Graphic Services fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
95-12-20 Mary Anne Jantzi, Conference Centre. File December 6, 1995
95-12-24 Peter Forsyth, Institute for Computer Research (ICR) and Computer Science. File December 13, 1995
95-12-26 Kim Marting, Institute for Computer Research (ICR) and Math Faculty Computing Facility (MFCF). File December 13, 1995
95-12-29 Adrian Pepper, Institute for Computer Research (ICR) and Math Faculty Computing Facility (MFCF). File December 13, 1995
96-01-06 Mark Ferrier, student running in Federation of Students elections. File January 8, 1996
96-01-09 Jim Wilson, student running in Federation of Students elections. File January 9, 1996
96-01-13 Mahim Manchandra, student running in Federation of Students elections. File January 10, 1996
96-01-18 Wanda Speek (Human Resources) processing Special Early Retirement Program (SERP) applications. File January 19, 1996
96-01-22 School of Accountancy - new professors, David Downie and Jennifer McMillan. File January 24, 1996
96-01-31 Hagey Bonspiel promo photo in Columbia Icefield (CIF) arena with Ponce. File January 31, 1996
96-01-32 Engineering: Institute of Risk Research - staff photos. File January 26, 1996
96-02-12 Pascal Lecturer, Peter Levi and John North, English Department - book signing in Rare Book Room. File February 8, 1996
96-02-15 ACM Programming team. File February 9, 1996
96-02-17 Professor Rudolph Seviora with grad student in Bell Reliability Lab in the Davis Centre. File February 13, 1996
96-02-18 Student Mail Callers in the Office of Development call centre, South Campus Hall. File February 13, 1996
96-02-22 Peter Sprung, Data Processing. File February 19, 1996
96-02-23 Ming Li, Computer Science. File February 20, 1996
96-02-24 Math Competition Committees - group photos. File February 24, 1996
96-03-03 Conrad Grebel College art donation. File March 5, 1996
96-03-04 School of Accountancy - tee shirt and hats advertisement. File March 13, 1996
96-03-05 School of Accountancy - Harper Award presentation. File March 13, 1996
96-03-06 Stuart MacKinnon, Library. File March 13, 1996
96-03-07 Campus Day events. File March 7, 1996
96-03-09 Joe Wyatt, Fine Arts, Curator. File March 19, 1996
96-03-11 Bud Walker, Data Processing. File March 21, 1996
96-03-14 Bruce Mitchell, Geography. File March 21, 1996
96-03-16 George and Ruth Priddle, Geography and Dance. File March 20, 1996
96-03-17 Math Work Report winners. File March 26, 1996
96-04-07 Burton Empey, Graduate Students Association (GSA) President. File April 10, 1996
96-04-08 Special Early Retirement Program (SERP) - Library group. File April 11, 1996
96-04-12 Jeff Miller, Athletics Hall of Fame. File April 12, 1996
96-04-20 Co-operative Education and Career Services (CECS) Burt Barber viewing ceremony at the University Club. File April 18, 1996
96-04-24 Carolyn MacGregor, Systems Design Engineering. File April 22, 1996
96-04-27 Conrad Grebel College - installation ceremony for John Toews. File April 21, 1996
96-04-34 Energy forum displays in the Davis Centre. File April 23, 1996
96-04-35 Economic Development Program - Year 1 group photo. File April 28, 1996
96-04-37 Registrar's Office - group photo. File April 30, 1996
96-04-38 Plant Operations - ground section group photo. File April 20, 1996
96-05-11 Susan Bird, external. File May 10, 1996
96-05-18 Sarah Kennedy, Co-operative Education and Career Services (CECS). File May 15, 1996
96-05-20 Kim Getty, Science Valedictorian. File May 17, 1996
96-05-23 Co-op Director Bruce Lumsden with Associate Directors Keith Kenning and Dave Thomas. File May 23, 1996
96-05-25 Convocation - Arts. File May 23, 1996
96-05-30 Convocation - Math. File May 25, 1996
96-05-34 School of Accountancy - Ecklar Medal winner. File May 25, 1996
96-05-36 Audrey Wipper, Sociology. File May 28, 1996
96-05-37 Engineering: Watmat brochure images - labs and facilities. File May 30, 1996
96-05-38 Graphics: retirement potluck for Dave Bartholomew, Dick Bechtel and Bob Neal. File May 27, 1996
