Graphic Services fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
01-05-18 Kim Langlois, Purchasing. File May 17, 2001
01-05-22 Marianne Grau, Purchasing. File May 17, 2001
01-05-25 Joanne Wood, Psychology. File May 23, 2001
01-06-08 Terry Hollands, Mechanical Engineering. File June 8, 2001
01-06-12 Stephen Teeple, Environmental Studies Alumni Achievement award. File June 13, 2001
01-06-15 W.B. Pearson Medals. File June 15, 2001
01-06-17 Linda Norton, Director, Graphics. File 2001
01-06-31 Joel Kammitzer, Math Alumni Gold Medal winner. File June 16, 2001
01-06-37 Burt Matthews Golf Classic team photos. File June 18, 2001
01-06-40 Anwar Hasan, Electrical and Computer Engineering. File June 19, 2001
01-06-41 Marek S. Odzienkowski, Earth Sciences. File June 19, 2001
01-06-43 Koorus Bookam, Centre for Learning and Teaching Through Technology (LT3). File June 20, 2001
01-06-45 John Thompson, Centre for Learning and Teaching Through Technology (LT3). File June 20, 2001
01-06-49 Andrew Chappell, Centre for Learning and Teaching Through Technology (LT3). File June 20, 2001
01-06-56 Karen Majvary, Food Services. File 2001
01-06-62 Retirement reception for Ron Scoins, Faculty of Mathematics. File June 21, 2001
01-06-65 Co-operative Education and Career Services (CECS) groundbreaking and reception. File June 26, 2001
01-06-70 Math profile shots - stage three view book. File June 8, 2001
01-07-07 Marta Poterski, Centre for Learning and Teaching Through Technology (LT3). File July 5, 2001
01-07-22 Mike Knell, St. Paul's University College. File July 18, 2001
01-07-23 Scott Perry, Human Resources. File July 19, 2001
01-07-26 Lisa Colling, Co-op Education. File July 26, 2001
01-07-28 Grad portrait - Stephanie Jacques. File 2001
01-07-31 Grad portrait - Sadiq Olayinka. File 2001
01-08-06 Special Constable group, University of Waterloo Police. File August 16, 2001
01-08-15 Grad portrait - Charles Xu, Jennifer Zhao. File 2001
01-09-02 Brian Dixon, Biology. File September 5, 2001
01-09-04 Pat Graf, Co-operative Education and Career Services (CECS). File September 4, 2001
01-09-07 Jessica Jones, Co-op Education. File September 4, 2001
01-09-10 Jennifer Stolz, Psychology. File September 6, 2001
01-09-11 Christof Zalka, Combinatorics and Optimization. File September 7, 2001
01-09-25 Pierre Dube, French Department, Distinguished Teachers Award (DTA). File September 19, 2001
01-09-30 Jim Bookbinder, Management Sciences. File September 20, 2001
01-09-36 Jose Arocha, Health Studies and Gerontology. File September 21, 2001
01-09-38 Tom Yoder Neufeld, Conrad Grebel University College. File September 27, 2001
01-09-41 Guang Gong, Electrical and Computer Engineering. File September 6, 2001
01-10-01 Mary McColl, Institute for Computer Research (ICR). File October 2, 2001
96-12-11 High school annual federal / provincial simulation. File December 5, 1996
96-12-19 Paul Horton, Co-op Education. File December 17, 1996
96-12-21 Roger Green, Civil Engineering. File December 18, 1996
96-12-22 Robert Leroy, Chemistry. File December 17, 1996
96-12-23 David Blowes, Earth Sciences. File December 17, 1996
97-01-05 Amanda Mountain, Student Career Advisor (SCA), Co-op Education. File January 7, 1997
97-01-07 Andrew Kwak, Student Career Advisor (SCA), Co-op Education. File January 7, 1997
97-01-16 Staff Association cheque presentation. File January 22, 1997
97-02-05 John Cherry, Earth Sciences. File February 5, 1997
97-02-07 Annette Dietrich, Systems Design. File February 13, 1997
97-02-11 Systems Design banquet and groups. File February 8, 1997
97-02-12 Ioannis Chatzis, Chemical Engineering. File February 12, 1997
97-02-26 Athletics: track and tennis teams. File February 27, 1997
