Grand River Conservation Authority fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
20 Current programs and activities of the Grand River Conservation Authority, 1991 to 1992. File 1992
26 Minute Book no. 1, April 20, 1934 to May 27, 1938. File 1934-1938
28 Minute Book no. 3, February 27, 1942 to November 14, 1945. File 1942-1945
34 Minute Book no. 9, September 30, 1962 to December 31, 1964. File 1962-1964
40 Minutes, February 10, 1954 to April 27, 1956. File 1954-1956
45 Executive Committee : minutes, August 25, 1965 to May 12, 1966. File 1965-1966
46 Minutes, 1947 to December, 1949. File 1947-1949
53 Minutes, 1959. File 1959
57 Minutes, 1963. File 1963
59 Minutes, 1965. File 1965
65 Minutes, 1970. File 1970
71 Minutes, January to June, 1975. File 1975
76 Minutes, July to December, 1977. File 1977
79 Minutes, January to June, 1979. File 1979
80 Minutes, July to December, 1979. File 1979
81 Minutes, January to June, 1980. File 1980
88 Minutes, July to December, 1983. File 1983
98 Minutes, January to June, 1990. File 1990
99 Minutes, July to December, 1990. File 1990
104 Minutes, January to June, 1993. File 1993
110 Minutes, January to June, 1996. File 1996
111 Minutes, July to December, 1996. File 1996
112 Minutes, January to June, 1997. File 1997
114 Minutes, January to June, 1998. File 1998
121 Minutes, July to December, 2001. File 2001
130 Annual Meeting, 1975 : budget information. File 1975
136 Annual Meeting, 1981 : budget information. File 1981
137 Annual Meeting, 1982 : budget information. File 1982
138 Annual Meeting, 1983 : budget information. File 1983
147 Strategy Committee : working papers. File 1990
145b Long Range Planning Committee : Community Relations Division information and education. File [1973?]
148 Assessment of municipalities benefiting by the works of the Grand River Conservation Commission, July 31, 1939. File 1939
155 Grand River Conservation Authority : conservation caravan driving tours. File [197-]
158 Grand River Conservation Authority : speakers' kits. File [after 1974]
163 Grand River Conservation Authority : various official opening and ceremony programs. File 1972-[1984]
165 Pinehurst Lake Conservation Area opening : clippings. File 1955
173 Flood bulletin, 1969-71. File 1969-1971
177 Planning for flood emergencies : meetings. File 1977
179 Flood warning messages, March, 1977. File 1977
180 Flood bulletins and system : general correspondence. File 1978-1980
184 Flood warning systems and operations, 1981. File 1981
185 Grand River flood warning system, 1982. File 1981-1982
15 Administration : Flood Inquiry, 1974 Series 1974
191 Ministry of Natural Resources : Commission of Inquiry into the nature, extent and cause of flooding of the Grand River, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1974 : hearing, July 9, 1974. File 1974
192 Ministry of Natural Resources : Commission of Inquiry into the nature, extent and cause of flooding of the Grand River, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1974 : hearing, July 10, 1974. File 1974
193 Ministry of Natural Resources : Commission of Inquiry into the nature, extent and cause of flooding of the Grand River, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1974 : hearing , July 11, 1974. File 1974
194 Ministry of Natural Resources : Commission of Inquiry into the nature, extent and cause of flooding of the Grand River, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1974 : hearing, July 12, 1974. File 1974
208 Ministry of Natural Resources : Commission of Inquiry into the nature, extent and cause of flooding of the Grand River, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1974 : hearing, September 4, 1974. File 1974
216 Ministry of Natural Resources : Commission of Inquiry into the nature, extent and cause of flooding of the Grand River, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1974 : hearing, September 25, 1974. File 1974
