posed Outside with Horse-drawn Vehicles, One Car, One Fire Truck. |
File |
1914 |
13 |
Fire Hall with Tower, One Door, Horse-drawn Fire Engine, ca. 1900? |
File |
[19--] |
22 |
Sugar Refinery, Berlin, Canada, ca. 1902? |
File |
[1902-1923] |
26 |
Demolition of Buildings on Hall's Lane, Kitchener, April, 1958, to make way for Parking Lot. |
File |
April 1958 |
27 |
Kitchener: Demolitions, Feb. 1, 1960. |
File |
February 1, 1960 |
29 |
House at 81 Duke St. W. |
File |
July 19, 1961 |
34 |
American Hotel, [Tyson's Store, American Block] Corner of King & Queen Streets, ca. 1861 and later.. |
File |
[19--?] |
37 |
Store Fronts: Randall & Roos Groceries, ca. 1900. |
File |
[19--] |
40 |
Store Fronts: Village Store. |
File |
[19--] |
43 |
Store Fronts: Wm. Knell & Co., Plumbing, Heating. |
File |
[19--] |
46 |
Stores: Sattler's Interior, 1898. |
File |
[19--] |
49 |
Store Fronts: L. Sattler Harness, 1898. |
File |
1898 |
50 |
Store Fronts: C. H. Mills & Co.. |
File |
[19--] |
51 |
Academy School. |
File |
1901 |
52 |
Artesian Well on Caroline St., Waterloo. |
File |
1961 |
53 |
Mysterious Well Poses Problems. |
File |
1961 |
54 |
Sinking a Well: Steam-powered Well Drilling, Lakeside Park, Stirling Ave. |
File |
[19--] |
59 |
Boy With Dog at 1947 Dog Show. |
File |
1947 |
61 |
Man Pounds, Amusement Game |
File |
September 10, 1947 |
65 |
Trolley, ca. 1940? |
File |
[19--] |
71 |
Scene outside Kitchener Market |
File |
[19--] |
72 |
Market Place, Berlin Ontario, ca. 1890's? |
File |
[19--] |
74 |
Scene Outside Kitchener Market, ca. 1890's? |
File |
ca. 1890-1900 |
75 |
Weston's Bakery on Victoria St., early 1950's: Delivery Wagons, Men and Horses, Scene outside Kitchener Market, ca. 1918. |
File |
[19--] |
76 |
Waterloo Free Press, early 1900's, Frederick Pollakusky[sic]. |
File |
[19--] |
77 |
Bridgeport Flood, 1954. |
File |
1954 |
81 |
Williams, Greene & Rome Co.'s Shirt and Collar Manufactory. |
File |
[19--] |
85 |
Horse-Drawn Streetcar in Winter: Streetcar on Sleds with Horse, Berlin Train Station Behind, Woman Walking. |
File |
[19--] |
90 |
Schools: Class Portrait with Teachers in front of a Country School. |
File |
[ca 1890] |
91 |
Schools: Unidentified High School. |
File |
[19--] |
92 |
Schools: Group of Children and School, ca. 1910's? |
File |
[19--] |
94 |
Schools: Courtland Ave. School and Agnes St. School. |
File |
[19--] |
102 |
Tyson Store, American Block. |
File |
[19--] |
103 |
Small Street Scenes: Centennial edition Copy p. 56, muddy travel. |
File |
[19--] |
104 |
Frederick St., Postcard View. |
File |
[19--] |
105 |
Water St. North From Short St. , Short St. Now Part of Duke, Denton Photo. |
File |
ca. 1900 |
108 |
Victoria Park, Overview, ca. 1906. |
File |
[19--] |
113 |
Victoria Park: Queen Victoria Monument, Below and Up-Angle Shot. |
File |
[19--] |
113B |
Victoria Park: Boats and Canoes in Lake, Old Bandstand. |
File |
[19--] |
115 |
Victoria Park: Courtland St. Entrance, Showing Kaiser's Memorial, Postcard View. |
File |
[19--] |
116 |
Victoria Park: Two Views, Peace of 1871 Memorial With Kaiser's Bust, One a Denton Photo. |
File |
[19--?] |
117 |
Victoria Park: Peace Memorial With Kaiser's Bust Gone, 1916. |
File |
[19--] |
118 |
Victoria Park: Peace of 1871 Memorial before it was put up. |
File |
[19--] |
123 |
Victoria Park: Artsy Short of Night and Winter at the Old Roland St. Bridge. |
File |
ca. 1950s |
127 |
Victoria Park Pavilion on Fire, 1916. |
File |
[19--] |
131 |
Victoria Park: Dredging the Lake, 1895-1896, and Park St. Culvert. |
File |
[19--] |
135 |
Victoria Park Pavilion of Fire, 1916. |
File |
[19--] |
137 |
Victoria Park: Larry Wiegand and Victoria Park Display, July 27, 1963. |
File |
1963 |
140 |
Kitchener Council Picnic with Mayor Charles Hahn: Informal Group Showing Beer Being Served from a Keg. |
