1998 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
98-387 Cancer Ride / Walk, Cambridge File June 14, 1998
98-389 Cancer Society kick-off - Kitchener city hall File April 1, 1998
98-390 Cannabis Carnival - Victoria Park Clock Tower File July 26, 1998
98-401 Car accident - Cherry blossom road File November 16, 1998
98-402 Car pooling - Alexandra Soares, Nancy Pauser File October 19, 1998
98-410 Car in river - near Conestogo File March 17, 1998
98-411 Cardy, Brian - Chym $100000 winner File November 13, 1998
98-413 Career Academy closes its doors File August 17, 1998
98-414 Career Carnival - at FHCI [Forest Heights Collegiate Institute] Rick Stahle & Lavoie File May 12, 1998
98-428 Carter, George - charged with attempted murder File July 30, 1998
98-433 Cathcart, Susan - bead maker File October 15, 1998
98-435 Caveney, Carolyn Peter - Peter Hep C Patient File November 23, 1998
98-447 Centre in the Square - faces in the crowd File October 14, 1998
98-448 Centre in the Square - Chinese Acrobats File October 15, 1998
98-451 Centreville Chicopee - Cops and Kids program File September 3, 1998
98-458 Chancellor's Summit – Wilfrid Laurier University File October 1, 1998
98-466 Charles Street - King Centre in Background File December 28, 1998
98-467 Chartrand, Dale - accused of child abuse File June 12, 1998
98-470 Chefs at 4-points - charity fund raiser File November 2, 1998
98-473 Chernusky, Johnnie - pilot looking for woman with ad File January 8, 1998
98-474 Cherry Soup - Food File July 6, 1998
98-478 Chicopee gets ready File December 4, 1998
98-479 Chicopee opens File December 23, 1998
98-482 Chicken Teriyaki - 30 minute miracle File December 11, 1998
98-485 Chicopee Ski Hill - snow boarders File December 9, 1998
98-488 Child car seat check - Const. Millie & Mrs. Nincevic File September 17, 1998
98-496 Church, Carol & parrots File November 9, 1998
98-506 Christmas lights, Victoria Park File November 28, 1998
98-507 Christmas gifts for gift page File November 10, 1998
98-511 Christmas tree / city hall File November 24, 1998
98-513 Cinema Under the Stars in Victoria Park File August 5, 1998
98-515 Citizen Police Academy, Sgt. Bob Gooding with polygraph File February 5, 1998
98-518 City Hall Skating Rink First Time Skating File December 14, 1998
98-523 City hall marriages File February 14, 1998
98-527 Civilian Police school File January 29, 1998
98-533 Clarke, Marilyn Vict. Hills Comm. Garden Pres. File April 2, 1998
Results 3501 to 3536 of 3536