Accession GA269 - Alpha Delta Kappa fonds : 2015 accrual.

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Alpha Delta Kappa fonds : 2015 accrual.

Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title from content of the accrual.

Level of description


Reference code


Dates of creation area


Physical description area

Physical description

1.43 m of textual records

Archival description area

Name of creator

Administrative history

Alpha Delta Kappa is an honorary sorority for women educators, founded in 1947 by Agnes Shipman Robertson, Marie Neal, Marion Southall and Hattie Poppino. Their aim was to recognize and support the professional efforts of women educators. Now an ... »

Scope and content

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by the Zeta Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa. Includes materials relating to the chapter activities as well as to those of Alpha Delta Kappa Ontario and International.

Notes area

Immediate source of acquisition

Donated by Alpha Delta Kappa in 2014 and 2015.


Arrangement follows that of the original finding aid so not all series numbers are present.

Arranged in series as follows:

1. Ontario Alpha Delta Kappa.
6. Alpha Delta Kappa;
7. Artifacts;
8. Ontario Beta Chapter;
11. Ontario Zeta Chapter.

Language of material

  • English

Access points