Series consists of photographs of Norman C. Schneider, his wife Ethel and children Herbert Howard and Brita, their friends, activities, homes, pets and travels. Most are snapshots taken by Norman C. Schneider during the course of his lifetime of subjects including: Chicopee Ski Club and skiing in general, Church of the Good Shepherd, Freeport cottage, Shorewood Cottage at Honey Harbour, Kitchener-Waterloo Rotary Club, LeRoy car, Little Pal, 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Pope-Hartford car, Rotary International, Royal Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to Kitchener in 1939, Schneider Memorial Fountain at Rockway Gardens in Kitchener, Tuerck Engines, motorcycles.
Series includes photographs of family birthdays, wedding anniversaries, Christmas celebrations, family outings, presentations of awards, vacations at Southampton and Grand Bend, and Norman and Ethel Schneider's wedding (they did not have studio portraits taken).