John D. Detwiler fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
949 Conservation paper no. 2 : flood control / by John D. Detwiler. File 1938
951 Further studies of the ventral prothoracic gland of notodontid caterpillars / by John D. Detwiler. File 1925
7 Typescripts : Speeches, Article Drafts and Notes Series [19--]
961 Conservation. File [19--]
964 Soil physics. File [19--]
965 Afield with a naturalist. File [19--]
966 United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources. File [1949]
967 Importance of science in education.. File [19--]
968 Address to the Western Ontario Educational Assembly. File [19--]
969 Wildlife conservation, U.s. and Canada. File [19--]
971 Applied biology 460B File 1944-1946
978 Applied biology 400 and 460A. File 1920-1948
986 Report on brook trout feeding experiments conducted at the provincial fish hatchery, Mt. Pleasant, Ontario, from June 1 to September 14, 1931. File 1941
995 Allan, D.J. File [19--]
996 Arnold, L.R. File 1944
1001 Bennett, Hugh H. File 1944
1003 Blee, C.E. File 1949
1004 Brandt, A.E. File 1942
1012 Cutler, J.S. File 1940
1014 Duley, F.L. File 1950
1016 Eckardt, B.C. File 1950
1021 Hall, G.E. File 1949
1025 Johnson, Walter H. File 1947
1031 Lilienthal, David E. File 1942
1032 Lowdermilk, W.C. File [19--]
1037 Oberholtzer, Ernest C. File [19--]
1041 Pope, James P. File 1949
1042 Rawson, Donald S. File 1940-1947
1045 Rowan, William. File [19--]
1048 Strohm, H.E. File 1944
1049 Tarzwell, C.M. File 1945
1050 Taylor, Carl C. File 1950
1053 Warner, David C. File 1941
1056 Wiebe, A.H. File 1937-1948
1059 Unidentified authors. File 1938
1062 Unidentified authors. File [19--]
1064 Unidentified authors. File [19--]
1068 Unidentified authors. File [194-]
1073 Unidentified authors. File [19--]
1080 Unidentified authors. File [19--]
1085 Unidentified authors. File 1944
98 Canada. Dominion Water and Power Bureau. File 1940
102 Canadian Laboratory Supplies. File 1943
103 Carl, G. Clifford. File 1947-1948
117 Clayton, Alf. File 1942
120 Cody, H.J. File 1944
121 Cohen, Eva. File 1947
122 College of Agriculture, Berkeley. File 1948
129 Cooper, K.W. File 1949
133 Cormode, H.C. File 1949
137 Corner, Horace C. File 1943
139 Couke, J. Herman. File 1943-1944
140 Coultis, George. File 1944
143 Cowan, Ian McT. File 1942-1944
146 Crawford, Clifford. File 1946
149 Crinklaw, D. File 1946
150 Crinklaw, Frances E. File 1947
155 Crow, James F. File 1949
159 Curtis, Arthur B. File 1948
178 Dieffenbach, Rudolph. File 1949
179 Doan, K.H. File 1945
180 Dobie, J.A. File 1944-1946
182 Dominion Seed House. File 1950
186 Dornfeld, Ernst. J. File 1949
192 Dufour, Lucien. File 1943
197 Dymond, J.R. File 1940-1949
198 Dyson, Charles. File 1947-1948
209 Epp, Margaret. File 1943
211 Erskine, Mary. File 1946
216 Fallis, A.M. File 1948
217 Faludi, E.G. File 1945
220 Ferguson, Amelia. File 1945
222 Ferguson, Ruth. File 1944
224 Fink, Ollie E. File 1942-1945
225 Fish, F.F. File 1940
228 Foote, Leonard E. File 1945
234 Foreman, John L. File 1948
242 Francioli, Vincent. File 1947
244 Francke, Jane B. File 1942-1943
246 Fraser, Roy. File 1947
247 Fred, Edwin B. File 1944
256 Galloway, Charles A. File 1948
262 Gharrett, John T. File 1949
263 Gibson, Arthur. File 1932
270 Glass, D.F. File 1943
271 Glover, R.R. File 1946-1947
273 Gordon, Seth. File 1932
274 Gordon, Sue. File 1945
286 Gunton, J.A. File 1946
287 Haight, William. File 1947
288 Hall, G. Edward. File 1947-1949
291 Hallman, Vera. File 1945
292 Hamilton, R.S. File 1945
295 Hare, Patrick A. File 1948
296 Harkness, William J.K. File 1943-1948
299 Hart, Nelson C. File 1943-1948
303 Hatcher, A.G. File 1944
304 Hay Stationery Co. File 1946
309 Henderson, Colin E. File 1945-1947
312 Herman, Carlton M. File 1947-1949
Results 1001 to 1100 of 1183