Level of description
Digital object |
280 |
Brief to Stuart Smith Inquiry, 1990. |
File |
1988-1991 |
284 |
Project with Elaine Borins re universitiy women, 1991. |
File |
1991 |
289 |
Should science be feminized? |
File |
1991-1992 |
291 |
Simon Fraser University, March 1991. |
File |
1991 |
293 |
Interviews [with] scientists re bias : race, sex, 1991. |
File |
1991 |
294 |
University resistance to feminism (academic freedom), 1991. |
File |
1991 |
295 |
Language ethics talk, 1991. |
File |
1991 |
299 |
Quest : graduate students want results : request file and summary, 1991. |
File |
1991 |
302a |
Graduate [female] students questionnaires, 1991-1993. |
File |
1991-1993 |
304 |
Sexism at University of Waterloo speech, 1992. |
File |
1992 |
307 |
Feminism reviled : academic non-freedom at Canadian universities, 1992. |
File |
1991-1992 |
308 |
Publishing of academic feminist research, 1992. |
File |
1992 |
314 |
Memories of my father : Queen's Quarterly 101, no. 1 (1994) : 79-91. |
File |
1994 |
317 |
Women and biological names, 1995-1997. |
File |
1995-1997 |
323 |
My first year in Integrated Studies (1978-79) and a chronology of the history of the Integrated / Independent Studies Program University of Waterloo. |
File |
1999 |
14 |
Women and Universities |
Series |
1973-1999 |
328 |
Status of women, 1977. |
File |
1977 |
331 |
Problems for PhDs, 1979. |
File |
1979 |
333 |
Status of women, 1980. |
File |
1980-1981 |
337 |
Status of women, 1984. |
File |
1984 |
343 |
Women's museum : displays, 1986. |
File |
1986 |
347 |
Status of women, 1987. |
File |
1987 |
358 |
Irvine : Jack and Jill and employment equity. |
File |
1991 |
369 |
Ken Westhues case, 1994-1996. |
File |
1994-1996 |
379 |
Writers' Union of Canada : academic publishing, 1981-1982. |
File |
1981-1982 |
380 |
Survey : discrimination vs. women authors : Writers' Union of Canada report and raw data, 1982-1984. |
File |
1982-1988 |
383 |
Writers' Union of Canada : repercussions to [women] discrimination report, around 1984-1989. |
File |
[198-] |
386 |
Language Alert Newsletter : correspondence : meeting origins. |
File |
1982-1991 |
16 |
Voices of Authority, The Feminine Gaze, and Early Canadian Women Non-Fiction Writers |
Series |
1981-2003 |
391 |
Voices of authority : Journal of Canadian Studies. |
File |
1988-1992 |
394 |
Book ms. re University of Toronto & Aid to Scholarly Publications (ASPP). |
File |
1996-1998 |
395 |
Pre-final drafts : Feminine Gaze. |
File |
1998 |
398 |
Rejected possible cover for The Feminine Gaze [untitled]. |
File |
[1999?] |
6 |
Zoological correspondence, general and miscellaneous 1954-1962. |
File |
1954-1962 |
10 |
Zoological correspondence, general and miscellaneous 1976-1977. |
File |
1976-1977 |
16 |
1967 : Natural Science 101, University of Guelph. |
File |
1966-1967 |
18 |
Unfair firing, University of Guelph, 1971-1972. |
File |
1970-1973 |
22 |
Dagg vs WLU case, 1978. |
File |
1978 |
23 |
Dagg vs WLU case, 1979 and on. |
File |
1979-1981 |
28 |
Maps : project with Sam, 1980. |
File |
1974-1980 |
5 |
Files Related to Zoological Books by Anne Innis Dagg. |
Series |
1950-1994 |
31 |
Canadian wildlife and man. |
File |
1974 |
34 |
Canadian wildlife and man : correspondence and later sales. |
File |
1971-1982 |
3 |
Native reserve near Peddie |
Item |
1956-1957 |
8 |
Waterhole in KNP with egrets, impala, wart hogs + baboons |
Item |
1956-1957 |
9 |
? in Kruger Park |
Item |
1956-1957 |
