One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:
Side 1. Masters night Nov. 23, 1965. Rescue Nov. 17, 1965. Music; Amirah - opens meeting; Hitei Song- speaks for his friends; Mr. H. Krug - recently passed over; Lady from Mt. Hope - lost on burning ship out from Bermuda; Railway engineer - lost one hundred years ago in snow slide; Bertram - closes meeting. Music; Amirah - meditation from Mr. Heap now in hospital then gives long address; Ben Yus Assif - spoke on matters of great importance; Mr. Heap's father - discusses progress of Arthur now in hospital; Dr. Hoffman - speaks in terms of new concepts on religion; Professor Hall - makes himself known with few words; Bertram - draws the curtain.
Side 2. Masters Oct. 26, 1965 Rescue Nov.3, 1963. Music; Amirah - analysing self; Dr. Hoffman - speaks to some length; Professor Hall - takes up the theme; Martin Luther - gives long talk and mentions dead sea scrolls; Rama Mandato - talks on Stonehenge; Bertram - closes meeting. Music; Amriah - opens rescue service. Professor of Toronto College 1 of 4 lost on underwater exploration seeks help and tells of their misadventure; Charles Jaimet - speaks to some length, as he knew the professor; Ralph Christianson - comes also; Bertram - closes the meeting.