Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine. He shares news of his wife Magdalena's illness and her return to health, nothing they have had to rely on female help to get by. Anthes notes their youngest daughter is "quite healthy and so very friendly" and invites his parents to the consecration of the church later in January. The letter ends with a postscript note about the possible digging of a new well and his inability to contribute due to winter expenses.
Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine that begins with an update about a blessed assembly and extended meeting at Brother Bittner's. He shares that his wife Magdalena has been unwell for some time, but remains cheerful, and notes that he wants to fetch Katharina Weber to server her. He also shares that Magdalena David, currently in Berlin, is expected in the next week. He concludes by asking that Heinrich be told to come to Sebringville to wed and that J. Wolf be advised to hold off selling half the wheat.
Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine regarding the birth of daughter Martha Magdalena, indicating that she and his wife, Magdalena Stricker, are doing well. He also notes that the church construction is progressing quickly and that the apples arrived.
Letter from Jacob Anthes to his parents, Martin and Catharine in response to a letter from them dated May 18. After wondering if their letter was misplaced because it took longer than expected to arrive, he provides an update about the family's living situation indicating that his wife, Magdalena, is liking things better. He explains they will be moving into a home vacated by Brother Fink once it has been whitewashed and improved by Brother Wigand. Anthes notes he is so busy preaching and visiting families that he has to do all of his studying and writing at night. The remainder of the letter consists of requests to pass on well wishes to family and friends.