97-02-40 Gisela Brude-Firnau, Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures. File February 10, 1997
97-03-02 Warriors vs. Western basketball. File March 1, 1997
97-03-05 Ed Sudicky, Earth Sciences. File March 3, 1997
97-03-08 Katherine Hare, Pure Math. File March 4, 1997
97-03-10 Stan Chang, co-op student. File March 5, 1997
97-03-11 Arnold Snyder, Conrad Grebel College. File March 7, 1997
97-03-14 Hildi Froese Tiessen, Conrad Grebel College. File March 12, 1997
97-03-17 Catherine Gebotys, Electrical and Computer Engineering. File March 11, 1997
97-03-18 Ken Hull, Conrad Grebel College. File March 13, 1997
97-03-19 Roydon Fraser, Mechanical Engineering. File March 13, 1997
97-03-20 Hugh Kerr, Mechanical Engineering. File March 13, 1997
97-03-22 Tina Roberts, Registrar's Office. File March 17, 1997
97-03-27 Davis Library study carrels. File March 18, 1997
97-03-28 Psychology Daycare Centre - Ann Marie Gillen with children. File March 20, 1997
97-03-32 Engineering Work Report winners. File March 18, 1997
97-03-33 Surprise luncheon for University Registrar C. Trevor Boyes. File March 21, 1997
97-03-35 Donna O'Brecht, Electrical and Computer Engineering office. File March 21, 1997
97-03-37 John Jaray and Mike Kropf, Receiving, Central Stores. File March 21, 1997
97-03-39 Patti Cook, Waste Management. File March 24, 1997
97-03-41 Distance Education tape duplication. File March 25, 1997
97-03-44 Academic All-Canadian athlete: Dorri Sepanta - cross country. File March 24, 1997
97-04-02 Seagram Museum display. File April 2, 1997
97-04-04 Jason Levy, Systems Design. File April 3, 1997
97-04-05 Dr. Elmer Leslie Matyas, Civil Engineering. File April 1, 1997
97-04-06 Conrad Hewitt, Math, Distinguished Teacher Award (DTA). File April 4, 1997
97-04-07 Homero Hernandez, Planning student in Environmental Studies 2 studio. File April 4, 1997
97-04-08 Working Centre group outside downtown Kitchener storefront. File April 4, 1997
97-04-16 Howard Armitage, Accounting, Arts, Distinguished Teacher Award (DTA). File April 7, 1997
97-04-22 Math Work Report award winners. File April 9, 1997
97-04-23 Mary Bales, Board of Governors, location portrait at Mary's Place women's shelter. File April 9, 1997
97-04-28 Conrad Grebel College - annual baccalaureate group photo of graduating students. File April 13, 1997
97-04-32 Lynette Hoyles tending to plants in the Biology greenhouse. File April 15, 1997
97-04-47 Geoff Trueman, Co-op Education. File April 22, 1997
97-04-49 Linda Schnoll, Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literature. File April 24, 1997
97-04-51 Economic Development Year 1 group photo. File April 27, 1997
97-04-54 Mark Byerby, Athletics. File April 29, 1997
97-05-01 Scott Inwood, Technology Transfer and Licensing Office (TTLO). File May 1, 1997
97-05-02 Village Dons - ID and group photo. File May 2, 1997
97-05-10 Jim Barker, Earth Sciences. File May 9, 1997
97-05-13 President's Forum on Scholarly Communication. File May 5, 1997
97-05-14 Kirsten Stanger, Co-op Education. File May 12, 1997
97-05-15 Gushan Lodhi, Health Services. File May 12, 1997
97-05-16 David Johnson, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering. File May 12, 1997
97-05-22 Graphics survey winner - Karen Ford. File May 15, 1997
97-05-28 President Jim Downey: luncheon with Alexander Raab and family at the University Club. File May 22, 1997
97-05-29 French contest winners group photo and French Department group photo. File May 22, 1997
97-05-31 Harry Panjer, Statistics. File May 27, 1997
97-05-32 Bill Tutte, retired Math faculty. File May 28, 1997
97-05-35 Convocation - Arts. File May 29, 1997
97-06-04 Phil Eastman, Physics. File June 1, 1997
Results 2001 to 2100 of 3097