219 Ministry of Natural Resources : Commission of Inquiry into the nature, extent and cause of flooding of the Grand River, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1974 : hearing, October 2, 1974. File 1974
221 Ministry of Natural Resources : Commission of Inquiry into the nature, extent and cause of flooding of the Grand River, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1974 : hearing, October 15, 1974. File 1974
230 Ministry of Natural Resources : Commission of Inquiry into the nature, extent and cause of flooding of the Grand River, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1974 : hearing, November 13, 1974. File 1974
231 Ministry of Natural Resources : Commission of Inquiry into the nature, extent and cause of flooding of the Grand River, May 16th, 17th and 18th, 1974 : hearing, November 14, 1974. File 1974
232 Flood inquiry, May, 1974. File 1968-1980
233 Submissions of the Grand River Conservation Authority to the Commission of Inquiry into the Nature, Extent and Cause of Flooding on the Grand River on May 16th to 18th, 1974. File 1974
234 Flood Inquiry, 1974. File 1948-1980
18 Administration : Summer Student Employment Programs Series 1972-1980
258 William H. Breithaupt : letter to William Philip, June 20, 1932. File 1932
260 Report on Grand River conservation project. File 1933
262 William H. Breithaupt and Grand River Control. File [19--]
265 Ontario : Department of Public Works : agreement covering final contribution towards the Grand River conservation scheme, March 3, 1943. File 1943
266 Marsville, Ont. : graph showing total rainfall and snowfall for April, 1947. File 1947
270 Grand River Conservation Commission Secretary : correspondence from J. P. Bruce, Hydrometeorologist, November 7, 1956. File 1956
279 Letter to E.F. Roberts, Secretary, GRCC from J.H. Matthews, Architect, Beatty Bros., June 22, 1948 re dam on company property in Fergus. File 1948
282 Letter to Ilmar Kao, Manager, GRCC, from G.M. Coutts, Grand Valley Conservation Authority, June 15, 1961 re Soil Conservation Society meeting. File 1961
1200 Shand Dam and Belwood Lake Conservation Area, also Conestogo Dam. File [19--]
1205 Trip to USA : Tennessee Valley Authority. File [197-?]
1210 Whiteman's Creek streambank erosion control. File 1957-1961
1212 Black and white photo file guide. File [19--]
1216 Brant Conservation Area. File 1928
1217 Byng Island Conservation Area. File 1974-2000
1225 Hanlon Creek Conservation Area. File 1974
1226 La Fortune Conservation Area. File 1985, 1987
1234 Other Properties. File 1986-1987
1236b Miscellaneous, 1994. File 1973-1994
1237 Grand Valley Conservation Foundation. File 1970-2000
1239 Taquanyah Nature Centre. File 1972-1989
1246 Historical sites (file 2 of 2). File 1982-1991
1247 Plants and vegetation.. File [196-]-1992
1248 Woodstock (1979) & Grand Valley (1985) Tornados (file 1 of 2). File 1979
1254 Untitled folder. File [19--]
1256 Hurricane Hazel. File 1954
1257 Maps, graphs, charts, signs, exhibits (file 1 of 2). File 1973-1985
1260 Recreation (file 1 of 3). File [196-]-[1981?]
1261 Recreation (file 2 of 3). File 1982-1985
1264 Untitled folder. File [198-], 1988
1268 Staff (file 4 of 5). File [1987?]
1269 Staff (file 5 of 5). File [1988?]-2001
1274 Sweep Students/Experience. File 1972-1985
1275 Dams: Apps Mill Dam. File [1925?]-[1930?]
1279 Dams: Byng Dam. File [198-?]
1283 Dams: Damascus Dam. File 1979-1984
1284 Dams: Dunnville Dam. File 1974-1995
1287 Dams: Guelph Dam. File 1974-1986
1289 Dams: Miscellaneous Dams. File 1982, 1988
1293 Dams: Rockwood Dam. File 1973
1299 Dams: Wilke’s Dam. File [19--]
1303 Channel and stream improvements : Brantford. File 1980-1990
1307 Channel and stream improvements : Elmira. File [197-?]
1317 Channel and stream improvements : Tutela Heights. File 1973
Results 1301 to 1400 of 2162