96-05-39 Development: President's Committee spring event. File May 29, 1996
96-05-43 Julie Kalbfleisch (nee Primeau), Federation of Students, Vice President, Internal. File May 13, 1996
96-06-01 Community Campaign picnic. File June 4, 1996
96-06-03 Barbara Bulman-Flemming, Psychology. File June 4, 1996
96-06-15 Josef Paldus, Applied Math. File June 10, 1996
96-06-18 Laura Musselman, Science international exchange student for admissions brochure. File June 10, 1996
96-06-22 Co-op Education: Needles Hall site photos and student advisors group photo. File June 14, 1996
96-06-25 Canadian Math Competition Awards Banquet. File June 13, 1996
96-06-26 Canadian Math Society Awards at Renison College. File June 11, 1996
96-06-28 Brent Wooton, Independent Studies student for admissions brochure. File June 19, 1996
96-06-29 Larry Martin, School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP). File June 19, 1996
96-06-32 Optometry - clinics and site photos. File June 25, 1996
96-06-37 Sim Lab site photos - Engineering graduate brochure cover. File June 26, 1996
96-06-47 John Cullen, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-48 Scott Davis, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-49 Louis Pinaud, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-50 Chris Engel, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-53 Virginia Sparrow, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-57 David Everest, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-58 Pennie Schrader, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-64 John Westlake, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-65 Wendy Moore, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-68 Alnoor Karsan, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-71 Larry Bricker, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-73 Daniel Beaupre, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-75 Ruth Parker, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-06-78 Colin Ross, Co-op Education. File June 28, 1996
96-07-02 Jock Mackay, Institute for Improvement in Quality and Productivity (IIQP). File July 2, 1996
96-07-04 Hong Wu, grad student, Electrical and Computer Engineering. File July 2, 1996
96-07-07 Gemma Mendez-Smith, School of Accountancy. File July 8, 1996
96-07-10 Rebecca Boyd, Athletics. File July 8, 1996
96-07-15 Rob Good, Math Faculty Computing Facility (MFCF). File July 9, 1996
96-07-19 Donna Ellis, Teaching Resources and Continuing Education (TRACE). File July 12, 1996
96-07-20 Ken Smith, Civil Engineering. File July 15, 1996
96-07-21 Office of Research - individual and group portraits. File July 4, 1996
96-07-24 Engineering Work Report winners. File July 9, 1996
96-07-25 Mechanical Engineering - air conditioner test facility in Engineering 3 - Roydon Fraser research. File July 16, 1996
96-07-28 Tree dedication by School of Accountancy retirees group. File July 16, 1996
96-07-29 Lucille Bish, Engineering alumna. File July 19, 1996
96-07-32 Morley Lemon, School of Accountancy. File July 18, 1996
96-07-34 Leonard Enns, Conrad Grebel College. File July 23, 1996
96-07-45 Finance students, School of Accountancy. File July 25, 1996
96-08-01 Samatica site photos - Guelph. File August 2, 1996
96-08-04 Gordon Cormack, Computer Science. File August 8, 1996
96-08-05 Phillippe Beldowski, Math Faculty Computing Facility (MFCF). File August 14, 1996
96-08-07 Gerry Sullivan and family biking on campus for Office of Development brochure. File August 15, 1996
96-08-16 John Heikkila, Biology. File August 27, 1996
96-08-22 Harman Vanverheide, Science Shop. File August 27, 1996
96-08-25 Ivan Frola, Science Shop. File August 27, 1996
96-08-29 Dave Rieder, Science Shop. File August 1996
96-09-01 New baby in the house - Curators of the Brubacher Farm House Museum. File September 4, 1996
96-09-04 Frosh week activities. File September 4, 1996
Results 2301 to 2400 of 3097