12 |
[Giraffe in tree filled bush] |
Item |
1956-1957 |
17 |
[Giraffes in fenced enclosure] |
Item |
[1956-1957] |
28 |
Quebec zoo llamas |
Item |
37 |
Giraffe book : distribution letters. |
File |
1959-1974 |
42 |
Camel quest : York Publishing. |
File |
1973-1983 |
47 |
Photos for camel book. |
File |
[197-?] |
51 |
Locomotion studies. |
File |
1968-1979 |
52 |
Giraffe behaviour in Transvaal paper 1958, 1957-1958. |
File |
1957-1961 |
58 |
Taronga zoo ungulates, proposed book on, 1968. |
File |
1968-1970 |
60 |
Pollution probe, c. 1970 and 1978. |
File |
1970-1978 |
70 |
Attitudes to urban wildlife, 1973-1974. |
File |
1973 |
78 |
Homosexual behaviour in mammals and female male mounting, 1984. |
File |
1982-1985 |
86 |
Otter Press sales. |
File |
1975-2001 |
89 |
Mammals of Waterloo and South Wellington counties. |
File |
1970-1995 |
90 |
Mammals of Ontario : production. |
File |
1973-1977 |
93 |
Wildlife management in Europe book : correspondence re content of book, 1977. |
File |
1974-1977 |
103 |
Harems and other horrors, 1983. |
File |
1983-1989 |
109 |
Accepted ms. of MisEducation. |
File |
1988 |
110 |
MisEducation : general information. |
File |
1975-1988 |
113 |
Traditional disciplines (MisEducation). |
File |
1981-1988 |
114 |
Female dominated disciplines (MisEducation). |
File |
1985-1987 |
120 |
University sports and women. |
File |
1983-1988 |
122 |
Sexual assault. |
File |
1984-1987 |
123 |
Reviews of MisEducation etc. |
File |
1988-1990 |
130 |
Harold Adams Innis monies from CANcopy / Access / royalties. |
File |
1999-2003 |
133 |
University of Toronto Archives re Harold Adams Innis. |
File |
1985-1993 |
134 |
Harold Adams Innis as remembered by Mary Quayle Innis and son Hugh. |
File |
2002 |
138 |
"Harold Innis as naturalist" by Anne Innis Dagg. |
File |
1984-1985 |
139 |
Memories of my father, H. A. Innis, in Queen's Quarterly by Anne Innis Dagg. |
File |
1993-1994 |
140 |
Anne Innis Dagg's article, Memories of my father from Queen's Quarterly. |
File |
1994 |
10 |
User-Friendly University : What Every Student Should Know : [Publication Files] |
Series |
1992-1994 |
153 |
Manual and possible publishers : "User-friendly university". |
File |
1992-1994 |
147b |
"What universities teach" manuscript. |
File |
1993 |
154 |
General resources for two manuscripts. |
File |
1987-1994 |
156 |
Classism. |
File |
1991-1993 |
161 |
Engineering. |
File |
1991-1994 |
165 |
Feminism and education. |
File |
1982-1992 |
166 |
First year. |
File |
1993-1994 |
169 |
Knowledge. |
File |
1990-1991 |
177 |
Sexism / sexual harassment / sexual assault. |
File |
1988-1994 |
180 |
Teaching. |
File |
1989-1994 |
182 |
Women's studies. |
File |
1991-1993 |
186 |
50% solution : preparation, 1984-1986. |
File |
1984-1986 |
188 |
50% solution : chapter one. |
File |
1984 |
190 |
50% solution : preface. |
File |
1984-1985 |
194 |
50% solution : gatekeeping : funding. |
File |
1983-1985 |
196 |
50% solution : art in art galleries. |
File |
1983-1985 |
199 |
50% solution : gatekeeping : crafts. |
File |
1984-1990 |
201 |
50% solution : theatre and women. |
File |
1981-1991 |
203 |
50% solution : dance and women. |
File |
1984-1987 |
204 |
50% solution : gatekeeping : broadcasting. |
File |
1978-1995 |
206 |
50% solution : writing prose : stories / books. |
File |
1982-1997 |
207 |
50% solution : gatekeeping : prose statistics. |
File |
1980-1985 |
217 |
Sexual bias in biology, 1981. |
File |
1981 |