John D. Detwiler fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1094 Applied biology 402. File 1930
1105 Tennessee Valley Authority progress reports. File 1948
1113 Nipigon Forest Village. File [1944]
1117 Forests : Canada and U.S. File 1939-1944
1119 Missouri : conservation. File 1936-1948
1124 University of Michigan Biological Station. File 1935
1127 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. File 1945
1128 Silviculture leaflets. File 1948
1131 Miscellaneous. File 1940-1955
1140 Burgess, Lawrence. File 1957-1960
1144 French, Sidney J. File 1947
1147 Legget, Robert Y. File [19--]
1150 Musgrave, A.J. File 1947-1948
1158 Studebaker, John W. File 1937
1163 Newspaper items written about J.D. Detwiler. File 1937-1943
1166 The Paris Star : centennial issues. File 1956
16 Slides and Glass Plates Series [19--]
598 Radcliffe, R.N. File 1943
599 Randall, R.L. File 1941
605 Rehn, James A.G. File 1932
608 Richardson, A.H. File 1943-1947
615 Robinson, H.S. File 1947
617 Roche, W.J. File 1932
621 Ross, Douglas A. File 1942
622 Ross, Duncan G. File 1944
625 Rossiter, Roger. File 1947-1949
630 Ruhnke, G.N. File 1943-1944
631 Russell, Ben. File 1949
632 Russell, Dean. File 1948-1949
633 Russenholt, E.S. File 1940-1944
636 Rybka, Karl R. File 1943
637 Ryerson Press. File 1944
639 Sabot, John. File 1948
643 Sanders, E.C. File 1945
648 Sass, Metro J. File 1940-1943
651 Saunderson, H.H. File 1949
656 Seegmiller, Egbert. File 1944
657 Sewall, H.W. File 1946
658 Sexton, G.B. File 1947
660 Shaw, H.L. File 1943
667 Slate, W.L. File 1948
690 Snyder, John S. File 1948
703 Sterling, Robert D. File 1943
706 Stirrett, Geo. M. File 1947
708 Stone, Neil. File 1944
709 Stothers, Don. File 1945
717 Swingle, H.S. File 1943
718 Tait, W.S. File 1947
725 Thompson, H.W.J. File 1947
726 Thompson, J. Gordon. File 1948
727 Thompson, M.J., Mrs. File 1944
730 Thorburn & Abbott. File 1945
731 Tick-Tock Tunes. File 1946
735 Townshend, A.S. File 1945
739 Turner, John Peter. File 1942-1946
740 Turville, Dorothy. File 1944-1948
744 U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. File 1949
752 U.S. Superintendent of Documents. File 1943
756 University of Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station. File 1945
760 Van Cleave, Harley J. File 1932-1944
767 Walker, Norma Ford. File 1944-1945
770 Wallace, David. File 1944
773 Walley, G. Stuart. File 1948
775 War Savings Certificates. File 1946
781 Warner, David. File 1943
789 Webster, D.H. File 1947
797 Whalen, Mary. File 1947
798 Wheable, G.A. File 1946
814 Willis, Ross B. File 1946-1949
818 Winston, Frederick S. File 1942-1944
828 Wylie, N.V.K. File 1949
837 Zavitz, E.J. File 1943
842 Conference on River Valley Development, London, Ont., Oct. 13-14, 1944. File 1944
846 Committee on Reconstruction ; Sub-Committee on the Conservation and Development of Natural Resources. File 1942
852 Invoices, receipts, etc. File 1930-1947
855 Ephemera and photographs. File 1947-1948
858 The service the University of Western Ontario may render to agriculture. File [19--]
868 Entomology and the arts curriculum. File [19--]
871 Some bug fallacies. File [19--]
875 How birds and insects work together. File [19--]
878 Methods and matter in nature study. File [19--]
883 Editorial : "To the editor of the Globe." File [19--]
886 Speech notes : University of Western Ontario fundraising. File [1929?]
895 Bumble-bees. File [19--]
896 Parasitic infestations of fish. File 1940
897 The ox warble flies : radio talk. File [19--]
910 Those awful starlings. File [19--]
916 The care of house plants. File [19--]
917 Entomology and the arts curriculum. File [19--]
922 land-use adjustment in Southern Ontario. File [19--]
928 The administration of the conservation of the natural resources of the Province of Ontario. File [19--]
929 Planning in terms of the furure on the Ganaraska. File [19--]
932 The aesthetic appreciation of the farm. File [19--]
933 Twenty minutes with the amateur gardener. File [19--]
936 Conservation sublimated. File [19--]
939 Sod webworms. File [19--]
941 Soil conservation. File [19--]
943 Address at the Rehabilitation Through Conservation meeting, Orrawa, march 10, 1943. File 1943
945 Address on the history of the Conservation Commission of Canada and continuing need for its like. File [19--]
947 Conservation and development of natural resources : post-war rehabilitation. File 1942
Results 901 to 1000 of 1183