File |
[19--] |
144 |
Council Picnic with Mayor William Schmaltz. |
File |
[19--] |
145 |
Town Officials: Council, Police Chief, Fire Chief, etc. |
File |
[19--] |
146 |
Council Posed With Mayor Hahn. |
File |
[19--] |
151 |
Wooden Nickel Issued by Hammond in 1951 for its Centennial. |
File |
[19--] |
155 |
Kitchener Post Office, Duke St., 1956. |
File |
1956 |
160 |
Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate and Vocational Institute. |
File |
1930 |
177 |
Peace Celebration, Waterloo, Nov. 11, 1918. |
File |
[19--] |
186 |
The Waterloo party at the Schneider reunion, June 22nd 1909. |
File |
June 22, 1909 |
188 |
Erb Street in 1853. |
File |
1853 |
197 |
King and Queen St., Kitchener, Ont., 1921. |
File |
1921 |
198 |
King St. at Water, Looking East, 1896. |
File |
[19--] |
201 |
King St. West, ca. 1880, Looking West From Ontario St. |
File |
[19--] |
204 |
Kitchener Junction. |
File |
[19--] |
205 |
Knollwood Park, Kitchener, Ont. |
File |
[19--] |
207 |
Queen St. North, Kitchener, Ont., north-east side. |
File |
[196-?] |
2 |
Santa Claus at Kitchener, Xmas. |
File |
December 1921 |
4 |
Circus Wagons at Side of Dirt Road. |
File |
ca. 1904 |
6 |
118th Parade at King and Queen from old film, turning onto King. |
File |
ca. 1916 |
11 |
Berlin Fire Brigade, Throwing Stream Over St. Paul's Church. |
File |
1901 |
17 |
Fire Hall with Firemen and Horse-drawn Vehicles. |
File |
[ca 1910] |
24 |
Berlin Gas Co. And Electric Works, 1896. |
File |
[19--] |
25 |
Berlin Post Office, ca. 1929?, east side of Queen St. at Charles, Razed in 1945. |
File |
[19--] |
30 |
J. George Strebel's Shop, 23 Erb. St. W., Waterloo, ca 1900? and 1956. |
File |
[ 19--] |
35 |
Daily Record: 1930's Local Business Newspaper Advertisements: Ford, Schreiter, Victor Radio, Dominion Stores, Goodrich, Kabels, Lockhart Buick, Tip Top Tailors, Goudies. |
File |
1981 |
36 |
Dunke Grocery Store, 35 King St. E. between Queen and Benton, Interior and Exterior views. |
File |
1979 |
39 |
Store Fronts: Market Grocery. |
File |
[19--] |
41 |
Store Fronts: Hi-Way Market, ca. 1952. |
File |
[19--] |
44 |
Store Fronts: Louise Store. |
File |
[19--] |
48 |
Store Fronts: Five Point Grocery. |
File |
[19--] |
57 |
Old Advertising: Berlin Piano and Organ Co. Advertising Card. |
File |
[19--] |
60 |
Mennonite Buggies. |
File |
[ca 194-?] |
80 |
New Hamburg, Main Street. |
File |
[1978] |
89 |
Identifiable Electric Streetcars by Number: #10 on King W. in Front of Canada Block Looking West, 1900. |
File |
[19--] |
97 |
Schools: Victoria School. |
File |
[19--] |
99 |
Schools: St. Mary's High School, Weber St., 1956. |
File |
[19--] |
109 |
Victoria Park Pavilion. |
File |
[19--] |
120 |
Victoria Park: Patriotic Postcards. |
File |
[19--] |
121 |
Victoria Park: Kaiser Wilhelm's Bust Retrieved From Victoria Park Lake. |
File |
[19--] |
122 |
Victoria Park: Island Band Stand. |
File |
March 18, 1949 |
126 |
Victoria Park: Workmen Install New Outfield Fence on Richmond Ave, Left Field Area, Old Gas Tank in Background. |
File |
[19--] |
130 |
Victoria Park: Roland St. Bridge ca. 1960 and Back Channel View. |
File |
[19--] |
136 |
Victoria Park: Fishing. |
File |
March 31, 1963 |
138 |
Victoria Park: Peace Celebration 1871: Group Portrait of Men with Woods Behind. |
File |
[19--] |
139 |
Waterloo Park : Panoramic View Including Lake, Grove of Trees, Grandstand. |
File |
[19--] |
142 |
Berlin Council With Mayor Aaron Bricker. |
File |
[19--] |
148 |
Daily Record, April 1, 1922: Front Page. |
File |
[19--] |
152 |
First Postmen in Kitchener on Steps of Old Post Office. |
File |
[19--] |
156 |
Demolition of Post Office at King and Benton St. |
File |
[19--] |
162 |
Kitchener and Waterloo Hospital and Nurses Home. |
File |
1930 |