Anne Innis Dagg fonds. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
335 Status of women, 1982. File 1982
336 Status of women, 1983. File 1983-1984
339 Enginews, ca. 1985. File 1983-1988
341 Women's Research Inter-University Group, 1985. File 1985
342 Women's museum : organization. File 1986
346 Status of women, 1986. File 1986
352 Status of women, 1990. File 1990-1994
362 Barney Lawrence : documents re his sexism, yet given a Distinguished Teacher's Award, 1991. File 1991
366 Canadian Women's Studies Association : Annual General Meeting, 1993. File 1993
368 Status of women, 1994. File 1994
370 Equity debate at the University of Waterloo : Narveson, Brown, etc., 1994-1995. File 1994-1995
371 Status of women, 1995. File 1995
375 Status of women, 1998. File 1998
376 Status of women, 1999. File 1999
377 General Writers' Union business, 1974-1990. File 1990
378 Writers' Union of Canada : Library Committee, 1981-1982. File 1981-1982
384 Women Writers' Group, 1989. File 1989
390 Language Alert Newsletter : source material. File 1985-1993
396 The Feminine Gaze & Wilfrid Laurier Press. File 1999-2001
400 Women writers A-L. File 1988-2002
1 Correspondence on locomotion 1959 on. File 1959-1979
3 Lorraine Smith and Canadian Field Naturalist correspondence. File 1974-1990
3 Zoological Correspondence and Miscellany Series 1954-1994
7 Zoological correspondence, general and miscellaneous 1963-1969. File 1963-1969
9 Zoological correspondence, general and miscellaneous 1973-1975. File 1973-1975
14 Zoological correspondence, general, 1987-1999. File 1987-1994
17 Mammalogy : 1. characteristics, 2. distribution, University of Guelph, 1969. File 1969
19 Dagg vs WLU, 1974-1975. File 1968-1975
26 Environment issues and Oikos Associates, 1972 on. File 1972
36 Giraffe notes, original, 1957. File 1956-1957
2 Inside of old native kraal made of agave Item 1956-1957
4 Dassy's Krantz, Grahamstown Item 1956-1957
5 View of Grahamstown + location Item 1956-1957
14 [Alexander Matthew? standing next to large tree] Item 1956-1957
19 [Giraffe walking in grassland] Item [1956-1957]
29 Quebec zoo bison Item
43 Camel quest : reprinted by Otter Press, 1989. File 1976-1991
45 Camels : field notes. File 1972-1973
53 Giraffe : leaf analysis, 1959. File 1942-1960
55 Giraffe neck, Natural History, 1962. File 1961-1970
59 Wildlife survey : Dale Whitelock, 1969. File 1969-1979
63 Urine scent and behaviour : unpublished papers, c. 1970. File 1969-1970
66 Giraffe herd data, 1972. File 1966-1972
68 Gaits in mammals, 1973. File 1973
71 Wolverine study for Canadian Wildlife Service, c. 1974. File 1973-1975
82 Research on Canadian mammals, 1971-1986 : 1989. File 1988-1990
91 Mammals of Ontario : advertising and reviews. File 1975-1979
95 Wildlife management in Europe : advertising. File 1976-1978
98 Urban ecology book. File 1981-1983
101 76 terrific books about women, 1980. File 1980-1982
104 User-friendly university, 1994. File 1994-1997
106 Mammals of Ontario. File 1974
115 Women's studies : chapter 5, MisEducation. File 1984-1988
116 Research (MisEducation). File 1979-1987
117 Professors, administration, staff (MisEducation). File 1978-1987
124 Information post-MisEducation, 1987-1988. File 1987-1988
9 Harold A. Innis Series 1952-2003
128 Early diary of Harold Adams Innis, "outdoor study". File 1912-1913
131 Comments in literature re Harold Adams Innis. File 1968, 1990-2003
135 Family letters (Harold Adams Innis) from Sam, Hughena and Dick. File 1953-1986
137 Correspondence re Harold A. Innis Foundation. File 1972-1995
141 Publications regarding Harold A. Innis. File 1993, 2002
145 Innis' character (many letters etc). File 1991-1993
151 "What universities teach" and University of Toronto press. File 1992
155 Blacks / racism. File 1989-1995
157 Classroom inequity. File 1995
163 Feminists / female students. File 1988-1993
164 Feminist pedagogy. File 1987-1991
167 Funding. File 1993-1994
183 User-friendly university references. File [1994]
192 50% solution : standards. File 1984
210b Publications relating to Anne Innis Dagg's research for "The 50% solution". File 1971-1985
211 Gait in art, 1971. File 1971-1972
212 Our third-rate universities. File 1974
213 The male backlash (unpublished ms.), 1975. File 1975
222 Deceptions in Sociobiology and comment, 1982. File 1982
229 Sexual bias of animal literature, 1984. File 1984
231 Bad science : a case study, 1985. File 1985
233 The status of some Canadian [women] PhD scientists : questionnaires, 1985. File 1981-1985
236 Innis as naturalist : Harold Innis Foundation, 1985. File 1985
240 Talk on sexism in behavioural biology, 1986. File 1986
241 Public libraries and [women's] books, 1986. File 1986
248 Wanted : more books by women : Canadian Library Journal, 1987. File 1987
250 Women and wilderness correspondence, 1987. File 1987
257 Dirt and washingwomen, 1988. File 1988
260 Universities and women : for handbook, 1988. File 1988
262 Sexist language talk, 1988. File 1988
266 University of Manitoba : how to hire more women, 1989. File 1989
267 Discrimination vs [women] graduate students : talk to Graduate Deans, 1989. File 1989
276 Woman adventurers : a call to adventure, 1990. File 1990
278 Squeezing out graduate options : in University Affairs, 1990. File 1989-1990
298 Graduate students survey mechanics, 1991-1993. File 1991-1993
302b Graduate [female] students questionnaires, 1991-1993. File 1991-1993
305 Canadian voices of authority, 1992. File 1992
306 Science is better with women? : with Shelly Beauchamp, 1992. File 1992
311 Toward a feminist academy, 1993. File 1992-1993
312 Academic faculty wives and systemic discrimination : antinepotism and inbreeding, 1993. File 1993
315 Retired Canadian [women] scientists project, 1994. File 1994
316 Wildlife biology and [female] bias speech, 1995-1996. File 1995-1996
319 Misconstruction and Canadian art : never published, 1998. File 1995-1998
Results 101 to 200 of 453