Sound Recordings



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  • Any audio recording regardless of form.

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Sound Recordings

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Sound Recordings

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Sound Recordings

484 Archival description results for Sound Recordings

484 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Rescue by Tom.

One audio reel recording. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following description for the reel: "Rescue by Tom."

Lacey, Thomas

Rev. Schnieder.

One audio reel recording. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following descriptions for each side of the reel:

Side A. Address to Kitchener; Kiwanis [?]; [Oct. 23/56?]; organ music by Otto Smith "Golden Hour."

Side B. Misc - Christmas; organ music - Otto Smith- "yes Virginia"; Memorial service for Arthur O'Neil chairman of the Kitchener Separate School Board [perhaps his actual funeral].

Original envelope reads "Latter part Rev. Schnieder."

Lacey, Thomas

Sommers lecture at Stratford Summer Music Festival : my passion & my profession.

File consists of materials created and accumulate by Tony Urquhart relating to his delivery of the Sommers lecture at the Stratford Summer Music Festival titled "My Passion & My Profession." Includes a cassette of music to accompany the talk, a brochure of the festival, handwritten notes by Urquhart on the talk and one item of correspondence from the festival.

Urquhart, Tony

Stasia Evasuk.

Two recordings of Donna Jean MacKinnon interviewing Stasia Evasuk. Interview was originally recorded in two mini-cassette tapes.

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Stormthrower audiotapes.

Cassette tapes with recordings of Julia McCarthy reading poems from Stormthrower recorded while she was living in Alaska. Although the book Stormthrower was published once McCarthy moved to Nova Scotia, she wrote most of the poems while she was living in Alaska.

McCarthy, Julia


Cassette tape with a CBC logo and the handwritten label STS-74.

Dotto, Lydia

The Grasshopper : technological future.

File consists of one audio cassette with recordings by Bernard Suits on technological future with reference to Suits' book "The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia."

Suits, Bernard

The Grasshopper presentation.

File consists of one audio cassette with recordings by Bernard Suits of a presentation on his book "The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia" and a follow up book.

Suits, Bernard

Training records.

File consists of material relating to management and leadership. Includes research reports, photocopied material from workshops, a pamphlet, a memorandum, and other material.

Dixon, Ross

Tropical rain forest.

Contains one audio cassette recording of tropical rain forest sounds including bird calls.

Dare Foods Limited

Underground to Canada.

File consists of two typescripts (original, 74 leaves) of a CBC radio drama adaptation of Underground to Canada. Also includes one audio cassette of the program.

Smucker, Barbara

Various interviews.

Microcassettes with interviews of David Williams, Marc Garneau, Chris Hadfield, Dane Russo, and Wendell Mendell.

Dotto, Lydia

Various interviews.

CD with interviews of Kate Bradshaw, Barry Fowler, Gary Gray, Doug Hamilton, Kate Lines, Steve Roberts, Bob Thirsk, and Dave Williams.

Dotto, Lydia

Violin effect give me the faith.

One audio reel recording of séances held under the supervision of medium Thomas Lacey. A handwritten note on the original audio reel box provides the following description for the reel: "Violin effect give me the faith."

Lacey, Thomas

Wallfahrt nach Maria Randa.

Side 1: Wallfahrt nach Maria Radna-1. Teil [Pilgrimage to Maria Radna - Part 1]. by "Heiliges Herz" choir, chorus with pipe organ.
Side 2: Wallfahrt nach Maria Radna-2. Teil [Pilgrimage to Maria Radna - Part 2]. by "Heiliges Herz" choir, chorus with pipe organ.

Welcoming remarks for French delegation.

File consists of an audio reel containing two recordings in French of welcoming remarks for a French delegation visiting Electrohome, and a personal greeting for Carl A. Pollock.


Results 401 to 484 of 484