- Richmond Hill
- Ridgeville
- Rio de Janeiro
- Rivers
- Riverside
- Rochester
- Rockton
- Rockwood
- Rogers
- Roman Empire
- Romania
- Rome
- Roquefort
- Rosebank
- Rosemont
- Roseville
- Rostock
- Russia
- Saint John
- Saint-Antonin-Notre Val
- Saint-Jérôme
- Saint-Michel-de-Bellechasse
- Salon-de-Provence
- Salt Springs
- Salzburg
- San Francisco
- San Sebastián
- Sankt Johann im Pongau
- Santa Monica
- Sao Paulo
- Sardis
- Sarnia
- Saskatchewan
- Saskatoon
- Sassari
- Sauble Beach
- Sauble River
- Saugus
- Sault Ste. Marie
- Savanne
- Scarborough
- Scotland
- Sedgewick
- Sète
- Shakespeare
- Shanghai
- Shanty Bay
- Sharon
- Sheenboro
- Shelburne
- Sherbrooke
- Shinano
- Simcoe
- Singapore
- Sisak
- Sisteron
- Smiths Falls
- South Africa
- South America
- South Carolina
- South River
- Southampton
- Southampton (UK)
- Southport
- Spain
- Speedside
- St. Agatha
- St. Alban's
- St. Catharines
- St. Clements
- St. Jacobs
- St. John's
- St. Louis
- St. Mary’s
- St. Thomas
- Stellarton
- Stockholm
- Stratford
- Stroud
- Sturbridge
- Stuttgart
- Summerville
- Sunnyvale
- Surrey
- Sutton
- Sweden
- Swift Current
- Switzerland
- Sybaris
- Syracuse
- Syria
- Taiwan
- Taranto
- Tarascon
- Tarbes
- Tecumseh
- Temagami
- Tenedos
- Tennessee
- Texas
Results 501 to 600 of 673
Cape Town
- Africa
- South Africa
- Cape Town
Scope note(s)
Source note(s)
Display note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Cape Town
BT South Africa
Cape Town
Equivalent terms
Cape Town
Associated terms
Cape Town
1 Archival description results for Cape Town
1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
- 1
Broader term
- South Africa
No. narrower terms
- 0